Sterk bolt and t1x

Lol parts are made every 6 months, as well as Tactical works and Eurooptic carry stock, my 'soon' is not tomorrow, but 4-6 weeks as an estimate, depending on machining times (which are out of my control). It's not uncommon to wait for things in the gun industry - order a composite stock or similar and its not next day delivery.
Lucky for those that can't wait there appears to be other styles of handles for the t1x available. If my competitors manage to figure out how to do a swept ball for the t1x 'sooner' then I applaud them. Oh and at the same level of quality too.
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@cannoncrossfire I started to answer the OP a couple of days ago concerning the compatibility of bolt knobs and suggest that he unscrew the bolt handle off his T1x and compare it to his T3's he already has or compare it to the picture below and think through if it would work on his own while mentioning you were bring one to market but didn't because when I typed it out it did not seem "friendly" I read where it is wanted RFN (Right F'ing Now). If one applied similar critical thinking to if the T3 bolt handle would fit on a T1, it wouldn't be hard to figure out that a little drafting/solidworks modeling/ g-code generation is in order before a CNC lathe with live tooling can start spitting parts that will need additional secondary operations. While not insurmountable, this code generation takes a little time to generate and get right, cause NO One wants to crash tools into a chuck at 1100 Inches Per Minute on $100K plus of machinery but hey, it is way easier to ask self answerable questions or complain about availability of parts not yet in existence.

Let me know when they get to market, I will want several and it dang sure isn't worth me trying to make one myself, and 4-6 weeks should seem reasonable to anyone especially if the machinery and/or programmer is tied up with a "day job" that has to pay the bills

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Lol parts are made every 6 months, as well as Tactical works and Eurooptic carry stock, my 'soon' is not tomorrow, but 4-6 weeks as an estimate, depending on machining times (which are out of my control). It's not uncommon to wait for things in the gun industry - order a composite stock or similar and its not next day delivery.
Lucky for those that can't wait there appears to be other styles of handles for the t1x available. If my competitors manage to figure out how to do a swept ball for the t1x 'sooner' then I applaud them. Oh and at the same level of quality too.

Hahahah THis guy took the comment way wrong. I was giving you a verbal high five not complaining about the actual lead time. I am saying, basically I want it now because I love them. I have your swept bolts on two other guns. And if you would get off here, you could be making my bolt. So get to work so I can send you my money. By the way you have any swept bolt for a Sako 995.
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Well if you didn't mean to come across as 'soon is not soon enough, better not have to wait for a year', that's how I read it.
I totally missed any high-fives, but thanks. Glad you've been happy with the T3 swept ball handle, unfortunately the T1x uses a threaded handle, which means having a bent handle that screws in - is a reasonable design challenge. Also making it something that can be sent to someone on the other side of the world to install with little knowledge or tools is another challenge.
Thank you @skinnj1 you've hit the nail perfectly on the head. I welcome anyone that wants to give it a go. I literally asked every gun store within a 2 hour radius for a T1x before Christmas, and was lucky to find one and get the necessary paperwork done to get it in my hands quicker than some of those that were on wait lists. My Christmas holiday was then spent measuring, modelling (CAD), and 3d printing prototypes. The design is now ready for production, but machine shops are rarely sitting around waiting for work (good ones at least). I now have the usual lead-time wait, then the production time. I'm excited to release what i've got to offer, but I won't be showing anything off until they're ready to ship. Having the T3 swept ball handle copied taught me to not hand ideas straight to the competition *waves - hi guys*
I'd love to not have emails and requests that need replying to so I could be making your handles etc, but I see it as customer support and awareness - It sucks when you buy something and then something 'better' comes out, so this is a hint right now that something is coming.
Can't offer anything for the Sako M995 sorry, it's an angled handle that screws into the bolt body - and i'd need 50 guys all asking for it before i'd look into making it.
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Anyone have any luck getting one of these here in the US? Feels like they have been OOS everywhere for the past year.
Periodically check at Eurooptic. I signed up for notification but didn't get one. Saw here and instagram that he had finished a new batch and sure enough were shortly in stock.

No machining necessary, just more KRG parts. All stocks are interchangeable, so put an enclosed forend on it, and buy an X-Ray stock and put it on your t1x bravo. Not cost effective, but at one point I had a w3, an xray, two t3 bravos in CTR and AICS, and a T1x bravo. At that point it was just swapping parts around.
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