Steyr SSG 69 - Sling/Bipod Questions


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Apr 22, 2017
Scotia NY
Just picked up one of the last new Steyr SSG 69's from CDNN.

I know Steyr offers a nylon sling on their website, but I'm looking for a leather one instead. Does anyone know any information about sizing on these?

Also I've seen a few photo's, like this one here - 017.JPG

And 011.JPG

I know I can easily add a bipod to the bottom rail, but I really love how slick that setup is coming out of the front and how easy it is to pop on and off. Does anyone know how I can get my hands on this type of bipod?

Thanks for any and all help.
I have a SSG69 PII bought >20 years ago. Got spigot/handstop sling/bipod adapter from Steyr with Parker Hale bipod. Has steel feet not rubber pads like illustrated in your post.