Re: Stock and trigger options for Savage 93R17 FVSS?
Boyds for the stock (they are the OEM for Savage adn supply Stockys, etc). RifleBasix makes a replacement for both the accutrigger and non-accutrigger. Check in the rimfirecentral forum for Savage - there are howtos on doing your own trigger mods.
Biggest things I think is to ditch the F stock - get a BV, TR or BTV style ("target hunter", tacticool, or thumbhole) OR get a G/GV stock and use it as a template to make your own. Then get some "thick" bottom metal from DIP, savagegunsmithing, or a few other places. This will let you really set the torque on the action screws. Other than that, spend your money on good glass, and good ammo.