We had a 4 day Rifle/PR2 course in Northern NV a couple weeks ago. It included 2 night shoots. Prereqs for this course include completion of Handgun, Carbine, and PR courses from a reputable school. We had 12 graded events including the MEU(SOC) M4 qual (and same qual support side shooting); FBI handgun qual and other handgun evolutions; Transitions; Supported and unsupported shooting of AR and bolt gun; Land Nav with both map/compass and GPS; Locating and identifying snipers in open and in hide; Slicing corners and room entries with AR; Urban Hide lecture; Data Book lecture and use; Target ID and Range Estimation; Unknown Distance exercise; Range Card; Team Communication; Night Fire and room entries, night demo of NVS vs Thermal use; and other topics. The students were active/former military and LEO. It was a great time, and we hope to do this annually with alternate years in Northern and Southern Nevada.
Here are a couple video clips of some of the evolutions. Please excuse the quality of the $99 Nikon camera using video mode.
Video Links
Here are a couple video clips of some of the evolutions. Please excuse the quality of the $99 Nikon camera using video mode.
Video Links