Hi Frank & Chris, I really enjoyed this podcast. Frank's rant on bullet weight and consistency at range made me think I had a good idea (always dangerous). You're seeing consistency in truing with lighter weight bullets vs. heavier bullets, so I thought what are the downrange numbers going on there. Velocity is higher, so BC stays higher ... and stability is higher as well. Even though all three will degrade over distance, you should have more residual stability down range.
Given that heavier bullets will have a higher BC and more inertia down range, you would have to have either higher speed or faster twist to carry that BC and mass benefit beyond 1000 yards with enough stability. So what I'm getting at is; are our typical twist rates not fast enough for the heavy bullets people are trying to push to get the higher BC?
I think you're really on to something, and I think it's related to stability downrange. Cheers!