Strange barrel taper on factory Remington 700 5R


Full Member
Feb 25, 2009
I'm getting this Remington 700 5R in 223, it has a strange taper at the muzzle end with what looks like a factory cap.
Anyone have an idea what muzzle device this would be for?

Being a remington i thought it could be for some AAC or other affiliate brand suppressor or suppressor adapter/brake . I have seen a couple like it here but no info on the purpose
Sure looks like its for a relfex can. Sadly I cant say which one, never looked into actual models too much.
The purpose is that it attaches to your muzzle threads but it clocks onto that weird taper to center it at the butt too so that the can is supported at both the base and at the threads to make it a stiffer system while also allowing for more volume without adding even more additional length. Two points of contact is harder to bend than one.
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Sure looks like its for a relfex can. Sadly I cant say which one, never looked into actual models too much.
The purpose is that it attaches to your muzzle threads but it clocks onto that weird taper to center it at the butt too so that the can is supported at both the base and at the threads to make it a stiffer system while also allowing for more volume without adding even more additional length. Two points of contact is harder to bend than one.
Like the AEM-5 for Mk12’s
Sure looks like its for a relfex can. Sadly I cant say which one, never looked into actual models too much.
The purpose is that it attaches to your muzzle threads but it clocks onto that weird taper to center it at the butt too so that the can is supported at both the base and at the threads to make it a stiffer system while also allowing for more volume without adding even more additional length. Two points of contact is harder to bend than one.
Maybe for a muzzle device similar to the surefire?