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Strange notes in Central Pennsylvania mystery...


Old Salt
Full Member
  • Nov 4, 2020
    Talk about a perfect Pit topic and this one is 100% going on and is an example of truth being stranger than fiction.

    Don't think this has been shared/discussed here so to just catch you up- for the past few years someone or a group has been deploying incredibly bizarre leaflets across the commonwealth in the most unusual ways. We're talking leaflets stuffed into unopened boxes of food & supplies at the grocery stores (imagine opening a box of condoms and seeing this), pockets of new clothing, pinned/hung off of trees in the woods, stuffed between pages of new books, etc.

    This has become a bit of a PA mystery which started during COVID and has apparently started up again because I just was "gifted" my 2nd leaflet as of yesterday in the haul of groceries I picked up on Sunday. Here's an example of what I received while making dinner last night...


    This was stuffed into a box of scalloped potatoes I picked up at the local grocery store. The 1st one I "received" was wedged by my truck door handle outside of a gun show last year and fairly sure it resembled the leaflet below...


    It's just so incredibly bizarre. There's a lot of theories behind the distribution of what must be 10's of thousands of these. This gives me a paranoid,
    Ted Kaczynski type of vibe but there's other opinions out there as I mentioned.

    They're folded up in boxes like this...


    Hung on trees along walking trails in the state parks like...







    What say you? I can post more links if needed but now you know what to search for ("schuylkillnotes" will narrow it down even further) you'll find numerous articles on Google if you were to be curious or want to factcheck me. Heck there's an entire Reddit page dedicated to this and online map tracker of... whatever this is.

    Type all that shit into a line on an address window and see how fast your bank accounts empty. Report back.

    Entering that garbage into your computer will do one of three things, more than likely.

    1. Your banking and credit card info downloads to some neo nazi or antifa fucker.

    2. Your open a window to your new best friend at the FBI and they being grooming you into another imaginary terrorist.

    3. You accidentally join some sort of racist hate group and become their 3rd member EVER. Congrats.
    Type all that shit into a line on an address window and see how fast your bank accounts empty. Report back.

    Entering that garbage into your computer will do one of three things, more than likely.

    1. Your banking and credit card info downloads to some neo nazi or antifa fucker.

    2. Your open a window to your new best friend at the FBI and they being grooming you into another imaginary terrorist.

    3. You accidentally join some sort of racist hate group and become their 3rd member EVER. Congrats.
    So what you're really saying is that if I find a magic lamp on the beach, don't rub it or even touch it.
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    Type all that shit into a line on an address window and see how fast your bank accounts empty. Report back.

    Entering that garbage into your computer will do one of three things, more than likely.

    1. Your banking and credit card info downloads to some neo nazi or antifa fucker.

    2. Your open a window to your new best friend at the FBI and they being grooming you into another imaginary terrorist.

    3. You accidentally join some sort of racist hate group and become their 3rd member EVER. Congrats.
    I just tried it.

    Big bucks no whammies!!!!!!

    At least make my FBI groomer a hot blonde, I'm susceptible.
    Lucky you, round here the KKK just tosses recruitment letters tied up with candy so the kids see it and pick up the letter
    Where is that at? I live 40 miles from the birthplace of the KKK and as far as I know, I've never even seen someone in the Klan. I don't even believe they are real. I think the stuff you are describing are actually democrats controlling people with fake fear. I think the moment democrats stop doing things while pretending they are klan members, they will magically cease to exist.
    Where is that at? I live 40 miles from the birthplace of the KKK and as far as I know, I've never even seen someone in the Klan. I don't even believe they are real. I think the stuff you are describing are actually democrats controlling people with fake fear. I think the moment democrats stop doing things while pretending they are klan members, they will magically cease to exist.
    This was a few years ago in the surrounding communities of Ft Bragg, I have no doubt a small faction of them are still alive and kicking. They may not be a prominent part of society, but they aren’t completely gone
    This was a few years ago in the surrounding communities of Ft Bragg, I have no doubt a small faction of them are still alive and kicking. They may not be a prominent part of society, but they aren’t completely gone
    I'm not sure they shouldn't exist. This isn't an endorsement, but if we will accept BLM and other racial identity hate groups, the world should be forced to accept white hate groups too. It's only fair. They should meet up once a year and have a rumble, like in the outsiders, no weapons pony boy. We could watch it on PPV for $59.99.
    Pretty sure the FBI is the only organization allowed to designate a group as a “hate” or “terrorist” group. Fat chance of them putting one of their own children on a list
    Well, at least they are impartial. I wonder if it would work if the klan agreed to smuggle Columbian booger sugar for them? It did wonders for the Mexican cartels, the Clintons and their Meena crime family, and a few others.
    Occams razor: some schizo, getting serious Francis E Dec vibes

    That conclusion is the one I'm honestly most concerned about. The idea of one person who comes up with the leaflets and the ability to produce and distribute 10's of thousands of them in various (yet oddly consistent means) and to do so for years... I shudder the thought of what they'd be able to accomplish if they moved past leaflets.
    Not calling anyone in particular out but the reactions to this have also been interesting to me (I've posted this story in a few other places). Mainly it's the 'meh, just some crazy' approach. What's interesting to me with those is the apathy that's inherent in our nature to write-off this behavior as strange but insignificant to our personal lives.

    God forbid, but for the sake of argument, let's say this guy turns into the Ted Kaczynski type and they move past the leaflet stage into something more nefarious. I can only imagine the news coverage that would occur when there's literal years of this behavior demonstrated with a lack of concern or the 'true-life' crime series that would cover this and how a deeply unsettled person was able to go for years exhibiting this behavior without any concerns/real attention devoted to it. It'd be crazy land just by itself for the lack of response and would even parallel the two/three scoops of crazy behind these leaflets and the person(s) distributing them.

    The only difference/ingredient missing is 'hindsight' from this story to public outrage on how could XXX not have seen these warning signs, they were putting out billboards type of comments.

    Anywho, just me thinking out loud.
    Where is that at? I live 40 miles from the birthplace of the KKK and as far as I know, I've never even seen someone in the Klan. I don't even believe they are real. I think the stuff you are describing are actually democrats controlling people with fake fear. I think the moment democrats stop doing things while pretending they are klan members, they will magically cease to exist.

    Democrats are not pretending to be Klan members. They founded the Klan. Then Democrats lynched over 1000 black people and burned their homes, churches and towns. Democrats ran in 1868 with the slogan, "This is white man's land."

    If you can't find a plan supporter just ask Joe Biden to show you his membership card.
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    Democrats are not pretending to be Klan members. They founded the Klan. Then Democrats lynched over 1000 black people and burned their homes, churches and towns. Democrats ran in 1868 with the slogan, "This is white man's land."

    If you can't find a plan supporter just ask Joe Biden to show you his membership card.
    Right, history and all. I have no doubt about the accuracy of that statement. I guess what I was trying to point to is their modern habit of creating fake hate crimes so they can claim victimhood.
    The bits and pieces which are discernable sound like the really old conspiracy theories that have graced the airwaves since late 90s/early 2000s talk radio and the more obscure parts of the Internet. Things to do with lizard people, pyramids being charging docks for interdimensional/interstellar craft, Atlantis still around and sending out UFOs to survey the surface, Nazi bases on the Moon and Mars... Fun shit in the early days of The Firing Line and Arfcom.

    ETA: Couple this with all these mystery drones flying around east PA, Jersey, and Staten Island and it gets a bit trippy...
    Yeah, we can't have NAZIs on the Moon because we have not been to the Moon. Using one theory to bat at another.

    Let me stand back while the feces impacts the rotary air recirculation device.
    Alright, bear with me. What if the Russians, Japanese and the Germans have been to the moon, and we haven't. They got there and found out some really spooky stuff, but they don't out us because doing so would expose the fact that they have been there. So we sit around saying shit like "well, the metric system didn't win 2 world wars or go to the moon", meanwhile they laugh under their breath as they keep working on their alien proof bunkers in preparation for the attack that they know is coming in 2030.

    Feel free to write that book. It's my gift to the world.
    • Haha
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