I fully accept your NIB ammo comment... but something is corroding your brass and copper bullets.
That blue green corrosion is "classic" "brass corrosion.
I can't say I have seen that happening so rapidly / thoroughly corroding NIB brass. ( 35+ years of reloading and shooting, Oorah )
What / or how / with what, are you using when cleaning your suppressor ? ( Maybe something internally is blasting into your upper )
And I suggest you take apart a few of the rounds and look at the powder inside of that specific ammo... clumped ? , stuck together ? , compressed ? Smelly ( breaking down ? )
Look at the bullet bases of the pulled apart rounds.. for corrosion.
What lube ? ( maybe producing corrosion ? )
At the very least... try some different OEM ammo... and hold off firing those other rounds... just in case they are "bad".
We all know , Those corroding cases are not going to help your firearm cycle.... tapered cases ( 7.62x39 ) might tolerate that corrosion, and operate ( far less force to extract )
Combine the failure to cycle, and that resulting corrosion... and your ammo may be "compromised" some how at the powder... and that "could be" dangerous if the powder is maybe breaking down.
IE.... better safe then sorry.
Something in your setup is producing / causing odd corrosion.
I strongly suggest you check your suppressor as well... that corrosion is most likely in there as well.
Pics of the bolt carrier ?