I had recently bought 15 boxes of 52gr. Black Hills match from my local gun store and when I got home I realized that 1 of the boxes is
Moly-Coated. Shit. Theres $40 wasted. I dont shoot moly. Is there any way to remove the Moly-Coat and still retain accuracy without damaging the bullet. I cant return the box so thats not an option. Or should I just throw them out the window. I heard if you scrub the bullet with somekind of bore cleaner it will remove it. What to do?
Moly-Coated. Shit. Theres $40 wasted. I dont shoot moly. Is there any way to remove the Moly-Coat and still retain accuracy without damaging the bullet. I cant return the box so thats not an option. Or should I just throw them out the window. I heard if you scrub the bullet with somekind of bore cleaner it will remove it. What to do?