Having tested and comparing many 22LR rounds, the Win 42 gr was one of them. From my experience with Winchester ammo, they're what I would call average for non-Target/Match ammo. So, not much to speak about . . . typically. I even tried some of their "Match" for 22 LR (40tr RN; Listed MV at 1150) and it was awful . . . really awful! When I tried the 42 gr subsonic, to my great surprise it did really well (better than any of the Winchester 22LR I fired). I fired it through 5 different guns to include my Ruger American, 10/22 and Precision Rimfire and got really decent accuracy, AND . . . consistency. I got SD's averaging around 15 and velocities right at the Listed 1150 or a little higher our my my precison rimfire (18in barrel). It's not match grade stuff, but is shot pretty darn well for me.