Shooters may find that a certain variety of match ammo usually shoots well in a particular rifle. It's important to keep in mind, however, that not all lots of a certain variety will shoot equally well. At the same time, some lots respond very well in some bores, but not as much in others.
This is true for all match ammo behavior, no matter whether its Tenex, Match, Midas + or X-Act. Lot variation occurs with every production run of match ammo. It occurs all the time. It's not a function of whether it's this month or another because the same rigorous quality control goes into each lot. It's simply very, very difficult, despite the most rigorous attention to quality components and manufacturing process, to produce all match ammo that's equally made and equally good . There's no such thing as perfect match ammo. They simply don't respond in barrels the same way. Not all lots shoot equally well in any rifle.
When it was available, this was illustrated by the Eley Lot Analyser. For each lot of ammo produced, Eley made available its test results through four different test barrels. Some lots of Tenex, for example, were better than others, and some shot better in some barrels but not in all others. And not all lots shot with equal consistency through the same barrels.
Below are nine random lots of Eley Tenex. Each column shows ten shot groups with a different barrel. They show how much variation there can be between lots and between barrels -- and even within the same barrel.