Super Important Did anyone get a Refund ?

I have copies of the cancellation notices it says No Refund...

CBS Is burning me big time and saying "I owe" for all your cancelled subscriptions of which they gave none of the money back.

So I am getting royally fucked out of the money they owe me, I was never paid a dime for a single subscription, and yet I owe them for every subscription where they kept 100% of the money.
Basically they are screwing me out of 2 months of time they owe me, which is a healthy amount of money

Sorry to hear that LL. As suggested you might have an attorney shoot them a letter but Im sure theyve got attorneys crawling out their ass.
PS oI figured February was a wash and I was gonna lose my February payment, but they are not paying me for January either which would have been a full payment.

I tried communicating with them and talking about it, but they never responded until Tucker locked the threads at Scout and then only to say we had to sign papers to split.

At this point I may not sign unless I get my money I have to see what my opinions are.

The sad part is, they are claiming that I owe them for the Subscriptions of which I was never paid to begin with and to make matters worse they never refunded any of you guys. So my question is, where is their loss ? Instead they want to be paid twice for me leaving, once by you , and then again by me.

If we have to get attorney's involved it maybe worth lumping on every nickel and dime that was not paid to me. Essentially it was a case of me paying for myself to be on their site. Like a $20k hosting plan ... for shit software.

PS it's me, testing permissions with the girl's account trying to figure out why some of you can't reply in the PX
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I am lazy and have yet to cancel my monthly subscription . Having said that you tell me how to do a deposition or how you need to be backed up and I'm there . CBS is lower than whale shit and whale shit is at the bottom of the ocean .
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I can only assume they saw one of the parting ways love threads we left over there and it made their pussyhats burn.

Being as we were all in on that, even though mine got removed for being too fucked up:eek:, If Frank gets screwed, I would have no problem being assessed $1 per person, or so, to help cover expenses, attorney's or other wise. If we have 15000 members that should go a ways.

Even though they would probably screw everybody anyway.

Despite allowing myself to get into penny ante bullshit arguments, this is a fun place to hang and learn, and on more than just shooting related topics.
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Nah, I saw this coming well before... I reached out to them immediately and they blew me off... it wasn't until we left and locked up the topics did they bother to respond.

I made 3 calls, attempted to coordinate an exit so it would be closed down by March 1st and outlined I was looking for the path of least resistance, this was back on February 3rd ... we did not flip the switch until 2 weeks later.

They had no intentions of paying me
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That was a moderator gone rogue. Word on the street is that he even looked to see if he could ban you from there, but couldn't find the switch. :p

Dick move!

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Class action lawsuit anyone? I never paid for a subscription, but CBS is trying to screw you guys. I'd chip in some money for legal representation. Maybe this can go viral, and CBS is brought to the forefront of how they are just a shit corporation full of bias and corruption.

Hopefully all you guys who paid, and Frank will all get your money back.
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I cancelled my subscription Feb 14, got a confirmation email saying it's still valid til anniversary date, then gets shut off, per terms and conditions agreement they can't refund cancelled subscriptions. Mine runs out end of June..
Class action lawsuit anyone? I never paid for a subscription, but CBS is trying to screw you guys. I'd chip in some money for legal representation. Maybe this can go viral, and CBS is brought to the forefront of how they are just a shit corporation full of bias and corruption.

Hopefully all you guys who paid, and Frank will all get your money back.

I love the sound of "Class action lawsuit". UPS dropped a valuable package of mine, broke it, and the local shipper refused to pay. The guy who shipped it was a well known physician in the area. I suggested the idea of a Class Action and they ponied up in 48 hours.
There is a reporter that has been following the Scout drama, I have considered giving him a call ... explaining how unscrupulous they are

Want to see, an ad company, one of the only ones they ever went after, this is a Scout guy telling the advertising company why their ads are not working on SH
Hope you’re doing well. Just learned that CBS decided not to renew the contract with Snipers Hide for various reasons.​
I would chalk it up as the price of a very expensive education and move on! CBS has very deep pockets fuck them!

Its really easy to file a suit against them. Costs maybe $75-100 dollars filing fee. You have almost no chance of winning doing it yourself but you run their bill up really quickly. I got hit by a woman who got a witness to lie. For $75 bucks I cost her insurance company nearly $2000 and had I knowna couple little tricks could have doubled that easily. I would have settled for $1500. Motions to quash can make it skyrocket, and court time is usually at a higher rate.

Hurt them all you can. I hate cheats.
I have copies of the cancellation notices it says No Refund...

CBS Is burning me big time and saying "I owe" for all your cancelled subscriptions of which they gave none of the money back.

So I am getting royally fucked out of the money they owe me, I was never paid a dime for a single subscription, and yet I owe them for every subscription where they kept 100% of the money.

You are the one that climbed in to bed with scout, most of us tried to tell you that was not a good thing.

Anyone who got stiffed should contest the CC charge.
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They went so far as to fraudulently (in my opinion) tell my credit card company they needed by new card number for a subscription extension I authorized and then charge my card. I called them the same day (which was the first day they seemed to be answering their phones) and they said they were cancelling the subscription but their policy is no refunds ever

So needless to say I'm filing a dispute with my credit card company.

They had the audacity to bill it as "Sniper's Hide" and e-mail a receipt saying it's from Sniper's Hide etc. Clearly fraudulent since they know well and good they don't host that site any more.

Call your credit card companies up & make sure you tell them that you want to specifically opt out of them ever giving your new credit card number to anyone for "your convenience" and then you'll need to dispute the charge from Scout as they won't refund you, they were very snippy about that... .Sure we charged you this morning after fraudulently getting your new card number... we'll cancel... but we are keeping your money....
They went so far as to fraudulently (in my opinion) tell my credit card company they needed by new card number for a subscription extension I authorized and then charge my card. I called them the same day (which was the first day they seemed to be answering their phones) and they said they were cancelling the subscription but their policy is no refunds ever

So needless to say I'm filing a dispute with my credit card company.

They had the audacity to bill it as "Sniper's Hide" and e-mail a receipt saying it's from Sniper's Hide etc. Clearly fraudulent since they know well and good they don't host that site any more.

Call your credit card companies up & make sure you tell them that you want to specifically opt out of them ever giving your new credit card number to anyone for "your convenience" and then you'll need to dispute the charge from Scout as they won't refund you, they were very snippy about that... .Sure we charged you this morning after fraudulently getting your new card number... we'll cancel... but we are keeping your money....

That should be prosecutable. Again, Id look into a class action law suit.