Suppressors Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

Had the same problem with my new Jarvis Barrel.I ran about 100 to 150 rounds with no can to let the barrel hood "break in",after that I had no problems with cycling with the can attached.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

He'd just need to get an aftermarket guide rod and perview the assortment of spring weights available. Should be easy enough to google but I believe the factory spring weight is 17 lbs for Glock 17s

However, provided his suppressor has a linear cycling device (aka booster device, Nielsen device), it should run with the stock spring.

Is he running a reloaded round? If so, checking to see if it will run without the suppressor is not always the answer. I had several different loads to that would cycle the gun fine without the suppressor but would not with the can added. The burn rate/pressure curve seems to have a lot to do with it.

I run 3.6 grains of Vihtavuori N320 under a Precision Delta 147 gr FMJ. It runs great, sounds good and doesn't produce excessive gas blowback as some of the other powders I tried.

Hope this helps,


aka Craig P. in MO
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

Should have stated that my Trident9 has a booster,with the thread mount she wont cycle a Glock.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I don't have any info for you, but I would like to know what barrel he's using and what can he's running...and what the resolution is when y'all get it figured out. Want to suppress a Glock 9 myself.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

It all starts with a lot more information.

1. Exactly what barrel? Whose? Who fitted it?

2. Exactly what spring is in use now?

3. Don't know the can? Your finished...end of story.

4. Don't know if or what Neilson device? Your finished...end of story.

5. If Neilson, how many rounds on the spring?

6. What ammo?

Getting the 17 to run perfectly suppressed is a science. All the rest is mental masterbation, especially the guide rod suggestion. And no, you do not necessarily need to run a can with a Neilson device to properly run on a 17.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I've never needed anything other than the factory recoil spring with any of my suppressed Glock pistols (G26, G19, G17, G34, G22) for complete reliability and functioning.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I used a M9 for my host because I have used my 9mm suppressor on a G17 and it would never cycle. The only ones I have seen work on a Glock had another device attached or built into the suppressor to compensate for the barrel tilting so much. I don't know if this helps at all, hope so. JAA
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: RollingThunder51</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It all starts with a lot more information.

1. Exactly what barrel? Whose? Who fitted it?

2. Exactly what spring is in use now?

3. Don't know the can? Your finished...end of story.

4. Don't know if or what Neilson device? Your finished...end of story.

5. If Neilson, how many rounds on the spring?

6. What ammo?

Getting the 17 to run perfectly suppressed is a science. All the rest is mental masterbation, especially the guide rod suggestion. And no, you do not necessarily need to run a can with a Neilson device to properly run on a 17. </div></div>

I very much agree that we need more info here. Otherwise, it is like calling an auto mechanic and saying, "My car makes a funny noise. What could cause that?" ;-) You really can't properly diagnose a problem without having a lot of basic information.

However, I do strongly suggest people use a suppressor with a properly timed booster on any host with a moving barrel. I've seen too many examples of what can happen (e.g. destroyed hosts and/or suppressors) from using non-boostered suppressors or poorly timed boosters on moving barrel hosts.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

i like aftermarket cut barrels.....they will run lead

high speed go fast bullits in the 115grn range always seem to need a shove on the slide to make the gun go home

heavy 147 grn ammo cycles perfect

i run a dragons breath SS recoil spring
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CDiPrecision</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah, I don't have the info either. Just a local dealer friends customer. I got an 11 pound spring and we will see. Don't know what can or ammo,lol.. i know silly.. Just trying to help the guy out without going out with him to diagnose it. </div></div>

If you really want to help you will insist they get the answers to all the proper questions. I'm not trying to bust your butt about it so please don't take it that way. The only reason I encourage you to do that is because trying the wrong combination of things could have very bad results. It isn't likely, but someone could even get injured. On a host weapon with a moving barrel the piston/booster helps to take the weight of the suppressor off the barrel so the gun can cycle reliably. With a poorly timed system (which includes ammo, recoil spring, barrel and suppressor) there can be damage to the suppressor and/or host weapon. In the most severe cases you might encounter a catastrophic failure. I've personally witnessed slides crack and suppressors shot off the end of the host.

If you can get some more info, I bet the folks on this board can help pinpoint the likely cause of the problem without more potential risk. You are a good person for trying to help. I don’t fault you for not having all the info; you are simply working with the little bit of detail that was offered to you. :)

If you want to have the owner of the suppressor e-mail me, I bet ya I can help him figure out the problem. I've got a lot of hands-on experience with various suppressors and Glock hosts. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

Best of luck.

Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I run an AAC Ti-Rant on a Glock 17 as it came from the factory and have zero problems with function. Don't know much about the guts of the can but it does have a spring device in it which probably helps. Shoot 147 grain "super unleaded" ammo and it's crazy quiet. Helluva lot of fun, too.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I have no experience myself. I do have a friend at work (Bill) that is in the suppressor business. We have pondered many scenarios. The Glock is a favorite talk at break time. The Nielsen device or "booster" is a must have for a Glock, according to Bill.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

The Glock 17 is a hard one to suppress. Best combo I have found is factory stock spring, Lone Wolf MatchGRADE barrel and a Gemtech Tundra unit.I have over 2000 rds. downrange on this set-up using everything from 115gr.-147gr. ammo. This beast just chews up anything you feed it!! It doesn't even care if it's hardball or hollowpoint. Damn thing thinks it's an AK-47 or something!
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Downrange1x</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Glock 17 is a hard one to suppress. </div></div>

I very much disagree. I've NEVER had problems with suppressing G17s using quality barrels and suppressors. I've handled several dozens of suppressed G19s for customers back when I was selling suppressors. NEVER a problem for guys running Jarvis, KKM, Bar-sto or factory Glock barrels using quality suppressors to include AAC Evo-9, AAC TiRant, SilencerCo Osprey and SWR Trident-9. I advised all owners to use quality ammo with 147-grain bullets and no problems at all with GA Arms, Special-K, Black Hills, Corbon, etc. ammo.

And I never replaced or saw replaced the factory spring.

Guess my experiences are different though.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Sotexhunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I run Lonewolf barrels with stainless guide rods with 15 to 17lbs springs. </div></div>

Ditto here.

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Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BookHound</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've NEVER had problems with suppressing G17s using quality barrels and suppressors.</div></div>

Yep - same experience here. I've run a Trident on three different Glocks (subcompact, full-sized, and practical/tactical sized) using Lone Wolf barrels and they all ran just fine with factory springs.

In fact, the first time I shot one, I had put a light spring in the gun. That resulted in a LOUD suppressed gun. It was uncomfortable to shoot without earplugs. The light spring was allowing the barrel to unlock too soon, and I was getting a lot of blowback through the ejection port. Going to the factory spring made a world of difference in performance, and greatly reduced the amount of crap spit back in my face too. I even tried using a heavier spring. It was marginally quieter than the factory spring, but was no longer 100% reliable.

It may be an individual gun/barrel/silencer issue. Or it may be that the barrel needs a break-in period. Or the booster may need to be cleaned. Or, the owner may not be using a boostered gun, in which case he likely won't be able to get the can to cycle - kind of like the top gun in this picture.

Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I am running a Bar-Sto barrel and AAC Evo9 can on my G17. Runs 100% with factory everything.

The only thing I changed was the sights. Went to Dawson Precision so I could see over the can.
Re: Suppressed Glock 17..What recoil spring?

I've opened brand new glock 17's, thrown in a threaded 17L factory barrel, reinstalled the brand new recoil assembly, fired 100rnds unsuppressed, and then used it as a suppressor host all day at a shoot. NO problems. Can't even guess how many rounds went through it that day.

This wasn't a fluke occurrence either. Mark was there....