Suppressors Suppressor/gun trust


Full Member
Feb 23, 2013
Kodiak island
I have ordered my first suppressor (mainly b/c i won a half off thunder beast).. Thanks thunder beast for supporting your shooters!
So i been doing a lot of research about form 4s and trust and whatnot. I am in the military and run a risk of getting stationed in a non suppressor friendly state. Then if i do i would have to sell or i cod have a trust with a trustee in a friendly state they will be able to hold on to it for me. My question is why would I or anyone else not do a suppressor trust? What's the down side? Also does the paper work clear faster or is that a myth? Thanks,
Q: Why do people opt not to do a trust?
A: Some do not know about it. Some do not want to get a legal document drawn up and pay for an attorney to do it right. Some just don't understand it. Some have no problems getting CLEO to sign off on the paper work.

Q: Down side?
A: Trusts are only as good as the attorney that has created the paperwork and the state that it is made legal in. You don't actually own belongs to the "TRUST". I have a hard time describing the down side of a trust.... The ATF does not check the legality of the trust, they only look for specific items to be in Trustees, Beneficiaries and Schedule A. If you are caught with the NFA item and you go to court, you better hope that your trust will hold water...which is why i recommend an attorney and not a website or piece of software.

Q: Does trust paperwork clear faster?
A: Hell clears as fast as the rest. It may be denied more easily if you don't have the necessary items they are looking for though.
Pretty easy. Notify the ATF that you are leaving the suppressor in a gun friendly state. In my case, it was TX, the state of my birth. The suppressor must be in a lock box where only you have the key.
My autosear and suppressor were under those conditions until I was able to reacquire them. 15 years later.