Supreme Court blocks Biden student loan forgiveness.

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I took out student loans, and I'm paying them back. Just like my mortgage, land loan, truck loan, etc.
Some of these people took out loans to get a degree they believed (<- fixed a typo) would guarantee gainful employment.

How should they feel if they took a loan to buy a Prius only to find out it wouldn't tow their twin Merc Cobia 350?

The answer is foolish but entitled people would rather make someone else pay for their stupid decisions.
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I smell a set up for court packing.


Well, "stealth" court packing, anyway. I think, in re: these recent decisions, Biden has already been quoted as saying, "Court packing is not the way...."

Well, not "today," anyway.... They can't do that while we're watching them directly. But when we turn our attention away.....

We really have to ensure the good health of Justices Thomas and Alito.
.gov needs to get out of the loan business. I keep hearing about the money the colleges have. Make the colleges make the loans. Students apply to the college for a loan, the collage evaluates the applicant, loans them money, and the student pays it back to the college. College gets the interest, thus increasing the account to loan more money to students attending their college.

I'm sure the colleges can do a proper evaluation of risk.

Thank you,
Some of these people took out loans to get a degree they beloved would guarantee gainful employment.

How should they feel if they took a loan to buy a Prius only to find out it wouldn't tow their twin Merc Cobia 350?

The answer is foolish but entitled people would rather make someone else pay for their stupid decisions.

And really that is the lie told to them. Your gender studies degree will be in demand.

Daughter in law has some pretty big student debt. She does something in the medical field that my little peanut brain does not understand. She makes high 5 figures at 24years old. She is paying off her debt.

That is how it is (I guess) suppose to work. You learn a skill that is needed, you then get a job that needs your skill and you pay back your loan in short order.

Not everyone needs to go to college, that is pure bullshit sold to the american public that you are a total failure if you "fall back" and become a welder or electrician.
Some of these people took out loans to get a degree they beloved would guarantee gainful employment.

How should they feel if they took a loan to buy a Prius only to find out it wouldn't tow their twin Merc Cobia 350?

The answer is foolish but entitled people would rather make someone else pay for their stupid decisions.

Among other things. Some private charities do the exact same thing. They established themselves to solve a problem but they look to people external to the community for which the charity was founded to finance the charity. Moreover, do we know all our $$$ are going to solve the problem as opposed to "administrative expenses" (read: fattening the charity's coffers)??? It's why I steer clear of those "big name" charities and would much prefer to focus my philanthropy on individuals I find that can use my help. I help them, I stick with them. I monitor their progress. I ensure they stay "on their feet," and, in return, I ask only that they find their own person to help as I helped them.
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Distractions for the news of Biden's corruption
Exactly. Distractions for the masses.

If the government is the one handing out the loans they can forgive if they want. If it helps the economy then might be worth it. In general though, if you borrow, should pay it back.
Either you were attempting sarcasm or you’re nuts and part of the problem. The most idiotic statement I’ve seen on here for a while.

The government does not have any money, it is my money and other taxpayers/wage earners’ money they are ‘forgiving’. Secondly, the loans are provided by financial institutions, often at bizarre terms despite the law. Loan forgiveness comes at the cost of more public debt and the following inflation that accompanies it.

It’s real easy for a politician to promise money to the masses, because It Is NOT their money. Think of it as if you personally loaned the money to an unknown person who way overextended themselves on a worthless degree/degrees. Are you then ready to just say, “Sure, don’t worry about it. I forgive the loan.”
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Beyond all this, the most disturbing thing to me is that the Supreme Court is as political as it is. If we truly abided by the constitution, this really wouldn't be all that hard. The Founding Fathers had it dialed.

For now, we have the "majority" in the Supreme Court. For now. The whackos play the long game, and once the Supreme Court goes, shit is gonna get real. If Covid was any indicator, I am not very hopeful with regards to the outcome.
I don’t mind paying off my wife’s student loan depts so long as these Democrat twats from college towns understand that they were bribed & lied to by the POTUS. Hopefully they think twice at the next election.
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Beyond all this, the most disturbing thing to me is that the Supreme Court is as political as it is. If we truly abided by the constitution, this really wouldn't be all that hard. The Founding Fathers had it dialed.

For now, we have the "majority" in the Supreme Court. For now. The whackos play the long game, and once the Supreme Court goes, shit is gonna get real. If Covid was any indicator, I am not very hopeful with regards to the outcome.
political???? you have one who said race matters in her decision which should have disqualified her but they needed a fat latina. Then you have the most recent one which is just off the charts racist
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There was a guy who graduated from high school. He went to the bank and borrowed money to buy a tractor and a planter. He worked night and day for years to repay his version of a student loan. His work produced the food you eat.

There was a guy who graduated from high school. He went to the bank and borrowed money for a HVAC service van. He worked night and day for years to repay his version of a student loan. His work keeps you cool today.

Where should I stop,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
A lot of these mother fuckers don't pay there loans back already . And guess what ? There credit is fine . I know a guy who's wife is a Doctor of Nursing . Yup , got her Dr Degree . Nursing . Walked on 2 houses . Fucked a land lord and a brother . Still rent and get great financing on vehicles . It's about how much money you make .
I got a 100k distribution on top of my yearly salary . Credit score went up dramatically . It's about the money .
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I smell a set up for court packing.

That's what the democrats have wanted to do all this time. However, I think that they will be quiet about it until they cheat again in 2024. Their plan will be to pack the court then.

If they say anything more about court packing now, it might cost them the election. They may be crazy but they're smart enough to keep their mouths shut on this.

I hope that I'm wrong and they start screaming about court packing now. Hopefully it will scare the hell out of Americans that are just now catching on to what democrats are really about.

Regardless of what people think of Trump, if it wasn't for him, we would not have a conservative court. Let's hope Trump reminds everyone of how he shaped the Federal judiciary with his appointments.
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I have an out of the box solution. Corporate sponsorship. Corporations would 'sponsor' students. Students can apply for this sponsorship with participating corporate sponsors. If accepted, they'd attend 'activities' at the corporate sponsors location of choice and in return the corporation would apply 'credits' towards repayment of the student loan.
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I have an out of the box solution. Corporate sponsorship. Corporations would 'sponsor' students. Students can apply for this sponsorship with participating corporate sponsors. If accepted, they'd attend 'activities' at the corporate sponsors location of choice and in return the corporation would apply 'credits' towards repayment of the student loan.
Better yet. How about we close places of higher education. Instead, we open up places of opportunity. Trade/Vocational schools would be a good start. Put some real learning, occupational skills in the heads of students. Produce something actually useful for people, the country, hell, even the World. Probably would work for the next 50 years, or until some politician F'd it all up again. Mac
IMO, this is the absolute truth and nails the childish, short term, selfish view of the average, government fund receiving, voter. Tell me I'm wrong.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."

Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee (1747 – 1813)​
IMO, this is the absolute truth and nails the childish, short term, selfish view of the average, government fund receiving, voter. Tell me I'm wrong.

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage."

Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee (1747 – 1813)​


We‘re almost done.

You borrowed it, You pay it back. Simple. Period. End of story.
I'm going to offend so many here. Anyone that encouraged their kid to go to the communist indoctrination centers know as colleges and go into debt after 1990 is a dumb ass and they need to pay the piper.
Public schools have been an absolute failure since at least '73. I should know. I cut 50% of my classes from the 11th grade on and still BSed my way into graduation. I spent the last 2 years of high school drinking beer on the Community Theater ( In Kremlin West, AKA Berkely, CA) steps and waving at the teachers that passed by. The dopers were spending time smoking in Provo or People's park as it was called. We pooled our money and gave it to the person that could cut the most classes and maintain a C average. I digress.
Since 2006, high school graduates have been graduating with 7th grade skills at best. Colleges and Universities are nothing more than remedial education centers. You dumb asses are or have been paying 30K-50K a semester for that? Hahahaha. I wouldn't even pay for a degree in engineering today. Math is racist don't ya know. Your kid disagrees, they fail. Same with medicine. Men can get pregnant now. Bull shit. Pull you kids out of every public school now! Pull your kids out of every college and university now!

Teach them a skill and a trade. Plumbers, welders, electricians, roofers and HVAC people will always have work. Ethnic studies and Liberal Arts? Do you want fries with that?
Bail out corporations, send money to foreign countries for research, send billions to Ukraine etc.

Use money to help reduce constituent debt.....nope.
Some of these people took out loans to get a degree they beloved would guarantee gainful employment.

How should they feel if they took a loan to buy a Prius only to find out it wouldn't tow their twin Merc Cobia 350?

The answer is foolish but entitled people would rather make someone else pay for their stupid decisions.

Those that got degrees in mechanical or chemical engineering or trade diplomas are working balls-to-the-wall and getting big bucks.

Those who spent 4 years getting baked and got “degrees” in socialist women’s studies and Incan Poetry…. Are too stupid to employ anyway.

And leftist college administrators and faculty are sucking the system dry, selling useless “degrees” and churning out brainwashed Marxists.

Let the whole rotten system burn down.

And pay your bills, hippies.

This won't change the way the freeloaders and leftists think.

A preschooler can decide what sex they are. A 12 year old boy can elect to have his penis removed and a teenage girl have her breasts removed. Sixteen-year-olds should also have the right to vote. Pre-adolescent children should have the right to consent to sex with adults.

Yet an 18-year-old college student doesn't have the maturity to sign a loan agreement.
This won't change the way the freeloaders and leftists think.

A preschooler can decide what sex they are. A 12 year old boy can elect to have his penis removed and a teenage girl have her breasts removed. Sixteen-year-olds should also have the right to vote. Pre-adolescent children should have the right to consent to sex with adults.

Yet an 18-year-old college student doesn't have the maturity to sign a loan agreement.
Putting the gender drama aside - this is how the Dems have always played politics. They buy votes.

Repubs go for corp cash and wars and Dems go for entitlement.

This was a good day for accountability. Just ironic given the judges are all on the take.