@softcock makes barrel sleeves and bolt holders that are awesome. I have not ordered them (yet) as I have other things I need to get dialed in first but these are definitely on the list
If the OP wants a rifle bag that holds the rifle, spare barrel, and bolt, I use the TacOps. It is the best bag I have ever used.
If the OP wants a specific bag to carry spare barrels and bolts, then @softcock makes the best. I use them as well. I just got a second dual barrel bag for my AXMC
If the OP wants a rifle bag that holds the rifle, spare barrel, and bolt, I use the TacOps. It is the best bag I have ever used.
If the OP wants a specific bag to carry spare barrels and bolts, then @softcock makes the best. I use them as well. I just got a second dual barrel bag for my AXMC
The FS-42 bag was developed in conjunction with leading rifle manufacturers to offer a unique and secure way of transporting a rifle with a folding stock (Right Folding).
not taking anything away from Softcock and his products, because i own many, including a few double barrel sleeves, but if it was me and i wanted to carry spare barrels in a drag bag, id put them in individual longgun silicone socks, folded over a couple times, and put in there. Plenty padding, less bulk of a structured sleeve.
Just to raise the bar on how a precision rifle case should function, we made a few quality of life improvements that are tailored for the long range precision shooter, including the all-new scope +muzzle cover and new removable CORE8x4 pouches.