TAC powder in 7mm-08


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
Northern California
I picked up a 7mm-08 recently. I am looking at 120-140 gr bullets. I have a bunch of TAC and AA2700 powder. I can find data for 2700 but not for TAC.

Yea I know varget, 4350 etc etc. I am not interested in hearing how great they are since I have very little of those and they are not available or limited availability. I do have 9 pounds of TAC powder however. Thanks for the help.
TAC is too fast for the 140s and maybe for the 120s. If you have plenty of it I’d concentrate on the 2700. I’m aware that’s not exactly what you were asking.

If you want to use the TAC, look at 4895 load data and start low. FIRST I would start by comparing TAC to 4895. I wouldn’t trust me, but it’s worth looking into.
I am sure you can get a tac load worked for the 140s. I have shot 140s in my 280 with 4166. You are just going to have to extrapolate a safe a starting point and work up. I see 120g loads on the hodgdon sight for 8208, varget, and h335. Tac is somewhere in there with those.
Thanks for the feedback. Agter.more digging on line some more I found an old page from the sierra load manual that lists.tac powder for the lighter bullets.

I will probably try 2700 first then the TAC. You never know. What your rifle will like.
Not sure how full your cases will be but TAC in my experience likes to be above 80-85% fill. Even in .308 I got huge es/sd numbers running 40.5 grains behind a 175 smk. Bumped it up to 42.5 and everything calmed down.
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FYI in case you are wondering for the sierra 120 gr they are showing 38.3 to 41.9 of tac with velocity of 2900fps top end. Double check the loads. It is from accurate shooter in a pdf.

I have the latest sierra manual and it does not show TAC so this is an older one. Not sure what happened to my older manuals they got lost in moving I am guessing.