Tack driver at 400yrds


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Dec 21, 2018
Hi everyone
Talking to a buddy he made a statement that made me think he is nuts! He said when he shoots 100 yds or so at prairie dogs cannot hit anything but at 400yds it’s a tack driver on dogs! I don’t claim to know much but had to ask(thread heading says to ask dumb question )it make no logical sense to me.
Thanks for reading/input.
Obvious culprit is operator "error." AKA: aim small, miss small. Lots of people claim their rifles shoot better groups at longer range (200 yards vs. 100 yards) citing that the bullet is fully stabilizing somewhere in the flight path ("going to sleep"). Usually, the phenomenon is caused by the shooter unconsciously focusing better on a smaller or further away target because it is a harder shot to make.

My advice to your buddy is at 100 yards to focus on putting every bullet through the eye of the dog (or some comparable small aiming point) and see if his shooting improves.
I will mention to him about your advice thank you.
I never heard such thing I figured if you can’t hit on target close you’re not going to be on further away unless ur using iron sights and your eyesight is not 20/20.
Learn something everyday.
Obvious culprit is operator "error." AKA: aim small, miss small. Lots of people claim their rifles shoot better groups at longer range (200 yards vs. 100 yards) citing that the bullet is fully stabilizing somewhere in the flight path ("going to sleep"). Usually, the phenomenon is caused by the shooter unconsciously focusing better on a smaller or further away target because it is a harder shot to make.

My advice to your buddy is at 100 yards to focus on putting every bullet through the eye of the dog (or some comparable small aiming point) and see if his shooting improves.
I'm actually one of those guys, I can group a decent LR rifle at 500 way easier than 100. Has nothing to do with bullet stabilization, but focus as you pointed out, the wobble is gone. I do load dev at 500 and 1K too, and when or if I bring it back to 100, groupings are more than satisfactory if I'm up to it.
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