Talley scope base and ring


Mar 7, 2018
My father has a pre 64 model Winchester and I have a feeling this is not going to cut it. It’s a pain in the ass to find bases for these by the way. Is that enough surface engagement to not see poi shift?


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Here us one
You choose standard/ long action in the add
@360precision Have you looked into Redfield bases. JR one-piece or SR two-piece, and whatever ring height you need. There’s a few variations for the pre-64 Wins, but with a bit of research you should be able to figure it out. Even better, if you care about such things, you would have a period correct scope mount. Vintagescopes.com and pre64win.com have enough info to get you going. Vintage scopes has a resources tab with old catalogs.
Once you find the correct model base, they are on eBay and usually inexpensive. Everyone wants Remington SA bases for their M40 builds. I’ll go through my pile and let you know if I have what you need base wise. PM me once you determine you base model, if you’d like. I have a few of the variations, one and two piece. I’ll send you one if I have it. I have no plans to get into Winchester.
Good luck,

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