Taran’s Tiddy Team

Yes, many are attractive and dress as such, but some do have skills...

Just break out the flat brim, jump in the dodge challenger and join the fun.

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Skills like Kung-Fu movies. I don’t think those martial arts could wake me up from a deep sleep. As I said, passable shooting but the reactions tell me it took many takes. Any of these 3-gun competitors/champs? That would indicate its real.
Why do they stand so close to the steel? USPSA says 23 feet minimum if there is no hard barrier in front of the shooter and 26 feet without a barrier.

All these flat chested bitches are 10 feet away.
Man, some of you chubby chasers in here! Anyway, I ain’t thirsty enough to get a twitch from watching that shit, although i would like to be able to shoot that well. Its just practice.....

Glad attractive women are in the sport, i just wish there was more. I am also not into the skimpy clothing while doing it, not sure why, maybe i have seen plenty of half naked sluts in my life, maybe cause ive fucked a lot of em. Its just so “typical”.
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Girl needs squats, lunges, dead lifts, and stair master. All about that bass....
Her chest is fine.

Skimpy clothed attention whore shooting? Next please.

Blue jeans and a tshirt, flannel, or hoodie works.
I like a sexy outfit as much as any dude, just no need when on the firing range. Thats for shooting.

Same as any other hooker. Just showin off what they got fo sale.
She does shoot well.

I would rather watch Halle Barry run that course again......
throw them (the actors and the wimmons) out in the suck for three or four weeks. run them on a minimum of sleep, make them move miles upon miles on their feet, carrying all their food, water, weapons, and gear on their backs. make them navigate with compasses and maps, and if they get lost; they keep at it until they aint. once they arrive on objective, then cut them loose for a video shoot and we can discuss if they’re impressive or not. how well they pull their weight under the entire strain of the real deal tells the tail. these folks in these videos are practicing a very narrow part of the overall skill set...and for what? seconds? let’s see these hotties clearing rooms, crossing obstacles, and dealing with the elements dressed like that. good luck.

^ all that being said, dude has a good set up and is luring them in. he’s got his schtick in place, and it seems to be working for him. and as long as it’s working for him and them, good for them. it does promote and encourage others to shoot; and that aint al bad.

just dont expect me to be truely impressed or think they are BAMFs.
I imagine there are a bunch of women competitors who don’t mix pole dancing and shooting. They do not appreciate this thread. ;)

Good point.

How about the ones that feel they can do whatever the fuck they want w/o thread approval?
I just found out a couple of days ago. So far all I know is that some dudes wife killed him and fed him to the tigers. I think I might watch it.
It’s like a drive by car crash that never ends. You can’t not rubber-neck and stop saying What The Fuck about 10 times per episode.
You literally could not write this shit. It is that unbelievable.

This not only looks dangerous to me, but completely unwieldy. I carried an M3 Super 90 on many boardings, and the 7 shot magazine did not extend past the muzzle. Mine was unchoked (cylinder). I'm not saying that the wad would open before it had cleared that ridiculous tube, but it just seems stupid to have any part of the weapon system projecting that far forward of the muzzle. I guess they wouldn't sell it if it wasn't safe to shoot, but it's not for me even as a comp only gun. I'm pretty fast at throwing more shells in anyway (especially on my Benellis).

No means no Taran!

He seems like a James Yeager type only he is the real deal in competitive shooting (which matters). It's been my experience that people only run hot and cold over big, public, celebrity personalities like this. If those are the things you think are important (like he clearly does) and that impress you, go for it. None of it is for me. My indifference towards this kind of shit in any vocation or avocation makes the taste of ozone seem delicious.

I get plenty of drama everyday in my job. I don't want it anywhere near my hobbies or in my personal life. My favorite color is gray too!
Don't know much about Taran Tactical except it has a lot of Hollywood types going through.

To the video, she's looks great and shoots even better. Way better than I, so I'll just leave it at that.

If you don't have haters, you're doing it wrong. 🤠
So let me get this right... Took 6 figures for several years --it was either for the tits or the skills and she ain't no Miculek. Neither is he it seems.

And NOW he's the fucked up one? No flashing of tits on the range or nothing? Neither one of 'em are helping us any.

Please... This commie California shit needs to just stay put. About tired of hearing strippers bitch about the pole. As far as exploitation, plenty of hot mathematicians and physicists... But I don't see them putting themselves in positions to be taken advantage of and then bitching about it.

Should've planned for over 30 I guess...