Target camera's


Full Member
Feb 21, 2017
Gilbert AZ
I was wondering if any of you are using drones for your target cam at ELR ranges. The 2mi target is around $800 if I remember right. I've looked at some of the drones in that price range that advertise a 4mi range but I don't know anything about them. Are drones like LRFs and expect half of advertised specs.
I appreciate any information that you have from your experience.
I have considered it because my local range does not allow access to the distant targets. Looking at some of the DJI offerings the range is there and if you fly to near the target and just sit on ground you should be able to monitor for a little longer. You would definitely need to monitor battery and where you park it. I asked the guy running it a while back and he said there are a few people that do it that way.
I suppose if you're using the drone for other purposes then it would probably work. Otherwise, you can get target cameras for a lot less $$
I have used a DJI for that task. I would set the home location at my firing position then take it to the target get it all setup ready to go paint the target and drive back to the ffp. Just let it set there while shooting and when bone hit the home button and it will automatically come back to you. It was a lot of trouble dragging it out and setting it up worrying about everything. Now I just use an app called Manything on my phone to RemoteLink to another phone and use its camera. A lot easier to use and unlimited range as long as you have cell coverage
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Some good points made above - which suggest some more dialog.

1. Do you have another application that "requires" a drone-based camera?
2. Are you planning on shooting at targets that you place or are already present? [The issue is having to place the target "anyway".]
3. Seems possible that getting the "camera" placed would not be all that simple, so much so that take-and-place is almost a requirement. For those that have done it (i.e., transited the drone to the intended location and gotten it lined up with the target for "your viewing pleasure", how much time and effort was involved? Was it worth the time and effort?
4. When you are done shooting are you going to be going down range anyway?
I'm placing the targets each time I go out so placing a camera depending on terain isn't a big deal. Don't know that I have other uses for a drone but may be fun to play around with.
I did go ahead and order the Longshot LR-3 camera and Hawk scope camera this morning though. So I'll see how it goes with them.
For me the drone was a lot of trouble plus it’s just that much more stuff to carry around. There were a few days it was worth it but mostly not. That’s why I started using my cell phone.
E-targets and the Magnetospeed would be great at distances where all or most of your shots are on steel. I'm expecting a large percentage of shots as I stretch the distance more will not be. Without feedback from hits and misses you're just throwing lead and wasting ammo. No cell signal where I shoot at.
I have a magnetspeed target indicator. Buy one for your range maybe they would put it up. I purcahsed 2 and gave one to a guy that runs local matches. He purchased a few more after using it once. Hard to spot hits at 1600 yards with a 20mph wind. Not with a red flashing light. It is what I suggest.
I have a few drones. To see the targets at 1 mile the drone would have to be pretty close. To get that low it would likely loose reception. Mine is a phantom 4.

I have a longshoot cam, much better if you want to see where they on the target. Mine is older version when they went by target vision, 2 mile version. Have not tried it at 2 miles. Works good if needed. I leave my targets setup and hardly ever use it. The hastle of having to setup another thing every time... I would sell it if anyone is interested. Hardly been used. $500 shipped.

If all you worry about is hit or not, the target indicator is the way to go. I have left one on a target for over a year and it still worked. Well the glue quit and it fell off after a few months and forgot about it. Picked it up this hunting season. On my shelf now and still works. Should check the batteries are not leaking. Checked, Still good. Some critters may have chewed on the rubber ends a bit...
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We tried a drone but battery life seemed to have us messing with the drone more than we were shooting. My targetvision (2 years old) works great out to 2000. Haven't used it beyond that.
I'm placing the targets each time I go out so placing a camera depending on terain isn't a big deal. Don't know that I have other uses for a drone but may be fun to play around with.
I did go ahead and order the Longshot LR-3 camera and Hawk scope camera this morning though. So I'll see how it goes with them.

Report back on how you like it. I've been considering it for a while for longer distances.
I’ve had the LR3 for a few months. Used it out to 1820yds. Works as advertised. When used with Apple poducts the frame rates are painfully slow and the software functionality is very limited. Only real grip I have.
If you have any desire to use it for spotting misses don’t, buy the Hawk instead.