TargetCam at five (5) MILES

ELR researcher

Full Member
Mar 30, 2011
I had been waiting for an excuse to test my TargetCam since I bought it last Summer - been persevering through gun-build lead times, and still am. In any case, I decided to get out before the heat of the Summer hit. So, last Saturday (4/5) my daughter and I ventured out into southern California's "high desert" to a location I had identified through mapquest - a very long (about 6 mile) stretch, virtually dead straight, and virtually uninhabited. The road goes up a shallow incline from base to ridge, where it makes a left turn. It was a bright, clear day. We set up at almost the top of the ridge.

Please note that my TargetCam setup is a bit different from the one shown on their website ( as I had them supply a pair of directional antennas (added $100 to my cost). Those antenna are normally used with remote control, FPV (first-person-view), model airplanes. They are of a crosshair design and operate at 1.3GHz. I also acquired (separately) a 25 foot long, LMR400 cable - so I could mount the camera well out of the line of fire.

For my testing the camera was placed about 10'-12' in front of the target and about one foot in the air (on a short tripod). I taped an NBRSA 1000 yard target over the center of my "target reflector" (a 5.5'x 7.5' Harbor Freight reflective tarp strung between a pair of 3/4" X 6'long dowels - actually, as it turned out, between one of those dowels (held by my daughter at the edge of the roadway) and a 50 MPH speed limit sign. The target was to provide an appropriate image upon which to base my assessment.

The TargetCam setup was easy enough, though setting up my"target reflector" was much less so - lots of surface area for the wind to mess with. [The large size was for the second purpose of my trip - to test the "reflector" as a distance gauge for placing targets in the field using my laser range fire - aV ectronix Terrapin, which read to 3626 yards four times in a row at my "two mile" stopping point - no signal at the 3 mile mark.] The antenna at the target end (up hill location) was mounted to a very sturdy tripod, about 6 feet off the ground. [The TargetCam folks were very clear in advising me to get the antennas up as high in the air as possible.]

Once everything was set up - with a nice clear image on the "control box/monitor unit" (black box) screen - I took the black box and headed down the road. I traveled in steps, one mile at a time, by my trip odometer. Suffice to say, the image remained the same clear quality all the way to five (5) MILES! It was awesome to see the tear in the paper target flapping in the breeze from 5 miles away. I could not see the target at all, I just aimed the second antenna (which was mounted about 5 feet in the air on another sturdy tripod) at the location where I'd left it. I am reasonably sure I could have picked up the image just as clearly much further down the road. But to what purpose? So I stopped there.

Bottom line...a clear picture at a distance so far beyond practical that "maximum range" is no longer a concern. Great hardware!

Sorry no pics - reminder to cameraperson, when loading thecamera, insert BOTH fresh battery and a memory card. 70-80 supposed shots later, and about 120miles down the road, reality struck. Noplans for a replay. I got the info Ineeded and more.
Very cool. When I desined and built (the first on the market) Target Transmitter, I was running @ 1.2ghz. With directional antennas I had only tested it to 1 mile, and it worked well. 5 miles is very impressive. On a side note, there are laws that limit output watage, interested to see how targetcam is addressing this, I am assuming it is under the wattage limit or there is a disclaimer since its on the end user.
very nice.

the FCC's not going to be going out to the desert to arrest people who transmit more than the allowed RF power (1 watt or 30dBm) - LOL

for what it's worth:::::::::::;,;,., . , , . ,. ,,,. ,.... , ., . . ,. ,

the maximum effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) is 36 dBm (4 watts).
you can obtain the EIRP by simply adding the transmit output power, in dBm, to the antenna gain in dBi.

if your equipment is used in a fixed point-to-point com-link, there are two exceptions to the maximum EIRP rule:

in the 5.8 GHz band the rule is less restrictive. The maximum EIRP allowed is 53 dBm (30 dBm plus 23 dBi of antenna gain).
in the 2.4 GHz band you can increase the antenna gain to get an EIRP above 36 dBm but for every 3dBi increase of antenna gain you must reduce the transmit power by 1 dBm.
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I am happy with resolution, the camera has a focus on it and I haven't played with the settings on LCD much, but it gives a pretty clear picture with the default settings. I have used it to check dope on paper at different berms at our local range, worked extremely well for that. Here is a cell phone video of the LCD screen, still not the best indication of what to expect as it is a cell phone video of the LCD screen (and my battery was getting low and screen was "refreshing" on a regular basis) The steel target was 560 yards out.
Hey fellas.... Below is a pic of the recommended setup for long range with our TargetCam system. It's easy to setup. The directional antennas are made for us by an engineer that I tracked down out on the east coast who specializes in antennas. They are small compact little diddies at 4" X 4" square. They might not look like much but they don't take no for an answer. I tested a lot of antennas when we first started doing this and most didn't work, were too big or expensive. A lot of our customers get more than one camera so they can toggle around to different channels on the base unit looking at different targets at different distances. Hognuts - we should be getting more antennas in here in the next day or two. I'll send yours out as soon as we get them.
These directional antennas aren't always needed. Only when shooting long range over flat ground. Lots of our customers don't even need them. The setup that you see below has the camera at a good safe distance from the target - about 20 feet. That target is one that I made and is 4'X4'. With the camera at that distance it fills up the whole viewing screen. Shots are easy to see especially on the Shoot-N-See.


This target was brand new when I took it out yesterday to get some pics. For the pic below I shot it twice with my little Sig 380 carry gun so you could see how the shots appear on the screen. There are only two shots on this target both from my 380 CC gun. The first is on the target in the upper left second ring 8 o-clock. The second shot is on the upper right Shoot-N-See. The screen and shots on the target are a lot more visible in person than in these pics. The picture quality would remain about the same out to extreme long range with the auxiliary antennas attached.


With our system we recommend you put up fairly large predominantly white targets like this or even larger when shooting ELR. This allows you to get your first shot or two onto the large white target area, see where it hit, and then "walk it in" as you adjust your optics, ballistics....etc. Since you are getting instant feedback after each shot without even moving your cheek off the rifle you are able to fine tune your shooting without using nearly as much ammo and time. Invariably after someone tries one of our systems they make comments like "it totally changes the whole shooting session" or "so much less wasted time and ammo." It becomes more about shooting and seeing the immediate result and less about shooting, struggling to see through the spotting scope or walking all the way down range.

Our goal is to make the best long range precision shooting spotting system available at an affordable price. We've also got some things patented and in development now that will be potential "game changers" for people looking for even more. Our current system is designed to accept these enhancements when they are released later this year.
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