We apologize. Our web site is temporarily not accepting orders as there is a glitch in the "accept payment portion". We are very sorry for this inconvenience. While this is being worked on please feel free to call us to place an order and we will take extra special care of you and your order
Thanks for you patience and understanding. We hope to have this corrected ASAP.
If there is anything you're looking for please give us a call at 516-217-1000. It is always our pleasure to speak with you.
Have a great day.
Thank you for your continued support.
If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
720 Old Bethpage Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
516-217-1000, 212-753-5128
Please visit our web site @ Cameras,Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Rifle Scopes | Camera Land NY
Long Islands Largest Camera and Sports Optics Superstore