So I went out shooting on a friend's private property last weekend on the other side of the county I live in. On my drive over there there's this big billboard with the state of Texas outline on it with a big blue stripe through it and back the blue in big bold letters.
We'd been shooting an hour or better when my friends phone rings. He's volunteer fire so he knows a lot of the sherriffs in the county. Sherrif buddy tells him a call came through about a neighbor over in his ao that claims there's ricochets flying over their house and wanted to know if it was him that they were calling on.
Friend says yeah we're out here, been out here at least an hour but we're shooting in the opposite direction and the people that called are 1/4 mile behind us. Sheriff buddy informs him since they got the call they've gotta come investigate.
So they show up, the buddy and his sergeant, drive across 10 acres of private property (left the gate open)

buddy steps out and immediately asks my friend for ID. Friend politely declines citing he's on his own private land and he's not charged with anything so no, you're not getting an ID.
Sergeant loses his shit! Starts calling my friend a smart-ass and threatening to arrest him on the spot.
Oh but back that blue. I used to hold law enforcement in pretty high regard but anymore I look at all of them with a jaundiced eye.
Didn't mean this as a derail, just got a little carried away. Anyway, now on with the scheduled programming.