The 9th Circus Delivers Again


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May 19, 2018
Southern California
In 2017 the Honorable Judge Benitez ruled against California's magazine ban in Duncan v. Bonta and gave California residents "Freedom Week". The 9th Circus quickly put that order on hold and played all kinds of games until the case finally reached the Supreme Court in 2022. The Supreme Court decided Bruen in 2022 so sent Duncan back to the 9th with orders to "reconsider in light of Bruen".

In 2023 Judge Benitez again found that the magazine ban was unconstitutional. The 9th then played all kinds of games including some very unusual procedural shenanigans to ensure that the magazine ban stood. Well today the 9th once again ruled that under the Bruen standard that magazines can be banned as they aren't "arms" or "protected accessories" and thus unprotected by the Second Amendment. Secondly, even if magazines are "arms" they can be restricted under the American tradition "of protecting innocent persons by prohibiting especially dangerous uses of weapons and by regulating components necessary to the firing of a firearm."

None of this shit is real, logical, or supported by current Second Amendment jurisprudence. So now we get to wait for the Supreme Court to finally decide if being told "go fuck yourself, we will do what we want" by lower courts is enough to warrant them doing some work or if the Second Amendment is indeed a second class right.

So, don't get complacent if you don't live in California because once this shit starts happening it takes forever to fight against it. Right now we are 8 years into this and no closer to getting it resolved than when we started.
It isn't just California. 9th circuit fucks up the entire western United States. Communism is like this. Watch them twist themselves into knots to reach a fucked up conclusion. Then we win in the Supreme Court and they fucking ignore it, as usual.

No ruling of any kind has any meaning to leftists. They keep doing evil shit no matter what. Stop voting for democrats.
This shit only applies to those willing to be ruled.
This kind of statement is frequently made relative to 2A issues. I am always disappointed in the person who makes it, because it denies reality.

Rulings like this affect markets (manufacturing) and thus availability.

Someone who truly believes in "shall not be infringed" should believe that we all have the right to guided missiles, and if you can't afford those, then at least RPGs. But you can't get them easily . . . why is that?

You can't get them - not because they're illegal, but because the law has made it so it is impractical to do sell them (with each projectile requiring its own stamp).

How many RPGs and munitions do you have? If none, is that because you're "willing to be ruled" or is it because the reality of the law has made it so you can't readily acquire them?
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Too many FN conservatives flee this state, surrendering the 55 electoral votes to Dems. Pisses me off. Nobody ever won a fight by running away. Was a red state for much of my life. Would love to see that happen again. The 9th court needs to be done away with completely IMHO.
If that many left, the census woyld reflect it and those 55 would go to another state. CA would lose power.
Bonta literally said… get this… “There is NO question, this will SAVE LIVES!” because… get this utter, country fried retardation… they will be forced to reload more frequently, which means less people will die.

That’s right, folks, this moron actually believes (or hopes his moronic brigade of dimwit followers will believe) that someone who is willing to slaughter innocent people en masse wouldn’t dare go so far as to consider violating magazine capacity laws.

Morons doing moronic shyte. Unbelievable.
Too many FN conservatives flee this state, surrendering the 55 electoral votes to Dems. Pisses me off. Nobody ever won a fight by running away. Was a red state for much of my life. Would love to see that happen again. The 9th court needs to be done away with completely IMHO.
Yep - the issues are as much from conservative cucks tucking their tail and running as it is the progressives gone nuts. Sad to see as most of the geography of California is still red and there are more republicans in California than CO, KS, NB, OK, IA, ID, SD and some other states combined. Just an overwhelming concentration of D in cities. Get rid of LA County and the bay area and its a conservative state.
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Judge is an idiot. The killer in Aurora would have simply staged mag changes differently if he had a low cap mag.

Standard evil ploy. If you cannot outlaw the gun, outlaw or control anything associated with it. Here's an idea. What if a judge gave an unconstitutional order like this and no one complied? How about that?
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Judge is an idiot. The killer in Aurora would have simply staged mag changes differently if he had a low cap mag.

Standard evil ploy. If you cannot outlaw the gun, outlaw or control anything associated with it. Here's an idea. What if a judge gave an unconstitutional order like this and no one complied? How about that?
This was an 11 judge panel. Eight voted to allow the magazine bans and three opposed.

So its 8 anti-gun judicial activists.
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This was an 11 judge panel. Eight voted to allow the magazine bans and three opposed.

So its 8 anti-gun judicial activists.
I stand corrected.

Adn I agree with someone else here. They have only the power that we give them. I'm not ready for anarchy. I am ready for judges to impeached and prosecuted for treason and other crimes against the USA. At the very least, censured and then fired or recalled. They are violating the oath of office.

Yes, I know, they don't believe it, at heart. So, make them accountable, regardless.
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This kind of statement is frequently made relative to 2A issues. I am always disappointed in the person who makes it, because it denies reality.

Rulings like this affect markets (manufacturing) and thus availability.

Someone who truly believes in "shall not be infringed" should believe that we all have the right to guided missiles, and if you can't afford those, then at least RPGs. But you can't get them easily . . . why is that?

You can't get them - not because they're illegal, but because the law has made it so it is impractical to do sell them (with each projectile requiring its own stamp).

How many RPGs and munitions do you have? If none, is that because you're "willing to be ruled" or is it because the reality of the law has made it so you can't readily acquire them?
Mostly agree but a 15 vs 10 round mag in the gun of a licensed carrier (California law) is much more encroaching than the inability to buy RPG rounds due to federal restrictions and the GayTF.

Agree they shouldn’t have control over jack shit. Time to “put up our own fuckin signs”.

If every carrier in California started carrying extendo mags.. wtf are they gonna do, arrest everyone?

Maybe a handful, and it’d be a big sacrifice for the handful, but eventually when that gets to SCOTUS and it’s shown they’d already ruled on it and were ignored… well free the fuckin J6 prisoners.

It’s a shit show. Yes, fighting it legally is the right way, but let’s just look at our judges and agree that’s never gonna happen how we want it to.

I also think our side goes about it the wrong way. They’re trying to convince retards to develop common sense. Impossible. Our side needs to fight from the angle (in California) that all legal carriers are required to have a license. This means their backgrounds have been run, they’ve taken classes and some sort of training. Making laws only affects law abiding citizens. In this case, you are literally taking away ammo from the good guys while the criminals ignore all laws anyway.

It’s fuckin retarded. People need to read. Strategy books. Law books. You know, anything useful.
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Too many FN conservatives flee this state, surrendering the 55 electoral votes to Dems. Pisses me off. Nobody ever won a fight by running away. Was a red state for much of my life. Would love to see that happen again. The 9th court needs to be done away with completely IMHO.

The utter shitshow that state is, and you're pissed sane people have realized the game is rigged and refused to play? If the house is on fire, get the fuck out of it.
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The utter shitshow that state is, and you're pissed sane people have realized the game is rigged and refused to play? If the house is on fire, get the fuck out of it.
So when it gets to your state - and it will - where are you going to go since you think turning tail and running is the best option? Canada? Mexico? Israel?
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So when it gets to your state - and it will - where are you going to go since you think turning tail and running is the best option? Canada? Mexico? Israel?
I think the point a lot of people are trying to make is to stop saying ok. Stop accepting their rules, mandates, unconstitutional laws, etc.

No one wants to move because of the government’s infidelity to its people. However, the current cultural climate makes it nearly impossible to fight back, legally or forcefully.

The point is that, sure we can fight with lawfare… which as stated earlier has been ongoing in this specific case for 8 years. We don’t have time for that.

The majority of America’s youth is finding their way through public schools and Marxist universities (to include the law schools.)

So, I’m not saying to relinquish all efforts on the legal side, but if we continue to yap nothing gets done.
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This kind of statement is frequently made relative to 2A issues. I am always disappointed in the person who makes it, because it denies reality.

Rulings like this affect markets (manufacturing) and thus availability.

Someone who truly believes in "shall not be infringed" should believe that we all have the right to guided missiles, and if you can't afford those, then at least RPGs. But you can't get them easily . . . why is that?

You can't get them - not because they're illegal, but because the law has made it so it is impractical to do sell them (with each projectile requiring its own stamp).

How many RPGs and munitions do you have? If none, is that because you're "willing to be ruled" or is it because the reality of the law has made it so you can't readily acquire them?
Fair enough point. I don't have RPGs for the exact reasons you mention. The point I was making is the absurdity of rules from state to state. The government thinking that I can't have xxy in California while you can buy them in Tennessee by the gross at the corner market is ridiculous. The constitution is law of the land and leave it at that. (Disclaimer.....Dear Feds.....I follow all rules to the letter.....I just pound my chest on the internet to be cool)
A better argument would be an American made equivalent that would actually be affected by laws and manufacturing like @RedBreast21 mentioned.

Anyway… shall not be infringed IS pretty clear. It’s clear they seek to diminish that due to it’s explicit reference to use against tyrannical governments. We fall into all categories here.

They disregard the laws, so should we.

"Come on, you sons-o'-bitches, do you want to live forever?" - Dan Daly

We should all read into and listen to our former decorated service members. Like Patton and Smedley Butler… both offered very pointed articulations of who is to blame for WWII… and thus, the bullshit that’s transpired since.

You have to be able to name your enemy. Publicly, at that. They continue, to this day and under this administration, to pass laws preventing us from doing so. That’s what we should be looking into. Not how many fuckin rounds California says can be in your waste. Wake up. Carry the rounds, you’ll need them someday.
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Too many FN conservatives flee this state, surrendering the 55 electoral votes to Dems. Pisses me off. Nobody ever won a fight by running away. Was a red state for much of my life. Would love to see that happen again. The 9th court needs to be done away with completely IMHO.
Because the badged criminals defend things like voter fraud , mail in ballots , illegals , etc
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Only half-joking comment - while I believe that unconstitutional laws should be ignored - shouldn't we also be a little more creative?

Why hasn't someone invented something like oh - I don't know - a slightly curved 30-round tampon dispenser that just happens to be compatible with an AR as well? Magpul just needs to stamp them with their feminine brand name "Magpax" (TM) and you have plausible deniability.

Chat GPT didn't quite understand the assignment, but you get the gist:

Image 15.jpeg
Only half-joking comment - while I believe that unconstitutional laws should be ignored - shouldn't we also be a little more creative?

Why hasn't someone invented something like oh - I don't know - a slightly curved 30-round tampon dispenser that just happens to be compatible with an AR as well? Magpul just needs to stamp them with their feminine brand name "Magpax" (TM) and you have plausible deniability.

Chat GPT didn't quite understand the assignment, but you get the gist:

View attachment 8646244
Out fuckin standing Pyle
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In order to maintain a well-regulate militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
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As mentioned above, the voting has been rigged for 20-30 years. The DEMS want power forever, and part of the process is controlling the population, which is done with lies, fear, and taking away 2A rights. "He who counts the votes matters" is the mantra of the controllers in this state.
  • Like
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Too many FN conservatives flee this state, surrendering the 55 electoral votes to Dems. Pisses me off. Nobody ever won a fight by running away. Was a red state for much of my life. Would love to see that happen again. The 9th court needs to be done away with completely IMHO.
You can be taxed to infringe your rights, or be taxed to preserve your rights. Those that choose to escape California choose the latter.
In 2017 the Honorable Judge Benitez ruled against California's magazine ban in Duncan v. Bonta and gave California residents "Freedom Week". The 9th Circus quickly put that order on hold and played all kinds of games until the case finally reached the Supreme Court in 2022. The Supreme Court decided Bruen in 2022 so sent Duncan back to the 9th with orders to "reconsider in light of Bruen".

In 2023 Judge Benitez again found that the magazine ban was unconstitutional. The 9th then played all kinds of games including some very unusual procedural shenanigans to ensure that the magazine ban stood. Well today the 9th once again ruled that under the Bruen standard that magazines can be banned as they aren't "arms" or "protected accessories" and thus unprotected by the Second Amendment. Secondly, even if magazines are "arms" they can be restricted under the American tradition "of protecting innocent persons by prohibiting especially dangerous uses of weapons and by regulating components necessary to the firing of a firearm."

None of this shit is real, logical, or supported by current Second Amendment jurisprudence. So now we get to wait for the Supreme Court to finally decide if being told "go fuck yourself, we will do what we want" by lower courts is enough to warrant them doing some work or if the Second Amendment is indeed a second class right.

So, don't get complacent if you don't live in California because once this shit starts happening it takes forever to fight against it. Right now we are 8 years into this and no closer to getting it resolved than when we started.
All of my hi-caps sank on my friend's boat, unfortunately.