Sidearms & Scatterguns The AK-47 of 1911's


Full Member
May 4, 2011
West Texas
I'm trying to find a 1911 (in 45 ACP of course) that has the reliability of an AK. I don't care about frills and this and that. This will be my primary weapon for home defense and will double as a paper puncher from time to time. Under $600 would be preferable. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I think people will tell you you're SOL. I have never owned an AK, but I do have a 1911. Despite what a lot of people say they can run without hiccups if you take care of them, just like anything else (within reason).

Either way, 600$ will only get you a very basic 1911 that likely won't be the 'AK' of the 1911 world. My pick would be an STI Spartan, they come in about that price point and have gotten very good reviews. Good luck finding one.

That being said, if you want the AK of pistols, stop wasting time and pick up a Glock.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

If you're after ak status, go with a glock. It's not a 1911, but you can get em in 45. Unless you get really lucky, you probably won't find much in your price range for a 1911
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rebel</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'm trying to find a 1911 (in 45 ACP of course) that has the reliability of an AK. I don't care about frills and this and that. This will be my primary weapon for home defense and will double as a paper puncher from time to time. Under $600 would be preferable. Any help or thoughts would be appreciated. </div></div>

There is no AK-47 of a 1911. Don't use them together when discussing 1911's, it doesn't even make sense LOL.

There are crappy ak-47's just like there are crappy 1911's. Not all AK's work all the time. The good ones work almost all of the time though. Same with a 1911. Same with a good AR. It is just myth that an AK wont Jam at all.

Under 600 in a 1911 you will have to go with the Taurus PT 1911, Springfield GI or a Used Para Ordinance (there are other options also, that's just off the top of my head). The Taurus will have more options and most bang for the buck. Leave Rock Island and American (Made in Philippines) tactical alone.

If it was me, for home defense I would go with a Glock, M&P, Sig, Springfield XD, or a Good 357 mag revolver made by S&W, Ruger, or Taurus with some speed re-loaders. Those revolvers will defiantly give you the reliability you are looking for.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

You could buy a Norinco 1911. They have experience at building Kalashnikov rifles, too. If you want a reliable 1911 spend some money on some decent magazines. Mecgar and Wilson Combat are a coupe that come to mind.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I do not know if the auto ord 1911s are better now. I got one a long time ago and still have it. It shoots very low. Like aim at the head and hit in the guts. It was aim at the head and hit in the nuts. Other than that it seems like a solid handgun.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shoot4fun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Glocks hiccup too.

Your 45 ACP should be a revolver.

+1, this is true of ALL guns. I've never owned a gun that did not have a malfunction of some sort over the course of its lifetime. Sometimes you get a bad cartridge and no matter what gun you have that sucker will malfunction. Better to learn your manual of arms and practice clearing malfunctions as a starting point. FWIW my Wilson has had about 1500 rounds through it so far and never had a malf with no cleaning, but of course that's at 5x the price point.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I've had my Baer TRS for nearly 6 years. With thousands of rounds w/nary an issue, I think its a fair comparison, function wise, to the AK.

Problem is the TRS is pushing $2K. I've seen them used in great condish for $1500, but that is far above $600.

The guys here have given you some solid advise. RIA makes a great 1911 for under $600. As does Springfield.

Not to get on a soapbox here, but I'd never consider a 1911 with a trigger safety. Personal reasons on that one. RIA's don't have the trigger safety, nor does any Springfield (that I'm aware of).

Considering you've purchased a quality 1911 (which can be done inside your budget), using high quality mags is the most important issue regarding reliability. Wilson makes great mags, as does Novak/ACT.

Just a thought, if you buy a 1911 and you run it with 10 dollar mags and it jams, it isn't the gun (more than likely). When I was a young shooter and I bought my first 1911, I thought its reliability and feeding issues were caused by a poor design. Not the case at all. I since sold the gun in question (sold it with ACT/NOVAK mags), but keep in touch with its owner and she runs Wilson and ACT/NOVAK mags through it and has not had any issues. I would gander to say it is as reliable as my Baer and it was $450 (Charles Daley).
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

My Rock Island Armory has had 1k+ rounds through it without cleaning. No problems. I bought it to carry. Since switched to the AK of handguns....Glock.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Good luck buying a 600 dollar 191q that will never have a problem. I'd get a revolver instead so you know it will go banhpg when you pull the trigger. For 600 you are looking at very low end 1911s with MIM parts and questionable quality, would you trust your life with that? Either save up and get a 1911 that will run right of the box without flaws or get a revolver.

1911s that cost 600 are not cariied by any in LEO, the military or anyone whose life could depend on their gun. Why? They could have a possible failure. Spend a few hundred more and you'll be better off IMO.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Do some research on Rock Island, they are not junk. Good entry level guns, great customer support and high reviews. I have had one for a little over a year with several hundred rounds through it and no issues.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Don't forget about the new Remington 1911. I played with one at the local shop. For the money the one I fooled with seemed to be a good buy. The frame and slide had a very tight fit. Not a show peice gun and no bell and whisles but over all it looked like a good entry level 1911. It was in the 650$ price range.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

ak-not but an M-1 or 1911s would be a springfield. bought one years ago and I just shoot the heck out of it. only carry when in the field but It works in all of Michigan's weather.
have a nice day
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shoot4fun</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Glocks hiccup too.

Your 45 ACP should be a revolver.

A friend of mine used a S&W 45 ACP revolver in local comps for a while and got rid of it because of malfunctions. Probably something to do with the moon clips, but still, I've seen as many problems with revolvers at the range as I have with autos.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

You want a brutally reliable 1911 for $600?

I want a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead.

I think I'm more likely to get what I want.

But in any event, I'd recommend the RIA Tactical, and I'd stay far, far away from the Taurus PT 1911.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Springfield Mil-Specs can be had for just slightly more than you're willing to pay. (not more than $75 or so)Their GI Model should be in the same price range as well. STI's Spartan should be near the price point as well and it's a damn nice gun, more frills at the trade off of some parts being from overseas (though the Springfield's frame is made by Imbel in Brazil).

And whoever said revolvers don't fail has clearly never seen an ejector rod back out and lock the cylinder closed.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I agree with Downzero....stay away from the taurus pt1911. If probably has more MIM parts in it than any other production guns made. Just because it looks decent doesn't meant that the parts are going to hold up.

I teach people how to shoot 1911's and how to use them effectively....things start with buying a quality gun or you are just asking for a potential malfunction.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I would also recommend against the Mil-spec because the sights are USELESS. Considering the cost of milling the slide, for any serious shooting, the Mil-Spec is worthless.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jethro21</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Do some research on Rock Island, they are not junk. Good entry level guns, great customer support and high reviews. I have had one for a little over a year with several hundred rounds through it and no issues. </div></div>

They run ok, but a lot of them shoot low. That has been my personal experience. I don't like a pistol with fixed gi sights that has to have work done on it in order to get in shooting on point.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Gunsnjeeps</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Check out a Springfield Mil-Spec. $600-650. Runs great, no bells, no whistles, no extra crap. Qualifies as CMP Service Pistol. </div></div>

+1, I've had one for about 11 years now, and it goes bang everytime.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Just buy a Glock and move forward. Yes, any gun including a Glock can have a malfunction, but in my experience Glocks by far have the lowest malfunction rate of any pistols I've owned. My HK USPs were pretty damn close.

If you have to have a budget 1911, buy a Springfield. I would suggest running at least 200 rounds (I prefer 500)through it to find out if it has any issues. With Springfields, they have awesome customer service.

I have a buddy who recently had to send his Springfield GI 1911 back because of and issue with the feed ramps. They corrected it and now it runs great, but stuff like that is extremely rare with a Glock.

If you don't want a Glock, look for a used HK USP in 45.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

heh and what happens when the timing on a revolver gets knocked out of place LOL. There is no uber-reliable firearm. "AK reliability" in itself is a myth imho. I've had AKs malfunction on me before due to crappy ammo(which is rather ironic given what is boasted about AKs being ammo eaters). If you want an ultra reliable 1911, I'd go find an old World War II model that has the loose tolerances that someone has already destroyed any collector value to and simply refinish it in np3 plus and be done with it. Original 1911s from WWI and WWII were not as accurate as the ones today but they were very reliable. In fact I'd say that today's 1911s require more maintenance to keep running.

I'd go look for a Remington Rand with old mismatched parts or one that some idiot already refinished and simply get it done in np3 plus.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

There was a few post on the Springfield Armory 1911 GI mil spec and I concur with those post. I have one and I have never had a problem with it. Also, I had mine coated in Birdsong to match my Tac Ops rifles.

Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

One of my 1911 has 14,000 rds ( Baer P II)thru it and never has had a malfuction. Good mags are one key after going thur Wilsons, and others which I gave away I only use Tripp Cobra mags. Another key 230 Hard ball and don't screw around tinkering with up grades, plus grease ( like B. Enos sells or others that stay put). Springfield is best value INMO also if you could find a old Kimber 10+ years before they went down hill.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Downzero</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I would also recommend against the Mil-spec because the sights are USELESS. Considering the cost of milling the slide, for any serious shooting, the Mil-Spec is worthless. </div></div>

You're confusing the Mil-Spec with the GI model. The sights on the Mil-Spec can actually take a Trijicon replacement. The GI model has the old thumbnail style sights.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Shooter McGavin</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There was a few post on the Springfield Armory 1911 GI mil spec and I concur with those post. I have one and I have never had a problem with it. Also, I had mine coated in Birdsong to match my Tac Ops rifles.



Nice piece. My stainless one is under the knife presently.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nw1911guy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Springfield Mil-Specs can be had for just slightly more than you're willing to pay. (not more than $75 or so)Their GI Model should be in the same price range as well. STI's Spartan should be near the price point as well and it's a damn nice gun, more frills at the trade off of some parts being from overseas (though the Springfield's frame is made by Imbel in Brazil).

And whoever said revolvers don't fail has clearly never seen an ejector rod back out and lock the cylinder closed. </div></div>

Revolvers fail. I had a S&W bodyguard that would hang up. A good S&W, one that is taken care of though, is less likely to fail.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I agree with lots of folks such thing as an "AK" like pistol. For example, my brother still has (after repair) a relatively new S&W 626 in .357 mag. He had probably only shot 2k rounds or so, most of them in .38 so he could save money. Well, something happened to the cyclinder and the ejector and the cyclinder was not able to be be moved at all once the ejector button was pressed. He had to send it back for 4 weeks to SW for a major rework. And this is a revolver thats supposed to me bulletproof? It didn't even make it 2k rounds before a major failure.

Glocks really might be the way for you to go here even though I don't carry one...I carry a high-end 1911 that was custom built and was designed with high end parts and great gunsmithing so this kind of thing doesn't happen to me when the SHTF.

You could get a totally reliable 12ga pump shotgun for a lot lesss than $600....Mossberg, Remington 870...long list.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

My toughest decison if someone decides to makes the unwise choice of breaking and entering into my place will be which weapon I want to eliminate the threat with....I suppose it will depend on the deistance to the target and how many people their are. I doubt that I will have time to put on the class 4 body armor so I had better be quick..

- Custom 1911
- Sig Sauer P226R
- 12ga pump shotgun
- Or get extra personal and use the original Buckmaster 184 knife

Can't use the Ar's since they are both in .308 and background is too much a factor.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Just get a Glock 21.

Comes in .45acp and holds 13+1. Reliability is in the superior range - for all practical purposes second to none.

Then you won't be worrying yourself over which 1911 among the million variations out there isn't an unreliable choke-horse, .. nor later shelling out uber-bucks to a pistolsmith to fix one that is.

Just sayin' ...
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

Larry Vickers said, "If you treat your hand gun like you do your lawn mower the BUY A GLOCK!"

AK = Lawn Mower

1911 = Stock Car

Larry V is one of the most sought after 1911 builders (maybe the most since he doesn't take orders anymore!).

Hilton Yam is another 1911 guy who advises to be aware of what you are getting yourself into when choosing a duty gun.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: SteelShot11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">My toughest decison if someone decides to makes the unwise choice of breaking and entering into my place will be which weapon I want to eliminate the threat with....I suppose it will depend on the deistance to the target and how many people their are. I doubt that I will have time to put on the class 4 body armor so I had better be quick..

- Custom 1911
- Sig Sauer P226R
- 12ga pump shotgun
- Or get extra personal and use the original Buckmaster 184 knife

Can't use the Ar's since they are both in .308 and background is too much a factor. </div></div>

The fact is that you're going to use whatever is handy at the time, without regard to other issues.

People who spend all this time thinking about what they're going to use if they have to defend themselves aren't thinking clearly. The fact is you'll use your fingernails if that's all you have...unless you're content with being dead.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

That's pretty good......I'll use whatever is closest to me....I just happen to be lucky and will have a choice of three fully loaded weapons within arms reach about 90 percent of the time.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

I concur that for the money you want to spend you would be better off with a Glock 21. For the money they are hard to beat in terms of reliability and longevity.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: VAJayJayPunisher</div><div class="ubbcode-body">on a side note, I want the Hipoint of Bersa 380's, any leads? </div></div>

Check with your spotter ...
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mead</div><div class="ubbcode-body">....if you want the AK of pistols, stop wasting time and pick up a Glock. </div></div>

that...and easily under your price target.
Re: The AK-47 of 1911's

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Olivers_AR</div><div class="ubbcode-body">RIA are a good $600 gun, 1911's shouldn't be treated like Glocks. </div></div>

Yep. Just do yourself a favor and pick up the "Tactical" (God I hate that word) model. It's still not a Wilson by a long shot, but loads better than the standard model. I've got a couple thousand rounds through mine, and I can place 99% of the blame for the few malfunctions I've had on my own handloads.

For $600, you should have enough cash left over to buy a few very nice magazines and a box or two of ammo. It still won't be as reliable as a Glock though.