Movie Theater The Contractor (2022); Dear John (2010)


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
So I pretty much hate almost every recent movie...

Even the 'fun' Turbo Murder "John Wick" stuff.

But two recently piqued my interest and definitely enjoyed both. Very different from each other. But IMHO really well done.

First The Contractor from last year. Never heard about it in theaters? Did it go right to HBO and stuff? Whatever. Really good plot. The action was palatable (not Jason Bourne). The characters were good and I liked the plot. The neighborhood where the 'contractors' lived looked like places I've seen right outside of Moyock! Big houses out in the middle of nowhere. Kiefer Sutherland was the only name I recognized. He wasn't central to most of it. Honestly, I was expecting total garbage. But was really surprised to see a great flick! Worthy.

Overall, one of the most worthy things I've seen in a while.

Second one is called Dear John. From 2010. Don't know how I missed it... but maybe it also went right to TV? Never heard of it. Amazing plot. Hot chick. I won't give away the plot at all. But it is not what you think it will be. RIchard Jenkins (Mr. Tyree) is amazing. Whole movie is engaging as hell and can't believe I missed it. Literally stumbled upon it.

Movie theater has been really quiet lately... I think that's because every movie now totally sucks. Its all woke homo groomer shit. The last movie I saw in the theater was Ford vs. Ferrari and I loved that movie. Then fake viruses made the world stupid and Hollywood went tits up.

These two flicks are great!

Dear Hollywood: MORE OF THAT, THEN!!!


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So I pretty much hate almost every recent movie...

Even the 'fun' Turbo Murder "John Wick" stuff.
Glad to see someone else feels that way. I think it’s as bad as fidget spinners and bottle openers on everything. It makes a mockery of gun owners and they freakin love it! It perpetuates just about every Hollywood stereotype there is and that the anti gunners used to say we’re a bunch of knuckle dragging, bonehead, shoot anything that moves, Rambo wannbe, troglodytes.

I had high hopes for the recent Fassbender “The Killer” movie on Netflix. What an utter disappointment. It should’ve been called how white trailer trash pretends to be a contract killer on weekends.

Glad to see someone else feels that way. I think it’s as bad as fidget spinners and bottle openers on everything. It makes a mockery of gun owners and they freakin love it! It perpetuates just about every Hollywood stereotype there is and that the anti gunners used to say we’re a bunch of knuckle dragging, bonehead, shoot anything that moves, Rambo wannbe, troglodytes.

I had high hopes for the recent Fassbender “The Killer” movie on Netflix. What an utter disappointment. It should’ve been called how white trailer trash pretends to be a contract killer on weekends.


I mean... John Wick is fun in some bizarre ways. But I can't 'watch it.' It's too fast. Too many flashing lights. Too, well, stupid. Same with car chases or super human James Bond stunts or any of those movies that just ramp up the action to stupid levels. I think Hollywood has to because the audiences are the "Doom" and "Call of Duty" generation that have to treat everything like a million-miles-per-hour video game.

Probably if I saw any of it in the theater... I'd develop epilepsy!

You want to know what one of the great movies of the last 10 or so years was? The remake of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Holy crap... edge of the seat the whole time. But no car chases. No gunfights. They made 'leafing through filing cabinets' into edge of the seat stuff. And I knew how it ended!!!!

If anyone wants to watch some of the best, fingernail biting amazing film-making ever... watch the BBC Adaptations of "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" along with "Smiley's People" starring Alec Guinnes. Holy crap, it's something like 6 hours each of just being entranced with a brilliant plot an characters and the 'action' is all cerebral! It's getting into your head and making you just totally part of the story. Brilliant!

(Links below if anyone wants to watch free on YouTube, BTW!)

Or how about the original Day of the Jackal with Edward Fox. I mean... amazing. Not the crap with Bruce Willis and that travesty of remote control guns and Irish turncoats. That was crap and didn't deserve the Jackal title.

Pardon the ranting... but people should switch on their brains. Flashing lights and dual-wielding axes is just retarded.


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy episode 1

Smiley's People (the sequal... third in the LeCarre Series.)

^^^ PS. Don't blame me if you spend the next 12 hours riveted to the screen ;-) At least some of you! The turbo murder set, not so much!
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I had high hopes for the recent Fassbender “The Killer” movie on Netflix. What an utter disappointment. It should’ve been called how white trailer trash pretends to be a contract killer on weekends.
So I should just not bother finishing that one, then? I kinda lost interest in paying attention and went off to watch other stuff.
It's a movie about waiting and waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill.
Fucking up a simple shot. Fucking up a bunch of other stuff. Fucking up some bad guys.
Stealing a radio. (Best part of the movie)
Everything working out in the end.
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So I should just not bother finishing that one, then? I kinda lost interest in paying attention and went off to watch other stuff.
That is the state of play for much of what I try to watch these days. I get part way in and finally say F this and never finish.

I did finish The Killer unlike the one John Wick that I tried to watch. As a fan of Fassbender, that was enough to keep me until the end.

One of the big problems is, I think people here have a harder time with the suspension of disbelief with these type of movies then say the average public. There are just so many things that make him come off as a bumbling idiot to folks with a modicum of knowledge of tactics/shooting/hunting arts. It would’ve than more app named “The Unprofessional Killer“……
It's a movie about waiting and waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill.
Fucking up a simple shot. Fucking up a bunch of other stuff. Fucking up some bad guys.
Stealing a radio. (Best part of the movie)
Everything working out in the end.

Also the stranger than life world of black ops in a world where corporations and individuals can hire black operators or just send them to school. Plenty of pay for play training companies who can equip a nihilistic billionaire with his own A-team or boat crew.

A good synopsis, btw!

so on the 'contractor' pls explain why kiefer wanted pine dead but not pine's buddy?

I didn't write the script.. BUT... I assumed it was because Pine was a goodie two shoes and was not "In" on the big score. And if he was "In" on the big score... it would have been less $$ for the planners.

But what do I know about contractors ;-) I was in Marketing.

Have you seen Extraction? I’d put it somewhere between the contractor and John Wick as far as action.
Extraction II is borderline overkill on the action, but still not as bad as John Wick ot what they’ve done with Bond and Mission Impossible.

Maybe I need to give Tinker Tailor Snooze Spy another shot but as I recall I was bored to tears and turned it off.
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Have you seen Extraction? I’d put it somewhere between the contractor and John Wick as far as action.
Extraction II is borderline overkill on the action, but still not as bad as John Wick ot what they’ve done with Bond and Mission Impossible.

Maybe I need to give Tinker Tailor Snooze Spy another shot but as I recall I was bored to tears and turned it off.

Not seen Extraction, but I'll give it a look.

If you are an action movie fan you probably will be bored to tears and turn it off. It's a spy/crime/whodone-it mystery.

One tip... don't bother with the remake as good as Gary Oldman was. Watch the original BBC miniseries on YouTube. The 2.1 hour theater movie leaves SO much out of it that it is somewhat challenging to make sense of the real detail of the plot and mystery. The miniseries, on the other hand, goes into the detail that makes LeCarre the greatest spy writer of all time.


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