The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Irons in the Fire | The Everyday Sniper
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Irons in the Fire Hey everyone, I figured I owed you a podcast as it's been a minute. I wanted to catch you up on everything happening. First off, Marc Taylor and his medical condition. Many people have asked me about Marc after his widow maker heart attack. Marc...
The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Irons in the Fire
Hey everyone, I figured I owed you a podcast as it's been a minute. I wanted to catch you up on everything happening. First off, Marc Taylor and his medical condition. Many people have asked me about Marc after his widow maker heart attack. Marc is in Alaska recovering and we hope to see him in the near future very soon. In the meantime, things are moving forward.
Sniper's Hide is upgrading the Site, the App, and how we look at training. We will start utilizing the app to a great degree to put our lessons in the palm of your hand.
Riflekraft and Sniper's Hide are moving forward on some Joint Training sessions. We have classes and events planned that work not just centerfire but rimfire and air rifle so stay tuned !
This podcast:
- Marc Taylor in the Hospital
- Gravity Ballistics Marketing
- Classes in Ohio and Pennsylvania
- Class in Fort Morgan
- Hunting vs Tactical the Crossover continues
- Reviews and Equipment we are playing with
- Revic Scope and Rangefinder
- Weatherby Rifle
- Thermal Night Vision Scopes
For the Serious Tactical Marksman
#snipershide #Lowlight #precisionrifle #practicalmarksmanship
#sniper #practicalmarksmanship #military #LawEnforcement
#LongRangeHunting #Hunt #FirearmsTraining #2ndAmendment #TheHide #Rifleman #EvilLeprechaun