Not talking about the elite leftist policymakers and legislators, whose support for gun restrictions are SOLELY to enact total control over a vulnerable population and create a new class of serfs who won't be able to effectively resist future attempts to subjugate and harm them.
Why does the rank and file commoners, including celebrities and media figures who identify with leftist policies, support gun restrictions and even outright bans? It is because many, if not most of them lack mature adult emotional regulation and coping skills when dealing with everyday stresses such as rejection, insults, and arguments. They outright admit that if they HAD access to a gun or another weapon in the course of a work related argument or disciplinary action, they WILL use that weapon to harm and kill those around them, indiscriminately. They KNOW that they cannot control their impulses, and lack the emotional maturity that enables the rest of us to handle life's common issues like functional members of society, so they want an omnipotent nanny state to do it for them.
Disgraced former CNN primetime anchor Chris Cuomo, a leftist gun control supporter and brother of also disgraced New York State governor Andrew Cuomo, openly admitted to having thought about "shooting and killing everyone at CNN" when he was fired from the media giant two years ago for defending his governor brother's notorious sexual misconduct:
Life is not all sunny days and pleasant skies. Every second, every day, we are being tested. Arguments, relationship conflicts, job and workplace difficulties, financial woes, etc. Some have it rougher than others but everybody faces them at one point or another. Millions upon millions of mature and functional people pull through, look for results, use problem solving skills to resolve the issue and establish solutions agreeable with everyone, and continue to build and proceed onwards. NEVER do they ever think that using a weapon for no reason to inflict harm, and mass harm and terror is an acceptable fucking reaction. NEVER. Not for those who identify themselves as leftists and "progressives" though. They cannot control their violent impulses and cannot function in life and tackle everyday issues like millions of other functional adults, so they want to take away EVERYBODY ELSES' freedoms and means of self-sustenance.
Why does the rank and file commoners, including celebrities and media figures who identify with leftist policies, support gun restrictions and even outright bans? It is because many, if not most of them lack mature adult emotional regulation and coping skills when dealing with everyday stresses such as rejection, insults, and arguments. They outright admit that if they HAD access to a gun or another weapon in the course of a work related argument or disciplinary action, they WILL use that weapon to harm and kill those around them, indiscriminately. They KNOW that they cannot control their impulses, and lack the emotional maturity that enables the rest of us to handle life's common issues like functional members of society, so they want an omnipotent nanny state to do it for them.
Disgraced former CNN primetime anchor Chris Cuomo, a leftist gun control supporter and brother of also disgraced New York State governor Andrew Cuomo, openly admitted to having thought about "shooting and killing everyone at CNN" when he was fired from the media giant two years ago for defending his governor brother's notorious sexual misconduct:

Chris Cuomo: ‘I was going to kill everybody and myself’ after CNN firing
The ousted journalist admits he was “knocked sideways” after he was fired by CNN in 2021, and is now in therapy to deal with the aftermath.

Life is not all sunny days and pleasant skies. Every second, every day, we are being tested. Arguments, relationship conflicts, job and workplace difficulties, financial woes, etc. Some have it rougher than others but everybody faces them at one point or another. Millions upon millions of mature and functional people pull through, look for results, use problem solving skills to resolve the issue and establish solutions agreeable with everyone, and continue to build and proceed onwards. NEVER do they ever think that using a weapon for no reason to inflict harm, and mass harm and terror is an acceptable fucking reaction. NEVER. Not for those who identify themselves as leftists and "progressives" though. They cannot control their violent impulses and cannot function in life and tackle everyday issues like millions of other functional adults, so they want to take away EVERYBODY ELSES' freedoms and means of self-sustenance.