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The OfFiCiAl fix for LEO’s and ALL their shortcomings


Banned x2 🤪
Full Member
Sep 11, 2014
Yuma, AZ
I know there’s a lot of hate out there for fat ass cowards who don’t protect our children yet spring into action to shoot our dogs and close our businesses.

I’ve come up with the solutions. Quite simple really

The preface: I’m NOT talking ABOUT the ones meeting or exceeding the standards. I’m talking ABOUT the fats sloppy fucks AND the LeAdErSHIT that refuses to hold them to a HIGHER standard.

In no particular order; a military type of accountability. Why? Well they like to dress up like us, now let’s make them accountable for the job they dress for.

-physical fitness standards: these LAZY fat fucks who refuse to maintain a standard should be let go. Lose your pension, lose your job, lose your AuThOrItY. BECAUSE you lack the self motivation to not be a fat fuck. Oh you got injured, too fucking sad.

-end qualified immunity. In fact impose the UCMJ on ALL federal tit suckers. Good enough for the military, good enough for all federal/state paid actors.

-DD214 style job endings….a PP214. Get let go as a cop for ANY reason, it goes on your PP214 and there SHOULD be a requirement to show this to next agency. Too many shitty cops get fired and go to the next town.

That’s it. Seriously.

Do those things and I think you weed out a lot of the problems. Too many get the job and just try to get through the time to get the check at the end. That’s fine if you maintain a standard, but far too many refuse.

Idk who the fuck set these low standards and who keeps letting it go on.

That’s my rant.

It’s NOT anti cop, it’s ANTI lazy fat fucks, anti dirtbag if you disagree, please explain it. It’s so frustrating what is happening maybe my mind isn’t working through things well
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I don't think it can be fixed. The rules guidlines and laws that have developed over the last 20 years have permanently destroyed the ability of LE to do the job.
Disband and replace.
I think that was the leftest plan to begin with as LE of old would never go along with this leftist insanity.
The right has to step up and design the replacement before the leftists win.
I expect Brandon to announce a subsudised federal LE to police our city's and we have to have our own answers first.
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I don't think it can be fixed. The rules guidlines and laws that have developed over the last 20 years have permanently destroyed the ability of LE to do the job.
Disband and replace.
I think that was the leftest plan to begin with as LE of old would never go along with this leftist insanity.
The right has to step up and design the replacement before the leftists win.
I expect Brandon to announce a subsudised federal LE to police our city's and we have to have our own answers first.
Not to get too tin foil hat, but...

It’s all part of the plan if the cops can’t do their job someone has to step in to do it be it the UN or whoever. They want one world government and they are doing a good job getting us there so far unfortunately.

Maybe I’m over thinking and way off base, I don’t know anymore.

Yeah, fitness standards…
Cities will “almost” always give you the option to resign. That way you have no recourse to sue for wrongful termination. I’ve seen it many times. HR rep walks in with two pieces of paper, one says I resign and am eligible for rehire, and the other is termination with no eligibility for rehire. You have to sign one before you leave the room. Next city calls for reference and all they are allowed to tell them is yes they are eligible for rehire, or no they are not.
There isn't a fix.

Mostly for one reason - being a cop sucks. Badly these days. News media is all up in their shit, lawyers over here, bullshit over there, etc.

Imagine that you had to clean toilets for a living...and a lawyer and a news crew watched you the whole time, and if you used the chemicals in the wrong order or swished the brush the wrong way BAM jail time.

AND it used to be people flushed their toilets (aka spanked their kids IMHO).....now they don't. So its clean up that overfilling crock of shit and try to get the brown stains off the walls.

IF you are the right person to be LE these days, you quit being LE and left the bottom of the hiring chart in place. Not every jurisdiction is like this - I'm gonna say that. There are a fair amount where folks are squared the fuck away and doing great work. But many shops are ruined by the politics of it and can't recover.

Practically every good cop I know is considering bailing on this broken experiment or close enough to retirement they are just trying to ride the plane back to friendly territory before ejecting.
Practically every good cop I know is considering bailing on this broken experiment or close enough to retirement they are just trying to ride the plane back to friendly territory before ejecting.

Evil will triumph when so called “good cops” are just “putting in the time to cash the checks”

But…..I get it. I really do.
Cities will “almost” always give you the option to resign. That way you have no recourse to sue for wrongful termination. I’ve seen it many times. HR rep walks in with two pieces of paper, one says I resign and am eligible for rehire, and the other is termination with no eligibility for rehire. You have to sign one before you leave the room. Next city calls for reference and all they are allowed to tell them is yes they are eligible for rehire, or no they are not.
This is the reason we NEED a PP214
Evil will triumph when so called “good cops” are just “putting in the time to cash the checks”

But…..I get it. I really do.
The true evil signs the cops paycheck my man. The void that needs to be filled in their absence is good men of the community. This is all that is needed. Policing as we know it forbids this from happening.
It does need fixed, but the states won’t all cooperate, and so if the feds oversee it we then have a worse problem, because none of the boots on the ground answer to anyone locally elected. Take the Forest service or EPA for example, they harass and fine people and there is not much recourse for the little guy.

I agree 100% with your method for a standard of accountability though.
We need a solution at the state level for sure.

With a PP214 that follows them and wont allow them the privilege of being hired on again.
I know there’s a lot of hate out there for fat ass cowards who don’t protect our children yet spring into action to shoot our dogs and close our businesses.

I’ve come up with the solutions. Quite simple really

The preface: I’m NOT talking ABOUT the ones meeting or exceeding the standards. I’m talking ABOUT the fats sloppy fucks AND the LeAdErSHIT that refuses to hold them to a HIGHER standard.

In no particular order; a military type of accountability. Why? Well they like to dress up like us, now let’s make them accountable for the job they dress for.

-physical fitness standards: these LAZY fat fucks who refuse to maintain a standard should be let go. Lose your pension, lose your job, lose your AuThOrItY. BECAUSE you lack the self motivation to not be a fat fuck. Oh you got injured, too fucking sad.

-end qualified immunity. In fact impose the UCMJ on ALL federal tit suckers. Good enough for the military, good enough for all federal/state paid actors.

-DD214 style job endings….a PP214. Get let go as a cop for ANY reason, it goes on your PP214 and there SHOULD be a requirement to show this to next agency. Too many shitty cops get fired and go to the next town.

That’s it. Seriously.

Do those things and I think you weed out a lot of the problems. Too many get the job and just try to get through the time to get the check at the end. That’s fine if you maintain a standard, but far too many refuse.

Idk who the fuck set these low standards and who keeps letting it go on.

That’s my rant.

It’s NOT anti cop, it’s ANTI lazy fat fucks, anti dirtbag if you disagree, please explain it. It’s so frustrating what is happening maybe my mind isn’t working through things well
I only disagree about the qualified immunity but agree with phys standards, accountability, and in particular a traceable work history (ala' DD214). As for fat cops....hey, its a hazard of the profession
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I know there’s a lot of hate out there for fat ass cowards who don’t protect our children yet spring into action to shoot our dogs and close our businesses.

I’ve come up with the solutions. Quite simple really

The preface: I’m NOT talking ABOUT the ones meeting or exceeding the standards. I’m talking ABOUT the fats sloppy fucks AND the LeAdErSHIT that refuses to hold them to a HIGHER standard.

In no particular order; a military type of accountability. Why? Well they like to dress up like us, now let’s make them accountable for the job they dress for.

-physical fitness standards: these LAZY fat fucks who refuse to maintain a standard should be let go. Lose your pension, lose your job, lose your AuThOrItY. BECAUSE you lack the self motivation to not be a fat fuck. Oh you got injured, too fucking sad.

-end qualified immunity. In fact impose the UCMJ on ALL federal tit suckers. Good enough for the military, good enough for all federal/state paid actors.

-DD214 style job endings….a PP214. Get let go as a cop for ANY reason, it goes on your PP214 and there SHOULD be a requirement to show this to next agency. Too many shitty cops get fired and go to the next town.

That’s it. Seriously.

Do those things and I think you weed out a lot of the problems. Too many get the job and just try to get through the time to get the check at the end. That’s fine if you maintain a standard, but far too many refuse.

Idk who the fuck set these low standards and who keeps letting it go on.

That’s my rant.

It’s NOT anti cop, it’s ANTI lazy fat fucks, anti dirtbag if you disagree, please explain it. It’s so frustrating what is happening maybe my mind isn’t working through things well
My old job is continuing its purge of membership.

Now it’s ass covering to avoid scrutiny when the civilian review board comes live.

Part of the process is a “questionnaire”,

Currently only names A through H have to complete it.

Questions like “Are you current on your taxes”, “Have you ever had financial problems”.

These are questions no politician could answer.

The Colonel has to determine in each case whether he has confidence in the Trooper or not.

He gives his opinion the review board acts on that,

Totally denuts the Union.

Colonel won’t be firing them review board will. After all if the Colonel doesn’t trust them how can they?

Guys with incidents twenty years in their past….perhaps an unsustained domestic have been told retire or they will lose their firearms license.

Very scary stuff.

Your post contradicts the typical call for police to be demilitarized…. Which is it military or civilian.

I want civilian personally. Strict standards yes but full awareness you are part of the community you police and you have to live with your actions on that area and be accountable to the people.

I have been made fully aware police now think they work for the governor not the citizens.
Cities will “almost” always give you the option to resign. That way you have no recourse to sue for wrongful termination. I’ve seen it many times. HR rep walks in with two pieces of paper, one says I resign and am eligible for rehire, and the other is termination with no eligibility for rehire. You have to sign one before you leave the room. Next city calls for reference and all they are allowed to tell them is yes they are eligible for rehire, or no they are not.
That’s how they worked it with us on the shot.

Dishonorable Discharged are denied the opportunity for any police work in MA.

Some guys are finding bordering states will take them.

If these states get a civilian review board - likely staffed by majority communists - they won’t be working with that DD on their record.
To add into VooDoo's post, he's 100% correct.
Older, more qualified officers are leaving agencies and their replacements are not the same quality people.

Where in the past an agency might have 1 class of new recruits every 90 days, now they are running classes non-stop.
More individuals are failing to meet the current lax standards.
There was a time when officers 'walked the beat'
they carried 'nightsticks'
they had 'authority'
Men wore hats
Respect was earned

Those were the days. (ymmv regarding the hats though) Different times.....
Exactly,,my grandfather swore me not to follow in the family tradition.
He walked the Beat. Then came a change, initially put in 2 officer squad cars. Then later yrs later 1 officer per.car.
He fought hard against these changes.


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This is the reason we NEED a PP214
Our politicians need a PP14.

You want to remove cop qualified immunity.

Cop qualified immunity has limits. You can be prosecuted for violating civil rights if shown you knew or should have known.

The only thing cop qualified immunity saves you from is those incidents where there is no time to process or if you are working within the bounds of the law but the law is flawed.

Consider responding to the active shooter. Take the cop with little training that has the balls to do the right thing and goes in.

I fully expect that in doing so probability is high he will shoot an innocent. He is going to turn a corner running to the sound of gunfire, get spooked by a kid and shoot or when he encounters the shooter his bad marksmanship is going to kill someone.

But I don’t care and because he is moving to stop the shooter he earns protection. His shitty training, his immediate thrust into combat, and the fact the killer caused all this lays blame on the shooter. Unless he was outright willfully reckless, firing blindly through a closed door, nothing society can do will put more guilt on him than his own conscience. He was doing the best he could with his training and the killer is to blame. By taking action he is trying to stop someone willfully killing kids not mistakenly. Have no coroner inquests to determine who shot who.

Lot of cops got shot in Watertown and it wasn’t by Tsarnaevs and no one looked to place blame.

Now politicians get great qualified immunity.

They get the luxury of planning to violate your rights.

They do it knowingly.

When you call them on it they say
“Sue me.”

You spend your money to sue.

If you win the politicians say “Tax payer, pay my fine.”

You get screwed both ways and other than maybe not getting re-elected they have no personal liability.
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To add into VooDoo's post, he's 100% correct.
Older, more qualified officers are leaving agencies and their replacements are not the same quality people.

Where in the past an agency might have 1 class of new recruits every 90 days, now they are running classes non-stop.
More individuals are failing to meet the current lax standards.
When I took the test is was specific to my Agency and there were 17,000 applicants.

From that 700got an interview.

Of that 550 or so got invited to the academy.

About 300 put on a uniform from three back to back classes. I was in the first class graduated top 25. Yes I think it’s cool I was better than 16,975 other people…..lot of good it did me.

Now the test is multi agency, you check a box asking for consideration by my old job.

Something like 2500 take the multi agency test.

They are taking people with BOPs, they have trainees that don’t have a Drivers license and have to get licensed in the academy. Their first car is going to be a cruiser. There was a homeless dude last class.

Old attitude was “You want this job you better have the fortitude to earn it” Now they ask for mentors to work with candidates on PT and studying.
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Your post contradicts the typical call for police to be demilitarized…. Which is it military or civilian.

I want a higher bar for entry and sustained employment if that standard is military, so be it.

Yes, like you and many others I’d like to see peace officers dress in a professional manner but in modern textiles that allows for maximum movement. Not standing around in tactical gear appearing unapproachable.

As far as debt is related……not sure if you already know…….I’ve seen a lot of guys in my units lose opportunity because of debt. It was explained to me in this manner: a man with debt has problems that can be solved the highest bidder. I could see immediately the concern. Makes even more sense in the policing world.
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The management and supervision of law enforcement is the problem. Risk averse, beta individuals who play the “game of thrones” for security of position and $$$. Like hires like, so the problem is self replicating. Same thing in Canada. The management team hires new officers they “vibe with”. Ever notice that a pedo boss seems to have pedos around them? Same deal, although the pedo thing doesn’t seem to have overtaken law enforcement as much as other orgs.
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Let me fix the LEO problem.

Don't break the law. No need to LEO.

Thank me later.

But but but whataboutism bad lawsnshit

1 law only:

Don't be a jerk

SOlved that one too.

All for free.

No LEO, No Govt. ALl will be fine. Nothing could go wrong.

I'll be in the doomsday bunker.
The management and supervision of law enforcement is the problem. Risk averse, beta individuals who play the “game of thrones” for security of position and $$$. Like hires like, so the problem is self replicating. Same thing in Canada. The management team hires new officers they “vibe with”. Ever notice that a pedo boss seems to have pedos around them? Same deal, although the pedo thing doesn’t seem to have overtaken law enforcement as much as other orgs.
It's all about ass. Bureaucrats will not risk their ass. if you invented a cure for cancer, went to your boss (bureaucrat in chief) with it and if it put his ass even a little bit out there, it will die, die, die. Unless of course there is no risk for him and he can take credit, now you're talking.

This permeates all professions in our society today, where the Peter Principal thrives and risk taking/creative solutions die.
the righteous don't fear death as much as failure and eternal damnation.
unfortunately, i don't think most people really believe any of this anymore.
i am not religious, but i think the lack of faith is why we are going to hell in a handbasket.
It's easy to put the finger on being fat/overweight/out-of-shape. And I'll agree that the patrol officer should be in shape. However, whilst I'm not saying somebody should be fat; lets take a look at probably one of the best sheriffs in the USA. He's in in 60's now and he's not in what most folks would call great shape. Average for a man his age; but personally I think he's a damn good leader and I personally bet he'd still kick some ass without a handgun/rifle.

It's not just the patrol officer at fault and their lack of fitness...it takes a good leader too (perhaps more than anything) so that there is integrity among the force, standards are met and exceeded, etc, etc. Hence why Grady and the bloke over in Brevard are great sheriffs from all I can tell.
If you take away qualified immunity then you will increase crime because cops will cease to be proactive. Just look at my state, Commiefornia:

Over the last 30 years police have become less and less proactive to the point most officers don’t do anything other than respond to calls and write traffic tickets. I recently had a conversation with a police officer from a large SoCal town who outright admitted that he doesn’t initiate contact unless he has a 100% slam dunk felony in progress in front of him. It’s not worth it. Why? Because nowadays the first thing out of the criminals mouth is you’re harassing me because I’m a minority. And they do everything to provoke use of force. And use of force is the absolute worst thing you can do.

In my state proactive law enforcement ended 10 years ago and the crime rate skyrocketed.
Where-in-turn there is a certain portion of the electorate who feel that "capping the bastards right there, in the back of the head, in the nearest ditch" is WHAT Is needed to start cleaning up the criminals from society.

All it takes is that to happen a few times, and word would get out quick in the criminal community that "crime doesn't pay" anymore. Let there be actual 'consequences' to the actions.

I don't care what 'level' of society a person is in. The same rule should apply to ALL. And the same consequences should apply, too.
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Too often "Qualified Immunity" is used to excuse trigger happy cowards who gun down innocent people and then get away with the murder and are protected by their buddies and then the families of the victims of police killings are told to go away and be happy with getting some of their own tax money back and we'll toss in some of your neighbour's tax money as well (that we will come collect at gunpoint if needed).

Then these same police go on to get pensions and continue employment and such and so of course they don't care if they kill people wrongly, or violate their rights because they have NO and I repeat NO consequences to their actions. You pretty much have to burn down half the country to get a police person tried for killing someone.

At the very minimum those police need to be publicly named and shamed, kicked off the police force, lose their retirement and never be allowed to be in a position of power again.

But instead they use that cowardly "we were afraid" excuse when they murder some unarmed man standing in their own garage or gun down an innocent father at their front door because the cowards hiding behind armoured vehicles were scared of their own shadows, and then march their families at gunpoint over the dying bodies of their father, while refusing to allow timely life saving medical assistance, and then are protected by their vile police chief and their corrupt department. Or they shoot someone with their hands up against the vehicle and then lie about well he was reaching into the vehicle, when there are bloody handprints from the victim all the way down the closed glass window of the vehicle. Or they are demanding some innocent person do some strange crawling and then murder him because they didn't like the way he crawled.

The police should have NO more immunity than the citizens have.
You shoot some innocent bystander, well you can face the consequences the same as a civilian in that situation would.

There cannot be one law for the citizen and another law for the King's Men.

And NO, to the whole let's do military rules for the police. The LAST thing we need is the police turning into a bunch of "just obeying orders" robots that will kill civilians and wipe out families and neighbourhoods just because some officers told them to. The whole Military "law" is the anthesis of freedom and liberty. Militaries for all history (including our own) have been responsible for the worst oppression, murder and genocide while "following lawful orders".

The police need to be brought back to being public servants not the public being servants to the police.
You don’t need extreme measures to lower the crime rate. More prisons, more proactive law enforcement, more community support.
Yes you do, but not from the state. These extreme measures should come from the people as this is the only way justice can be served.

You live in the most corrupt state in the nation. The state run school districts are physically, mentally, and sexually abusing children. The political corruption and election fraud in your state has no equal. The state legal system is the joke of the country. With all of this being known, you want community support for state funded men whose job it is to make sure the men of your communities remain docile so things can continue spiraling out of control. Why?

What is needed is men of the communities to clean up the area around them and to protect their own and the people around them. If the police ceased to exist or were disempowered, good men will engage and destroy evil up to and including the corrupt officials raping your state and it’s people. As it sits now, the state neuters good men and protects criminals.

All it takes is people to understand government is souless, immoral, wasteful, incompetent, and criminal and can make no decision or take no action, including dictating right from wrong and punishing criminals, better than the average working man.
If ever there was a time for officers on the other side of the door to rush in and do their job that was it. Children being shot and bleeding out from gun shot wounds, calling 911 asking for help. I hope whenever those officers, who stood outside the door waiting for tacticool, I hope every time they close their eyes all they hear and see is bloody children screaming, knowing they could have saved some.