Movie Theater The Tomorrow War -or- How Im apparently smarter than everyone 30 years in the future


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  • Jan 25, 2010
    the Westside
    Spoilers - you've been warned.

    As of writing this, I am 1 hr 40 minutes into it. The main character just 'made it back'.

    Overall its ok so far, some of it is predictable and makes you roll your eyes, but whatever. It's a movie. However, there are a few (and maybe they resolve themselves in the last 35 minutes or something), but right now I had to pause it and just go WTF. Some of the dumb plot holes/mechanisms are beyond fucking dumb. Whoever wrote this has never watched the first Back to the Future and understands literally nothing about time travel theory at all, on any level.

    So the premise is they have a time travel drive that can go from right now until basically today, 30 years in the future, thats it. No Delorean with a time travel date dashboard. Thats fine.

    Main character goes to the future and meets his daughter who concocted some sort of toxic poison that will be able to kill the aliens wholesale. Ok, fair enough.

    Then the whole 'plot' problem begins with, he has to go back to the current time (which he is going to regardless) and bring the toxin back so it can be mass produced and sent back. This is where my 'how fucking stupid are you' meter went off. Two glaring plot problems right off the bat:

    1) If hes going back to current time, we can make the toxin now and prevent the aliens from every becoming more than a little inconvenience when they show themselves. We're also going to know the time/place/area that they do because, well, you guys in the fucking future already know, so you can just tell me where I'm dropping the toxic shit off at and when. War over. We win.

    2) Somehow the mental gymnastics of 'if you take this back you'll kill your daughter in the future' comes into play. They actually say this in the lab scene and I had to replay it 5 times because it made literally no sense. If they send the toxin back, the entire course of history changes. Nothing in the future is the way it is right now. The only thing I can't figure out is in the time continuum, do we just at least need to build a time travel machine to be sure we appear back in 2021 to be like, oh, heres the toxin, aliens are coming on 4/3/2047 in Russia, here's how to kill them, etc. But regardless, NOTHING will be the way it is if you can send the toxin back to current time. Why is this so fucking hard to comprehend? How is 'get back to the future' the fucking plot line now? Who gives a shit about the future; its not the same fucking future anymore you dumb shits.

    The absolute smartest thing to do would be to send it back as well as all data/intel/everything you know about the future and then let current times 'catch up' and be prepared for when the aliens show up and then just push their shit in within like 2 days and be done with it. Done. No big deal. We've been waiting for your ass for 30 years.

    Yet somehow the premise they're trying to do in the movie as the plot twist is, he comes back to current times with the toxin formula, yet the time travel link blew up in the future and he can't get back. Who the fuck cares? The future is what you do RIGHT FUCKING NOW you fucking muppets. That isn't even the future anymore since you now have the toxin with you in the current time. Duh.

    The ending should have been, we had to fight to ensure he made it back and then he makes it back and 'we won' because now the future changed in that we have what can kill them and we are preparing for them in the future. Roll credits.

    Instead its, hes back...oh noes we cant get back to the futures! What?

    Some other random observations:

    - Apparently bullet design has not improved whatsoever in 30+ years. Thanks Obama.

    - You're all from 30+ years into the future, and you're still using basically the exact same vehicles, weapons, ammo, body armor, etc from 2021. No wonder you're fucking losing in the future. Jesus people.

    - Hey lets issue our 'troops' 5.56 SBR's against some sort of alien that you can mag dump 5.56 into from 3 feet away and it doesn't kill it. I mean, we've only had how much time fighting an enemy that this shit is completely ineffective against, but hey, lets just keep hoping for the best or something and all stand around looking at each other trying to figure out why the fuck we're losing.

    - Let's build our secret research lab above ground in bombed out downtown Miami. No one will find us there!

    - The 'aliens' have absolutely ZERO tech and are basically a furry version of The Zerg from Starcraft. Yet somehow, they landed on our planet. Even their 'lair' is a mud hole in the ground. How the fuck did any of them make an actual decision of A. lets go fly to that planet over there in our nonexistent spaceship B. Lets build a spaceship and then have less technology than people in the Congo have upon arrival. Seriously, get a mental image of the aliens in this movie, flying around in a Imperial Star Destroyer on the way to earth and tell me you didn't almost spit your drink out.

    - So the aliens are here for food. In the future it was mentioned there were less than 500k people left on Earth. The aliens did nothing except apparently eat everything in site. Seeing as how billions have died/been eaten, with no replacements, whats the fucking long-term plan there? Coupled with the above 'tech' issue, your entire plan was to land on a planet, eat everything because wherever you came from had no food, and in the process, you have no food and no way to get off the planet? Good plan there aliens. Good plan.

    - You know where their lairs are and that they are reproduced from females, which are uncommon and few in number; kind of like how a bee hive works. Finding the hot spots and locations via sat imaging would be easy and a simple fucking JDAM would just clear that shit out as the lairs are a 10 foot deep mud hole in the ground. Yet, somehow you're fucking losing. Is Joe Biden still in charge in 2052?

    - Let's take the female that can signal to all of the males to our secret base and totally not have her under guard or keep her sedated like, past the first 5 minutes or something. Let's also totally keep her completely alive after getting all the scientific data we need from her so there's a chance she could break out and kill us, or summon like 790789908760980 males to come find us...oh, wait.

    - Somehow DoD decided that sending 1k 'troops' per week into the future was something resembling a plan. This is the equivalent of playing CoD or Battlefield and being those tards that all spawn separately throughout the entire round so the entire enemy team constantly just has to shoot at 1 of you at a time. Tards.

    - How the fuck do you manage to make Betty Gilpin look HOMELY. AS. FUCK. the entire movie? How?
    Last edited:
    Deleting Tomorrow War from my playlist

    lol overall its not horrible.

    Give it a watch. The movie as far as how its done and quality is a big production type film and theres a ton of shooting/blowing shit up.

    It's good for a 'grab some whiskey' and sit there movie.

    But there were just some things that made me go WTF lol
    I watched it and liked it. From the get-go I realized that certain segments of my brain’s intellectual honesty,needed to be switched off. Not to mention juxtaposition thought and sequential thinking.

    The whole idea that you give untrained people full auto weapons then send them into high stress cqb and they just suddenly know team tactics and don’t shoot each other, for starters......
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    I thought it was ok movie, I have watched much worse.

    I couldn't wrap my head around the drama of the daughter dying in the future. If you're going back and can change the future, what the fuck difference does it make. Dumbest part of the movie to me. Then, when he gets back, it's like he is surprised to see her alive. What a shitty scientist he is!
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    Spoilers - you've been warned.

    As of writing this, I am 1 hr 40 minutes into it. The main character just 'made it back'.

    Overall its ok so far, some of it is predictable and makes you roll your eyes, but whatever. It's a movie. However, there are a few (and maybe they resolve themselves in the last 35 minutes or something), but right now I had to pause it and just go WTF. Some of the dumb plot holes/mechanisms are beyond fucking dumb. Whoever wrote this has never watched the first Back to the Future and understands literally nothing about time travel theory at all, on any level.

    So the premise is they have a time travel drive that can go from right now until basically today, 30 years in the future, thats it. No Delorean with a time travel date dashboard. Thats fine.

    Main character goes to the future and meets his daughter who concocted some sort of toxic poison that will be able to kill the aliens wholesale. Ok, fair enough.

    Then the whole 'plot' problem begins with, he has to go back to the current time (which he is going to regardless) and bring the toxin back so it can be mass produced and sent back. This is where my 'how fucking stupid are you' meter went off. Two glaring plot problems right off the bat:

    1) If hes going back to current time, we can make the toxin now and prevent the aliens from every becoming more than a little inconvenience when they show themselves. We're also going to know the time/place/area that they do because, well, you guys in the fucking future already know, so you can just tell me where I'm dropping the toxic shit off at and when. War over. We win.

    2) Somehow the mental gymnastics of 'if you take this back you'll kill your daughter in the future' comes into play. They actually say this in the lab scene and I had to replay it 5 times because it made literally no sense. If they send the toxin back, the entire course of history changes. Nothing in the future is the way it is right now. The only thing I can't figure out is in the time continuum, do we just at least need to build a time travel machine to be sure we appear back in 2021 to be like, oh, heres the toxin, aliens are coming on 4/3/2047 in Russia, here's how to kill them, etc. But regardless, NOTHING will be the way it is if you can send the toxin back to current time. Why is this so fucking hard to comprehend? How is 'get back to the future' the fucking plot line now? Who gives a shit about the future; its not the same fucking future anymore you dumb shits.

    The absolute smartest thing to do would be to send it back as well as all data/intel/everything you know about the future and then let current times 'catch up' and be prepared for when the aliens show up and then just push their shit in within like 2 days and be done with it. Done. No big deal. We've been waiting for your ass for 30 years.

    Yet somehow the premise they're trying to do in the movie as the plot twist is, he comes back to current times with the toxin formula, yet the time travel link blew up in the future and he can't get back. Who the fuck cares? The future is what you do RIGHT FUCKING NOW you fucking muppets. That isn't even the future anymore since you now have the toxin with you in the current time. Duh.

    The ending should have been, we had to fight to ensure he made it back and then he makes it back and 'we won' because now the future changed in that we have what can kill them and we are preparing for them in the future. Roll credits.

    Instead its, hes back...oh noes we cant get back to the futures! What?

    Some other random observations:

    - Apparently bullet design has not improved whatsoever in 30+ years. Thanks Obama.

    - You're all from 30+ years into the future, and you're still using basically the exact same vehicles, weapons, ammo, body armor, etc from 2021. No wonder you're fucking losing in the future. Jesus people.

    - Hey lets issue our 'troops' 5.56 SBR's against some sort of alien that you can mag dump 5.56 into from 3 feet away and it doesn't kill it. I mean, we've only had how much time fighting an enemy that this shit is completely ineffective against, but hey, lets just keep hoping for the best or something and all stand around looking at each other trying to figure out why the fuck we're losing.

    - Let's build our secret research lab above ground in bombed out downtown Miami. No one will find us there!

    - The 'aliens' have absolutely ZERO tech and are basically a furry version of The Zerg from Starcraft. Yet somehow, they landed on our planet. Even their 'lair' is a mud hole in the ground. How the fuck did any of them make an actual decision of A. lets go fly to that planet over there in our nonexistent spaceship B. Lets build a spaceship and then have less technology than people in the Congo have upon arrival. Seriously, get a mental image of the aliens in this movie, flying around in a Imperial Star Destroyer on the way to earth and tell me you didn't almost spit your drink out.

    - So the aliens are here for food. In the future it was mentioned there were less than 500k people left on Earth. The aliens did nothing except apparently eat everything in site. Seeing as how billions have died/been eaten, with no replacements, whats the fucking long-term plan there? Coupled with the above 'tech' issue, your entire plan was to land on a planet, eat everything because wherever you came from had no food, and in the process, you have no food and no way to get off the planet? Good plan there aliens. Good plan.

    - You know where their lairs are and that they are reproduced from females, which are uncommon and few in number; kind of like how a bee hive works. Finding the hot spots and locations via sat imaging would be easy and a simple fucking JDAM would just clear that shit out as the lairs are a 10 foot deep mud hole in the ground. Yet, somehow you're fucking losing. Is Joe Biden still in charge in 2052?

    - Let's take the female that can signal to all of the males to our secret base and totally not have her under guard or keep her sedated like, past the first 5 minutes or something. Let's also totally keep her completely alive after getting all the scientific data we need from her so there's a chance she could break out and kill us, or summon like 790789908760980 males to come find us...oh, wait.

    - Somehow DoD decided that sending 1k 'troops' per week into the future was something resembling a plan. This is the equivalent of playing CoD or Battlefield and being those tards that all spawn separately throughout the entire round so the entire enemy team constantly just has to shoot at 1 of you at a time. Tards.

    - How the fuck do you manage to make Betty Gilpin look HOMELY. AS. FUCK. the entire movie? How?
    stupid stupid movie on so many levels. hated it, just beyond dumb
    i can turn my brain off to action movies like this because its all about CGI etc, i get there will be things that dont make sense
    i mean i love Godzilla movies so im usually on board for gaps in logic

    but this stuff:

    "Hey lets issue our 'troops' 5.56 SBR's against some sort of alien that you can mag dump 5.56 into from 3 feet away and it doesn't kill it. I mean, we've only had how much time fighting an enemy that this shit is completely ineffective against, but hey, lets just keep hoping for the best or something and all stand around looking at each other trying to figure out why the fuck we're losing."

    this kills me, even if we have not progressed in weapon or lethality tech

    at least give them a 7.62 scar/ m-14, 240, M40, bolt action 50bmg etc

    they are all man portable and might cause damage with a full mag
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    Reactions: fx77
    M2 Ma Deuce still Soldiering on in even the last war for humanity. Biggest surprise was "Insurance Dude" all buffed up - Tactical Santa. Georgia Tech even got a mention!
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    It was an entertaining popcorn flick. Turn your brain off and watch the apocalypse movie with JK Simmons looking swoll as fuck.

    I too wondered about the whole SBR 5.56 thing, when explosives seemed to be effective against the Whitespikes where .224 caliber bullets did not.
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    I came in from working outside the other night and the wife was watching "Shadow in the Cloud." She looked at me weird and said, What is this. I sat down and watched some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen. 95% of the movie takes place in a ball turrets. After fighting Gemilns and Germans, and being belittled and sexually harassed by American soldiers. I shit you not, to end it, The heroine whips out a titty and starts breast feeding her baby, as they roll credits. Shayamalan twist. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

    For everyone looking already, no, they don't show the titty. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
    • Angry
    Reactions: Yasherka and kcbird
    I came in from working outside the other night and the wife was watching "Shadow in the Cloud." She looked at me weird and said, What is this. I sat down and watched some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen. 95% of the movie takes place in a ball turrets. After fighting Gemilns and Germans, and being belittled and sexually harassed by American soldiers. I shit you not, to end it, The heroine whips out a titty and starts breast feeding her baby, as they roll credits. Shayamalan twist. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

    For everyone looking already, no, they don't show the titty. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

    never heard of it so i had to google quick

    hoooolllyyyyy shit

    go to about the 1 min mark but the whole clip is worth it

    I agree with @BoilerUP. JK Simmons was a beast. He took a hard turn somewhere between Farmers Ins. and this movie. lmao. But his attitude and distrust of the gov seems like foreshadowing of a senior citizen me. He was my favorite character of the movie. Liked the volcano kid too.
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    ...sounds like it makes about as much sense as Signs...

    "ah yes, our only weakness is lets invade a planet thats 70% fucking water....and where death water randomly falls from the fucking sky"
    An utterly worthless movie!
    Read this article and you will have an insight as to why most streaming movies today are steaming piles of dung.

    Maybe she is naturally homely and they just left off the makeup.
    The movie is worth the time to watch if you can watch something for just dumb entertainment. If you're one to nitpick reality of a fantasy sci-fi movie, then don't watch it. It gets nothing right about tactics, weaponry, physics and theory, etc. It is not worth the time it would take to read the first post here. If you can turn off your logical brain, it's worth a watch just for fun.
    I think the explanation with the boats in a river as far as the space time continuum explains a lot. You can't go back and completely erase what happened.

    On the other hand. Only 30% return my ass, these fucking aliens are killing people whole sale. Probably more like 1% if you find a really good hiding spot for 7 days. Might as well stick that SBR in your mouth or the aliens are going to suck your guts out like spaghetti.

    I liked the movie.
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    Reactions: Jgunner
    Spoilers - you've been warned.

    As of writing this, I am 1 hr 40 minutes into it. The main character just 'made it back'.

    Overall its ok so far, some of it is predictable and makes you roll your eyes, but whatever. It's a movie. However, there are a few (and maybe they resolve themselves in the last 35 minutes or something), but right now I had to pause it and just go WTF. Some of the dumb plot holes/mechanisms are beyond fucking dumb. Whoever wrote this has never watched the first Back to the Future and understands literally nothing about time travel theory at all, on any level.

    So the premise is they have a time travel drive that can go from right now until basically today, 30 years in the future, thats it. No Delorean with a time travel date dashboard. Thats fine.

    Main character goes to the future and meets his daughter who concocted some sort of toxic poison that will be able to kill the aliens wholesale. Ok, fair enough.

    Then the whole 'plot' problem begins with, he has to go back to the current time (which he is going to regardless) and bring the toxin back so it can be mass produced and sent back. This is where my 'how fucking stupid are you' meter went off. Two glaring plot problems right off the bat:

    1) If hes going back to current time, we can make the toxin now and prevent the aliens from every becoming more than a little inconvenience when they show themselves. We're also going to know the time/place/area that they do because, well, you guys in the fucking future already know, so you can just tell me where I'm dropping the toxic shit off at and when. War over. We win.

    2) Somehow the mental gymnastics of 'if you take this back you'll kill your daughter in the future' comes into play. They actually say this in the lab scene and I had to replay it 5 times because it made literally no sense. If they send the toxin back, the entire course of history changes. Nothing in the future is the way it is right now. The only thing I can't figure out is in the time continuum, do we just at least need to build a time travel machine to be sure we appear back in 2021 to be like, oh, heres the toxin, aliens are coming on 4/3/2047 in Russia, here's how to kill them, etc. But regardless, NOTHING will be the way it is if you can send the toxin back to current time. Why is this so fucking hard to comprehend? How is 'get back to the future' the fucking plot line now? Who gives a shit about the future; its not the same fucking future anymore you dumb shits.

    The absolute smartest thing to do would be to send it back as well as all data/intel/everything you know about the future and then let current times 'catch up' and be prepared for when the aliens show up and then just push their shit in within like 2 days and be done with it. Done. No big deal. We've been waiting for your ass for 30 years.

    Yet somehow the premise they're trying to do in the movie as the plot twist is, he comes back to current times with the toxin formula, yet the time travel link blew up in the future and he can't get back. Who the fuck cares? The future is what you do RIGHT FUCKING NOW you fucking muppets. That isn't even the future anymore since you now have the toxin with you in the current time. Duh.

    The ending should have been, we had to fight to ensure he made it back and then he makes it back and 'we won' because now the future changed in that we have what can kill them and we are preparing for them in the future. Roll credits.

    Instead its, hes back...oh noes we cant get back to the futures! What?

    Some other random observations:

    - Apparently bullet design has not improved whatsoever in 30+ years. Thanks Obama.

    - You're all from 30+ years into the future, and you're still using basically the exact same vehicles, weapons, ammo, body armor, etc from 2021. No wonder you're fucking losing in the future. Jesus people.

    - Hey lets issue our 'troops' 5.56 SBR's against some sort of alien that you can mag dump 5.56 into from 3 feet away and it doesn't kill it. I mean, we've only had how much time fighting an enemy that this shit is completely ineffective against, but hey, lets just keep hoping for the best or something and all stand around looking at each other trying to figure out why the fuck we're losing.

    - Let's build our secret research lab above ground in bombed out downtown Miami. No one will find us there!

    - The 'aliens' have absolutely ZERO tech and are basically a furry version of The Zerg from Starcraft. Yet somehow, they landed on our planet. Even their 'lair' is a mud hole in the ground. How the fuck did any of them make an actual decision of A. lets go fly to that planet over there in our nonexistent spaceship B. Lets build a spaceship and then have less technology than people in the Congo have upon arrival. Seriously, get a mental image of the aliens in this movie, flying around in a Imperial Star Destroyer on the way to earth and tell me you didn't almost spit your drink out.

    - So the aliens are here for food. In the future it was mentioned there were less than 500k people left on Earth. The aliens did nothing except apparently eat everything in site. Seeing as how billions have died/been eaten, with no replacements, whats the fucking long-term plan there? Coupled with the above 'tech' issue, your entire plan was to land on a planet, eat everything because wherever you came from had no food, and in the process, you have no food and no way to get off the planet? Good plan there aliens. Good plan.

    - You know where their lairs are and that they are reproduced from females, which are uncommon and few in number; kind of like how a bee hive works. Finding the hot spots and locations via sat imaging would be easy and a simple fucking JDAM would just clear that shit out as the lairs are a 10 foot deep mud hole in the ground. Yet, somehow you're fucking losing. Is Joe Biden still in charge in 2052?

    - Let's take the female that can signal to all of the males to our secret base and totally not have her under guard or keep her sedated like, past the first 5 minutes or something. Let's also totally keep her completely alive after getting all the scientific data we need from her so there's a chance she could break out and kill us, or summon like 790789908760980 males to come find us...oh, wait.

    - Somehow DoD decided that sending 1k 'troops' per week into the future was something resembling a plan. This is the equivalent of playing CoD or Battlefield and being those tards that all spawn separately throughout the entire round so the entire enemy team constantly just has to shoot at 1 of you at a time. Tards.

    - How the fuck do you manage to make Betty Gilpin look HOMELY. AS. FUCK. the entire movie? How?
    I'll only touch on one part of your diatribe. The creatures were supposed to be Cargo, They have no plan, they are much like the beings in Alien, a parasitic creature (but one that doesn't morph), that is used by the drivers (owners, Masters, the Real Aliens, etc) of the ship, as "Shock Troops" . One would assume that the 'Masters" had a means of controlling them, but typical of "Frankenstein Syndrome" stories the monster gets away, kills it's creator and runs amok. That is pat and formulaic.
    The film is very derivative, with sources in such films as Alien, The Thing, and Predator. Hollywood has never been original, and it is getting mindless now. They don't even try hard. They think all they have to do is put Chris Pratt, or Dwane Johnson in a movie, pay the CGI guys a bundle to produce visually stunning stuff, and to hell with the plot-line, or story, or any basis of science (the Genre IS a two word construct, SCIENCE and Fiction).
    This isn't art. It is mindless drivel, with lots of plot holes and poor management of Time Travel, as a thought exercise.
    Oh, yes, they resolve everything in the last seconds of the movie, sort of like crumpling up a ball of wax paper, and tossing it in the trash, there, all done.
    Out of 10 possible points I give it a piece of shit 2.
    So the whole world has banned together in the past to send resources(more food) to the future but when they get the toxin and pin point the origin all they do is nothing. Then without leaving more toxin with any one they find the ship but don’t send out word and try a have assed almost failed and no one will ever know attack on the source. Thank god for swollen JK lol. Should have just nuked the goddamn site. I still enjoyed it though but that might have just been the bourbon.
    So the whole world has banned together in the past to send resources(more food) to the future but when they get the toxin and pin point the origin all they do is nothing. Then without leaving more toxin with any one they find the ship but don’t send out word and try a have assed almost failed and no one will ever know attack on the source. Thank god for swollen JK lol. Should have just nuked the goddamn site. I still enjoyed it though but that might have just been the bourbon.
    About half way through the movie the future daughter told her father that they had a toxin that would kill the male of the species, but needed to develop a toxin to kill the females. This was after the epic battle in the city where the troops(?) were using guns to kill the creatures who were destroying the city.

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    I thought it was ok movie, I have watched much worse.

    I couldn't wrap my head around the drama of the daughter dying in the future. If you're going back and can change the future, what the fuck difference does it make. Dumbest part of the movie to me. Then, when he gets back, it's like he is surprised to see her alive. What a shitty scientist he is!

    Yeah, I had to re-watch that part multiple times just to make sure I heard it right so that when I bitched about it, I wasn't somehow confused.

    Until that point I was like, we're going to find some little weakness and exploit it at the last second like Independence Day and magically win, but whatever. Then the lab scene happened and I literally said WTF out loud.
    M2 Ma Deuce still Soldiering on in even the last war for humanity. Biggest surprise was "Insurance Dude" all buffed up - Tactical Santa. Georgia Tech even got a mention!

    Not that big of a surprise on either parts.

    M2 will live on forever because, why not?

    Insurance dude was fucking inmates in the ass in the 90s, before doing insurance commercials.
    I'll only touch on one part of your diatribe. The creatures were supposed to be Cargo, They have no plan, they are much like the beings in Alien, a parasitic creature (but one that doesn't morph), that is used by the drivers (owners, Masters, the Real Aliens, etc) of the ship, as "Shock Troops" . One would assume that the 'Masters" had a means of controlling them, but typical of "Frankenstein Syndrome" stories the monster gets away, kills it's creator and runs amok. That is pat and formulaic.
    The film is very derivative, with sources in such films as Alien, The Thing, and Predator. Hollywood has never been original, and it is getting mindless now. They don't even try hard. They think all they have to do is put Chris Pratt, or Dwane Johnson in a movie, pay the CGI guys a bundle to produce visually stunning stuff, and to hell with the plot-line, or story, or any basis of science (the Genre IS a two word construct, SCIENCE and Fiction).
    This isn't art. It is mindless drivel, with lots of plot holes and poor management of Time Travel, as a thought exercise.
    Oh, yes, they resolve everything in the last seconds of the movie, sort of like crumpling up a ball of wax paper, and tossing it in the trash, there, all done.
    Out of 10 possible points I give it a piece of shit 2.

    Yeah at the time I wrote the post, nothing about going to 'find' them had come up yet. I literally paused it after he had 'landed' in the present time and was instantly /sadpanda about not being able to send the toxin back to the future (dumbest idea anyways).

    I got the whole Aliens feel from that part too, and it makes sense while leaving a bit of the mystery you get from Aliens type things where not everything is explained, for example, where is that ship from, why would it have come here over 1000 years ago and why is it frozen on Earth?

    But back to things being predictable. As soon as I saw they were in the ship, my first thoughts went to A. there are a bazillion creatures in there instead of the 10 you think there are and B. stop trying to be cool and just blow the entire fucking ship up before you somehow wake them all up.......aaaaaaaand that just happened.

    They also never (or I missed it) explained the whole aliens taking 1 day off a week for the 'sabbath'. What did they do that day? Why did they go quiet? I thought that was going to be a plot device to see how they multiplied or some shit or went home and slept all day....or something. But nope. Mentioned twice like it was a hint at something and then nothing.

    Other than my satellite and JDAM idea, another way to 'win' on a protracted war timeline would be to have mass produced those 50 cal drones and had swarms of them just flying around places where the aliens were known to be and win via attrition.
    I agree with @BoilerUP. JK Simmons was a beast. He took a hard turn somewhere between Farmers Ins. and this movie. lmao. But his attitude and distrust of the gov seems like foreshadowing of a senior citizen me. He was my favorite character of the movie. Liked the volcano kid too.
    Yeah, he was pretty good in the Counterpart series too.

    As for Tomorrow War, I only watched it because I saw a few blurbs online how some people were spouting nonsense, "ZOMG! Chris Pratt plays an 'average white dude' and we're outraged!" or something of that ilk. So out of spite, I watched it and after the fact, kinda wished I hadn't because it's pretty bad, though not for the reason the idiots were spouting, but it just got stupid all over, LOL
    The white spikes are a weapon for cleansing all life off the planet. The pilots of their craft weren't the dumbfuck ruthless alien type. Presumably they were trying to clear out a new Homeland, but fucked up somehow and ended up crash landing and got stuck beneath 1000 feet of ice until global warming thawed them out in the future.

    My main takeaway was that 5.56 still sucks in the future, and giving the government money every time I exhale will prevent aliens from eating my kids.
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    Thing that got me.
    Weren't some of the "trainers" from the future? You'd think they'd know ,,head shots and exposed under belly.
    Hint hint,,this is the way to kill these.
    No one had much in way of mag pouches,that I noticed.
    Some M14s or AR10s,, would've been a hell of better fire power.
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    Yeah, he was pretty good in the Counterpart series too.

    As for Tomorrow War, I only watched it because I saw a few blurbs online how some people were spouting nonsense, "ZOMG! Chris Pratt plays an 'average white dude' and we're outraged!" or something of that ilk. So out of spite, I watched it and after the fact, kinda wished I hadn't because it's pretty bad, though not for the reason the idiots were spouting, but it just got stupid all over, LOL
    i liked him (JK) in The Accountant as well.
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    Yeah the whole save the future thing was kinda 🙄

    Would have been smarter to stress the future like "we need troops cause we need to capture / study / kill these things where they're available... in the future and find a solution to deliver... TO THE PAST"

    Apparently there's only one female in the future, they know where it is... but can't just kill it 😂

    Global warming caused the aliens to get out 🙄

    Would totally bang his future daughter 😜
    • Haha
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    i see that besides suspending disbelief, many here also don't have propaganda filters, or they can't turn them off.

    me? i saw a pro 2a actor and hot chicks, ugly aliens with big teeth, and some average joes and janes kicking ass better than you could hope.
    i saw self sacrifice, redemption, and the reunification of the core family unit. a happy ending.

    as for the rest of it? fuck, i even see people complain that the future commander that came back was a black chick.
    i just saw a cute black chick.

    fucking snowflakes?
    i get you see some agenda, but imo, this ain't shit compared to turning on main stream news, and isn't something to get my knickers in a twist.
    i see that besides suspending disbelief, many here also don't have propaganda filters, or they can't turn them off.

    me? i saw a pro 2a actor and hot chicks, ugly aliens with big teeth, and some average joes and janes kicking ass better than you could hope.
    i saw self sacrifice, redemption, and the reunification of the core family unit. a happy ending.

    as for the rest of it? fuck, i even see people complain that the future commander that came back was a black chick.
    i just saw a cute black chick.

    fucking snowflakes?
    i get you see some agenda, but imo, this ain't shit compared to turning on main stream news, and isn't something to get my knickers in a twist.

    Not sure where you're seeing that; we're mainly bitching about poor caliber utilization and stupid time travel plot mechanics that don't make sense.
    Not sure where you're seeing that; we're mainly bitching about poor caliber utilization and stupid time travel plot mechanics that don't make sense.
    not specifically here, perhaps.
    i have heard whining about diversity, global warming...
    what time travel plot mechanics in the movies do you find valid or acceptable?
    there is no sound in space. you can't bank a starfighter in the vacuum of space.
    almost every movie can be picked apart for mistakes in basic continuity...
    the ability to ignore these faults (mags that don't run out) is called temporary suspension of disbelief.
    it helps make movies enjoyable for folks that are bright enough to see the mistakes.
    A future soldier time travels into a gun store:

    "I need a rifle to kill aliens that are mostly bullet proof."

    Ok, you're probably going to want a larger caliber, probably .308, or for armor the added velocity of 6.5 Creed might...

    "No, we only have 5.56."

    Ok, no problem. You're going to at least want a longer barrel to keep as much velocity as you can.

    "I was thinking like, 7 inches."

    Ah, ok. If portability is a big concern you're probably going to want a super compact PDW style stock.

    "I need the longest, heaviest stock you can find."

    ...Ok. Lets talk optics then, a 7" 5.56 is gonna be pretty limited on range so a simple red dot...

    "I need magnification."

    Oh, are these aliens hard to identify?

    "They're gigantic."


    "I tell you what, go ahead and put a red dot at a 45. They look sick."

    Will you ever use it?

    "I will not.", aliens huh? That sounds rough.

    "They have incredibly heightened senses. They can smell blood from a mile away."

    OH. Well, now the shorter barrel makes a little more sense. You're making room for a big suppressor.

    "A what?"

    A silencer. Especially if you're going to be shooting these in close proximity to other people, the concussive forces will be...

    "No thanks. We'll probably shoot a dozen of these full auto in a concrete stairwell."

    That's...I think you're making my point.

    "We'll also be fighting in dimly lit areas."

    You'll want a super bright weapon mounted light.

    "No I said they'll be dimly lit. What's your dimmest light?"

    How is this war going for you?

    "We're losing terribly."

    Quoted from FB, but my thoughts during the entire movie.