One of the things that always has impressed me about Vince McMahon is how he managed to escape being sent to the Poor House from all the law suits, considering the volume of steroids (and other PEDs) it took to put the WWF/WWE on the map. But there's no doubt the "rock'n'roll" lifestyle puts a lot of miles on the odometer, too.
Like Andre the Giant, "
The Greatest Drunk on Earth," who once famously drank 119 beers in a six hour sitting. That's 11
gallons of beer, 12 ozs every 181.5 seconds. Yes, he passed out. And they draped him with a piano cover so's the cops wouldn't notice. As if covering that man-mountain with a piano cover made him invisible. Which shows you the state of sobriety of his drinkin' pals. A man would have to be in a pretty lucrative profession to even be able to afford a habit like that.
Same with MMA. Dana White once stopped by Chuck Liddell's hotel suite to check up on him. There were two naked chicks in the sitting room, two naked chicks in the bathroom, and a fifth naked chick in the bed with Chuckles.
"It's good to be the king." --Mel Brooks, as Louis XVI
I didn't realize is when I first responded to this thread, but Undertaker was beaten by Brock Lesnar. Now let's see can he hold on to his fake WWE title longer than he held on to his real one in the UFC.