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The Unibomber is dead..

About 12 years ago I arrived on my motorcycle at a coffee shop in Boulder Colorado, where I was a regular. I had become very friendly with the manager and when I walked in he immediately wanted to introduce me to his friend, a fellow biker whom I had parked next to.

Still in his motorcycle jacket, he extended his hand to shake mine while saying his name. As I reciprocated, I noticed his hand was fairly mangled and missing fingers. Without thinking I said “I hope you didn’t do that riding?” His response “Well that’s an interesting story, ever hear of the Uni bomber?” 😳

He went on to tell me that he was one of the victims of the Uni Bomber. I was floored, having followed that event in the news quite closely. When I got home I checked him out and sure enough he was indeed who he said he was…….
About 12 years ago I arrived on my motorcycle at a coffee shop in Boulder Colorado, where I was a regular. I had become very friendly with the manager and when I walked in he immediately wanted to introduce me to his friend, a fellow biker whom I had parked next to.

Still in his motorcycle jacket, he extended his hand to shake mine while saying his name. As I reciprocated, I noticed his hand was fairly mangled and missing fingers. Without thinking I said “I hope you didn’t do that riding?” His response “Well that’s an interesting story, ever hear of the Uni bomber?” 😳

He went on to tell me that he was one of the victims of the Uni Bomber. I was floored, having followed that event in the news quite closely. When I got home I checked him out and sure enough he was indeed who he said he was…….
So what was in the package?
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Thoreau indeed, also this thread probably has us all on a watch list somewhere in the Democrat Gestapo HQ.

Among the abnormal conditions present in modern industrial society are excessive density of population, isolation of man from nature, excessive rapidity of social change and the breakdown of natural small- scale communities such as the extended family, the village of the tribe

Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. .. [they hate] America and the West because they are strong and successful...

The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well

A chorus of voices exhorts kids to study science. No one stops to ask whether it is inhumane to force adolescents to spend the bulk of their time studying subjects most of them hate. When skilled workers are put out of a job by technical advances and have to undergo “retraining,” no one asks whether it is humiliating for them to be pushed around in this way. It is simply taken for granted that everyone must bow to technical necessity, and for good reason: If human needs were put before technical necessity there would be economic problems, unemployment, shortages or worse. The concept of “mental health” in our society is defined largely by the extent to which an individual behaves in accord with the needs of the system and does so without showing signs of stress.
He was right about a lot of things

He was mentally ill at a level that is incomprehensible… genius at solving math problems? Probably an indication of how mis-wired his brain was.

Not saying he did not have some points worth discussing in rational debate and among gentlemen, scholars or the scholarly-inclined…

But when you start mailing bombs to people and terrorizing a nation, you are batshit crazy no matter how good your dialectic or your calculating skills. Batshit crazy.

Same applies to whack jobs who wear Semtex Tuxedos; shoot up schools; fly planes into buildings or kill doctors they don’t approve of.

Unabomber was batshit crazy. All this stuff comes back to mental illness. Which no one will address because the mentally-ill are useful tools of terror and offer a great excuse for subjugation of the rest of society.

"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes ... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. ... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. ... They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." - SJ

"Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction It is already happening to some extent in our own society. Instead of removing the conditions that make people depressed modern society gives them antidepressant drugs. In effect antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual's internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions that he would otherwise find intolerable." - TK


Who is innocent? Who is crazy? Is it crazy to be maladapted to this world we live in these days? Or is crazy really being at home and quite comfortable in the current situation?
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Dr. Kaczynski will always be such a "what-if" story, to me, in mathematics. He was brilliant, mathematically gifted in a way you likely cannot understand, and most probably cannot overstate. He was brilliant in the company of brilliance.

It's reprehensible what was done to him, and other subjects, during the Harvard Human Experiments and to those subjects of MK ULTRA. Dr. Kaczynski didn't willing walk off the deepend, he was pushed, by some monster doing unethical, immoral psychological "experiments", more properly called torture.

Dr. Murray achieved exactly the result he was looking for, and exactly the result so many of you joke about on here (see: all the comments about these shooters / mass murderers being influenced or programmed by the FBI/CIA/WTF).

Oops, I was trying to stay out of the political side of it. Dr. Kaczynski made deep advances in Real Analysis and Topology at a young age and I can only wonder how far he might have gotten in another 20 years.
But when you start mailing bombs to people and terrorizing a nation, you are batshit crazy no matter how good your dialectic or your calculating skills. Batshit crazy.

He certainly went off the reservation.

Meanwhile Bill Ayers is free as a bird (and collecting a government pension), go figure.
He was mentally ill at a level that is incomprehensible… genius at solving math problems? Probably an indication of how mis-wired his brain was.

Not saying he did not have some points worth discussing in rational debate and among gentlemen, scholars or the scholarly-inclined…

But when you start mailing bombs to people and terrorizing a nation, you are batshit crazy no matter how good your dialectic or your calculating skills. Batshit crazy.

Same applies to whack jobs who wear Semtex Tuxedos; shoot up schools; fly planes into buildings or kill doctors they don’t approve of.

Unabomber was batshit crazy. All this stuff comes back to mental illness. Which no one will address because the mentally-ill are useful tools of terror and offer a great excuse for subjugation of the rest of society.

Those folks are the easiest to use when an organization has good manipulation skills and sound budget.
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So what was in the package?
Ted’s dreams and aspirations of course…..😳

It was so long ago that I’d have to go through some emails to refresh my memory of who exactly he was and the details.

The kicker of the story was that coincidentally one of Ted’s previous victims was close by and ran in to assist him after the explosion. My memory wants to say they were at a university building in another state but I would have to check.

At the time I met him he was a professor at CU Boulder. We drank coffee talked for a while and promised to do it again but never did. He seemed like a very decent person. I sensed no hate or bitterness and I was impressed with his ability to ride a tall sport tourer with that mangled throttle hand.
It's funny how Marvin Heemeyer is celebrated, for the simple fact that no one was killed during his rampage. His entire manifesto was recorded live and one would think he'd be considered mentally ill?

On the other hand, Joe Biden is speaking in front of the White House talking about protecting transgenderism in children and promoting the fact he selected individuals based on their sexual perversions. Remember, this type of narrative received the most votes in the history of our Republic.

I'm still patiently waiting to read the manifestos of Stephen Paddock, Audrey Hale, and Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev. Could someone please explain to me again, how many clients are incarcerated for visiting Epstein Island?

It is my understanding that the Nuremberg Trials defined what was ethical and set a worldwide standard for experimentation. Kaczynski however, was subjected to controversial and psychological experiments that induced schizophrenia, thus violating these standards. Remember, that he was only 15/16 when this happened.

I would type more but I'm off the get a tuck friendly bathing suit, gather pinecones, take some LSD, and read Thoreau while laying by the pool.

Remember Kids, only you can prevent Government programming by the CIA....
Had to do some digging to refresh my memory: John Hauser

The Unabomber struck places as well as people. His bombings at Berkeley, where he taught math for two years in the late 1960s, were among the least personal. They weren't mailed or addressed to anyone. But they were intriguing: The bombs that injured Diogenes Angelakos in 1982 and John Hauser in 1985 were planted in the same University of California-Berkeley building: Cory Hall.

"Cory Hall is not far from where Kaczynski taught," said Capt. Bill Foley, of the Berkeley campus police, who has worked the case since 1985. "He taught in Campbell Hall, and had offices in one of our temporary buildings. If you did a triangle between Campbell and that temporary building you would hit Cory Hall at peak of the triangle."

Cory Hall housed the engineering and computer sciences departments in late '60s, as it does today. It was the one place the Unabomber hit twice.

Angelakos, now retired, was an electrical engineering professor. The bomb that attracted his attention in a fourth-floor faculty lounge just before 8 a.m. on July 2, 1982, was cleverly innocuous. It looked like a turpentine can, something inadvertently left behind by a construction worker. It injured his right hand.

The bomb that struck Hauser three years later, on May 15, 1985, was much more powerful, made of a mix of ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder.

Hauser was a graduate engineering student and an Air Force pilot at the time he walked into a computer lab where the bomb had been left, sitting atop some three-ring binders. Police say it had been there for two or three days. Hauser thought it was a file box for some other graduate student's computer cards and wondered to whom it belonged.

When he picked it up, it burst four fingers off his right hand and severed arteries in his arm. By coincidence, Angelakos was down the hall, heard the explosion, and used a colleague's tie to make a tourniquet for Hauser's arm. Hauser's Air Force career was over. He still does not have full use of his right arm.

Now an electrical engineering professor at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Hauser considers himself the Unabomber's "most anonymous" victim
. He hadn't published any academic works at the time. "This was as much a target of opportunity as anything else," he said last week.
He was mentally ill at a level that is incomprehensible… genius at solving math problems? Probably an indication of how mis-wired his brain was.

Not saying he did not have some points worth discussing in rational debate and among gentlemen, scholars or the scholarly-inclined…

But when you start mailing bombs to people and terrorizing a nation, you are batshit crazy no matter how good your dialectic or your calculating skills. Batshit crazy.

Same applies to whack jobs who wear Semtex Tuxedos; shoot up schools; fly planes into buildings or kill doctors they don’t approve of.

Unabomber was batshit crazy. All this stuff comes back to mental illness. Which no one will address because the mentally-ill are useful tools of terror and offer a great excuse for subjugation of the rest of society.

But you ignore why? Why did he do what he did? I’m not saying he was justified. Same as Hitler, why did he do what he did? Again I’m not justifying it. What were in all those books they burned? Who wrote them? What institution was it at?

Reasons matter.
His ill treatment as a psychological science experiment at Harvard didn't help things.
This. While I agree he ended up a few tacos short of the whole platter, no one ever held those at Harvard accountable for the experiment he participated in. That's not conspiracy, it's a well documented fact the he changed after participation.

That doesn't excuse his behavior, but someone got off Scott free.

And his writings are strangely timely to today's world
But you ignore why? Why did he do what he did? I’m not saying he was justified. Same as Hitler, why did he do what he did? Again I’m not justifying it. What were in all those books they burned? Who wrote them? What institution was it at?

Reasons matter.
Why did that color-haired wizard in Denver shoot up a movie theater?

One of the things about mental illness is that we sane people probably can't comprehend what goes on in their minds... Because we are rational. We have controls. Be they morals. Fear of prison. Better things to do. Now those 'morals' will go out the window during war... especially civil war. Strife. Starvation. But the choices that people make under those circumstances are driven by a feral survival instinct. We all have it in us to mow down hundreds of advancing infantrymen... Or drop a nuke with the understanding that it will end WW2.

But no rational person goes 'I am going to go to a movie theater filled with Batman watchers... and mow down as many as I can."

And sure... drugs, hypnosis... programming... especially combined with mental-illness are all possible. Maybe probable?

Then again, noone handles the massively-mentally-ill to handle complex tasks, either. Because they are unreliable.

But you CAN ignore folks (or poke them) who exhibit the signs of being potential... mass killers. And just let them do what they are going to do. And if you 'ignore' enough of them. Or poke them long enough, you get what you want. Mayhem.

Don't forget that the minute LE looks at someone before they shoot up the theater or the school... OMG.... Red Flag Laws!

We're in a major Catch 22 on some of this.

But we CAN as a society recognize mental illness. Humans have been doing it since civilization started. And variously banishing the nuts, burning them as witches, locking them in frightfully-bad conditions, executing them, castrating them, gassing them... So the huggy folks get all uppity that any violations of some crazoid's right to 'live a normal life' are bad. Even if that person can't live a normal life. And everyone knows it. From the first grade teacher to the folks interviewing them after they shot up a Batman movie.

Meh... We are a rich enough society that we could incarcerate the mentally-ill in comfort. No reason to re-open the 1930's mental wards (that were still appalling in the 1970's). But that's not what the huggy types want. They WANT everyone to be equal... to drag down society to the lowest level. Because they want to control everyone... with their Harvard Degrees and Marxist brilliance.

Unabomber was batshit crazy. If he had moved to Montana and solved math problems or written manifestos... he probably would be some kind of Einstein/Thoreau. But his addled brain thought that somehow he could stop the march of technology by blowing up airline executives, computer programmers and newly-minted NASA astronauts. He was fucking crazy.

Probably started life as an "Exciteable Boy..."


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This. While I agree he ended up a few tacos short of the whole platter, no one ever held those at Harvard accountable for the experiment he participated in. That's not conspiracy, it's a well documented fact the he changed after participation.

That doesn't excuse his behavior, but someone got off Scott free.

And his writings are strangely timely to today's world
If I remember correctly is IQ was off the charts………
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He certainly went off the reservation.

Meanwhile Bill Ayers is free as a bird (and collecting a government pension), go figure.

That goes to show just how long this has been going on. Weather underground was something else, no different from the subject of this thread.

Shows that there is two justice systems in this country and just how long there has been.
Then this shit happens

I listen to free books on tape during my commute. I drive a 17 honda and my phone will play android audio through the car. "google" listens to everything. Once and a while, usually 3-4 times per week the reading will stop and google will think I am asking it something. It is always listening, it has to. I usually respond to it by saying something to the effect. Google you spying cunt go the fuck away, it will respond sorry and the book will go back to playing.

I will not have that crap in my house. Then you get stuff like this. If you don't think this is coming you are living in a dream world.

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