New Season, new start to the podcast,
I was damaging controlling why the Live Stream feeds were crashing on Facebook and X and I missed a bunch of episodes. Now we are ready to return with the weekly show. We'll have new guests coming up really soon.
Welcome to the Everyday Sniper Podcast, yes the music got overwritten so I wasn't about to play it. I thought I had this sorted out but apparently I missed something. Damn Updates !
In this episode I want to catch you up as to why I missed a few episode over the last month or so. I was actually damage controlling the video for simulcasting to other places. I can send this Sniper's Hide and TheHide.TV easy enough, but the signal was crashing.
In this episode I talk,
Going Live with Training & Firearms
Western Hunter Ultimate Challenge Match
Future Interviews on the way.
Gear reviews, We have the Eotech Vudu 3-9x here along with a host of other products to talk about.
6mm Arc Project !
Thanks for the patience of me getting my shit together. It was a process and I had to follow the process to try and keep things stable. I feel I am stable now, other than potential conflicts with my home internet.
Head over to Hide TV for more videos, articles, contests, etc.
I was damaging controlling why the Live Stream feeds were crashing on Facebook and X and I missed a bunch of episodes. Now we are ready to return with the weekly show. We'll have new guests coming up really soon.
Welcome to the Everyday Sniper Podcast, yes the music got overwritten so I wasn't about to play it. I thought I had this sorted out but apparently I missed something. Damn Updates !
In this episode I want to catch you up as to why I missed a few episode over the last month or so. I was actually damage controlling the video for simulcasting to other places. I can send this Sniper's Hide and TheHide.TV easy enough, but the signal was crashing.
In this episode I talk,
Going Live with Training & Firearms
Western Hunter Ultimate Challenge Match
Future Interviews on the way.
Gear reviews, We have the Eotech Vudu 3-9x here along with a host of other products to talk about.
6mm Arc Project !
Thanks for the patience of me getting my shit together. It was a process and I had to follow the process to try and keep things stable. I feel I am stable now, other than potential conflicts with my home internet.
Head over to Hide TV for more videos, articles, contests, etc.