There is Just a little more to the story

There is so much
in that article that I doubt even one of the shipping containers parked outside the shop can contain it...

What I am primarily interested is HOW the agents were able to install video AND audio surveillance in these guys' residence. Tech may have come a long way but it is still not easy to go into somebody's home and set up devices that seemed to literally record every increment of the occupants' lives to micrometer precision. I understand that an agent posing as a utility repairman might have been able to pull it off but was there no one watching him, going "Hey! Yo! Whatcha doing there man?" whenever he does not seem to adhering to the arranged job? And most utility repairmen/installers operate on a pre-arranged basis. Nobody just goes unannounced into one's house and makes repairs. The only other option would be a break-in when no one is in the residence, just like the Watergate scandal. Either way, those guys fucked up their OPSEC royally. Which is not really surprising. Their MO and agenda seems identical to ANTIFA. I would have determined that they were ANTIFA had the article not mentioned "white supremacists".

"Killing gun rights advocates"...

They would have gotten just one, AT MOST two shots off at the rally, before they get pile-driven into the sidewalk and curb stomped until not one facial feature is recognizable on their bodies anymore. The line between fantasy/delusion, and reality seems to be REALLY skewed for some people, doesn't it seem so?
They probably just listened to the guys phones but the “installed devices” is just a alternative construction or whatever they call it when they use illegal means to find stuff

Thinking a bit about it... Your theory has the most footing. Obviously they will not just reveal to the public how they performed the actual surveillance process, but it is most likely that they simply took control over their computers/laptops and phones remotely and activated the devices' cameras and microphones to do the recording for them. This technology exists and it is certain that it has been used by the feds just like a child smitten with receiving his first Zippo lighter for his birthday. He's going to try to find a chance to use that Zippo for every task that he comes across.
Yes, but the damage is done. How many "news" outlets are running this story on their headlines......exactly none. So they know they can lie to drive their rhetoric and not have any repurcussions. They win essentially.

Sadly though.......
There is so much
in that article that I doubt even one of the shipping containers parked outside the shop can contain it...

What I am primarily interested is HOW the agents were able to install video AND audio surveillance in these guys' residence. Tech may have come a long way but it is still not easy to go into somebody's home and set up devices that seemed to literally record every increment of the occupants' lives to micrometer precision. I understand that an agent posing as a utility repairman might have been able to pull it off but was there no one watching him, going "Hey! Yo! Whatcha doing there man?" whenever he does not seem to adhering to the arranged job? And most utility repairmen/installers operate on a pre-arranged basis. Nobody just goes unannounced into one's house and makes repairs. The only other option would be a break-in when no one is in the residence, just like the Watergate scandal. Either way, those guys fucked up their OPSEC royally. Which is not really surprising. Their MO and agenda seems identical to ANTIFA. I would have determined that they were ANTIFA had the article not mentioned "white supremacists".

"Killing gun rights advocates"...

They would have gotten just one, AT MOST two shots off at the rally, before they get pile-driven into the sidewalk and curb stomped until not one facial feature is recognizable on their bodies anymore. The line between fantasy/delusion, and reality seems to be REALLY skewed for some people, doesn't it seem so?

There are a couple of ways they got the video. One, it could have been an informant wearing a camera. Two, it could have been an informant planting a device for the feds. Three, there are warrants that allow .gov to slip in a house and wire it. Wouldn't be too hard if you had an informant who could get the occupants of a place to leave. This is no different from the investigations into massage parlors where they sneak in a place and place cameras to record the happy endings.
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