Try my hand at stupid questions here... can you see paper targets under thermal sights? Or rather, can you read/see what’s printed on them?
My first guess would be no, based on the images I’ve seen and what little I know about how they work... something like... you could see the paper itself as a rectangle thing, but probably couldn’t read anything on it?
It that’s the case, what do they use for calibration/resolution charts like for conventional optics/camera lenses? How do you zero? Are there targets with different materials just for use with thermal?
My first guess would be no, based on the images I’ve seen and what little I know about how they work... something like... you could see the paper itself as a rectangle thing, but probably couldn’t read anything on it?
It that’s the case, what do they use for calibration/resolution charts like for conventional optics/camera lenses? How do you zero? Are there targets with different materials just for use with thermal?