Night Vision Thermal vs NV in the hot/humid South


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Jul 10, 2010
Southeast LA
Does high summer heat and humidity effect the choice of NV vs Thermal?

I’ve been reading for a few months now, trying to decide what’s best for my needs. Will be mainly targeting hogs, but coyotes and varmints (coons, possums, armadillos) as well. Rifle will be a suppressed 11” 6.5 Grendel, or possibly 16” 5.56 AR. Ranges will be 50-150 yards, but I can shoot max 300 yds across the field behind the house. I keep a corn pile 125yd behind the house year round. Hogs come to it some, but destroy the field every summer. Plenty of spot and stalk opportunities on surrounding properties as well. I’d prefer to stay around $3k-ish, but could maybe push to $4k for a great deal. There are several pulsar thermals in that range, and
PVS-27s at the upper end, used. What else do I need to consider, to help make the decision? Thanks
Humidity does degrade image quality with thermal. Thick fog is the only thing that will really shut me down with thermal but it is still more capable than NV under those conditions. The first few hours after dark in the summertime can be rough. When it has been 100f all afternoon animals don't show up well until the ground and vegetation cools down.
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Recording would be cool, but not a necessity. I’m thinking audio is not important.
My 5.56 has the LaRue Stealth 2.0 rail system, one of the most rigid on the market, should be great for a clip-on. 6.5G has a round handguard and would have to be thermal.
This will likely be a dedicated setup.

The pulsar WiFi units are intriguing, since a second person can be somewhat involved. I have kids who would appreciate that aspect.

I think conventional wisdom says to couple a thermal scanner and NV, but I can only swing one for now.
Think twice about Pulsar... they continue to have problems. The Trail (now discontinued) series won't hold zero and suffers from internal breakage of the housing mount. I had a Trail XP50 for two years... had to send it back twice... recently got a refund and went Trijicon.

I'm in central FL and just about all I do is night hunt. I've used a PVS-14 with IR laser and a D790 Magnus... Thermal hands down for hunting.

Yes, humidity effects image quality but at your distances it won't be that big a deal.
Recording would be cool, but not a necessity. I’m thinking audio is not important.
My 5.56 has the LaRue Stealth 2.0 rail system, one of the most rigid on the market, should be great for a clip-on. 6.5G has a round handguard and would have to be thermal.
This will likely be a dedicated setup.

The pulsar WiFi units are intriguing, since a second person can be somewhat involved. I have kids who would appreciate that aspect.

I think conventional wisdom says to couple a thermal scanner and NV, but I can only swing one for now.

I wouldn't count on the wifi aspect to be a true sharing tool. It's "neat" at first but drops continuously. I've had 2 Pulsar, 1 Flir and now a Triji. I recorded a handful of kills at first then just got tired of looking at the same thing with hog hunting. Newguy nailed it, fog or a a light rain are killers on the thermal. I think i've mentioned it on other posts, the single most important aspect of thermal purchasing is to buy from a source that will support you should something go wrong.

Feel free to message me if you want to talk in more detail. Good luck on your search.
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If you can move your budget to something like a BAE core unit it's a good idea when using them in less than ideal conditions.

The sensitivity of the units help them last much longer than lesser units before washing out the background.

I had the trail XP50 and a PTS 536 and got my first Halo and was impressed how much more I could see in different situations. Now I have 3 Halo units (cuz I'm nuts) and only considering letting one go so I can move to a helmet mounted unit to scan.

To echo the comment, NVision service is great btw!
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Agree with Plink, AFAIK the BAE Micro-Thermal Cores (as I think the original OASYS Cores got renamed) are the best we can buy.
They appear in the following four lines of units:

(original) BAE OASYS Line units (now mostly available as used units, with some being "grey" market)
Trijicon Electro Optics units (Hunter, Patrol, Reap)
N-VIsion Halo and Atlas units
Trijicon Oasys units (Skeet and UTC-xii)

I have four BAE/OASYS cored devices and besides being a thermal bigot, I'm a BAE/OASYS core bigot. But I also have an original XD38A Pulsar and a ATN ODIN.

We moved out to rural Kansas in 2012, so I'm coming up on 8 years. I've been spending an average of 10 hrs per week outside at night over that 8 year period. I started going out with a red lens covered flashlight and a walking stick. I spent about six months out in the pastures and the woods (we live in the Flint Hills of Kansas, so we have hills and crick and woods as well as pastures) with just red light and stick. That experience dramatically increased my comfort level with being out there at night. I love it. I find it very relaxing and stress reliving compared to my prior 23 years in the corporate technology worldin the CA Bay Area.

Then I got a crappy ATN PS-22 NV clipon and then finally in 2014 my first thermal, an Apollo 384, and so on it went from there.

Around here I've seen temps from -20F up to +110F and humidy from 20 up to 100.

The BAE cored devices can definitely see the terrain better than the lessor capable cored devices, such as the pulsar or the ATN. And even more so at longer distances out beyond 300yds. I can see cattle out to 5,300 yards with thermal from atop one of my hills.

But either the ATN (pre chinese ATN) or the Pulsar or the BAE cored devices all can detect critters out way beyond any distance I would shoot them (500yds max for shooting yotes at night). So they all work for detection.

So as to image and PID and I've made these points before. This is NOT a linear construct. Is it NOT the case that one unit is always better than the other. Further more, thermal has more knobs than NV. The operator is a bigger variable in my experience, than the difference in the units. There are is no "magic" setting you can find that optimizes thermal image for all conditions, ,even on a given night.
Nuc-ing, inverting, adjusting contrast (a.k.a. gain) and brightness as well as digital magnification are all components of optimizing image at the moment and hence getting PID on smaller critters at greater distances in less time. Given enuff time, PID is almost always possible by watching the critters move. But, PID can be done faster by optimizing the image for the moment. Operator experience with thermal again, is the primary variable in my experience. I've PID a yote at 500yds with the ODIN while I was rolling on my 4 wheeler. The yote was moving up a hill as well. Now could I do that again? IDK, but it happened once.
Stating "the distance at which PID is possible" is almost a non-starter question. It depends on the conditions, it depends on the experience of the operator. Those are bigger variables than the differences in the units themselves.

(EDIT: Operator experience doesn't just affect image optimization, it also affects PID. When I first started going out at night I couldn't PID worth a sh^t. It takes time to watch the critters under thermal and learn how they look and how they move etc. It doesn't take 100 years ... and for some the time might be much faster ... and it isn't like you climb a cliff one day ... it comes on you gradually. But I'd say after 2 years I was 5000% better at it).

That said the Chinese and nada/chinese thermals I've had did not hold up in the field. Not reliable. So that's a different sort of issue, but a key one none the less.
And units with a fixed focus at short distance are also more difficult to PID weith out beyond 100yds, though you can still detect with them out to 600-800yds on many nights.

As an example, and this was about 2 months ago (and the details are in my night shooting thread) I was out in the rain at night. It had been raining for several days, the terrain was drenched.
I had the skeet the utc-x a 14 and a coti. From my setup position with those NODs I could essentially see zero terrain. Looking in a few directions I could barely make out the tops of the trees against the sky. That's the last to go. But with the NODs I was essentially blind. Yes even the vaunted UTC-x could see nada. My mk1eb could see more than any of the zillion $ worth of NODs I had out there at night. Now, could I see the critters ? Yes. But could I see any terrain ? No. I navigated by compass and by the bare few places were I could see the tops of the trees against the sky.
So no matter what fancy gear you have, there will be conditions in which the gear does not work.

Also, I grew up in Florida, so I'm familar with rain. :D

But for detecting and PIDing the critters at night, in all manner of conditions or terrain, thermal trumps NV except in a tiny few conditions. Snow is one. NV is fabulous in snow due to the luminosity of the snow. But thats for seeing the terrain, thermal can still see the critters better.
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Thermal all the way.

I have a t50 straight clip on model that I would sell for $3500. They have a better image than the specs would make you think due to the giant germanium obj lens. Plus they are mil spec so easy to use, rugged and .50bmg rated. They were developed to be used with the 4x agog
Thermal for detection and NV for shooting. I am hunting a lot in the woods where often NV does not help you detecting the hogs, whereas thermal shows them very early and far away so you can prepare for shooting. I use a relatively cheep thermal device which enables me to detect animals way before I can see them with NV, but shooting is way better with NV. I use a pulsar FN 455 which is a fully digital device, so no probs with unexpected lights etc. So far I got no problems with holding zero. It is just clamped onto my daylight scope and works perfectly even after many times of removal and reattachment. No complaints so far. Whether it will stay reliable remains to be seen. I use it since they are allowed in France last fall.

Just remarked that I was writing off topic. Sorry for that. Whenever conditions are such as few differences in temperature, thermal has problems as it shows the difference between temperatures in simple terms. In misty, snowy or rainy conditions you have a curtain of equal temperature which creates problems to thermal imaging seeing behind this curtain. Under such conditions NV is not the bringer either just as any vision including a simple scope or binocular.

Regards Bernhard
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I have another question...what caliber and zero are you guys using? Are you familiar enough with the terrain to ballpark distances and holdover as needed?

Something like the Halo 25mm would be a great fit on my Grendel SBR. Sighted in at 150 it’s an inch high at 100, an inch low at 175. That covers 95% of my scenarios.
I have another question...what caliber and zero are you guys using? Are you familiar enough with the terrain to ballpark distances and holdover as needed?

Something like the Halo 25mm would be a great fit on my Grendel SBR. Sighted in at 150 it’s an inch high at 100, an inch low at 175. That covers 95% of my scenarios.

Sounds perfect!

16” 5.56 sending 50gr vmax @ 2900fps w/ 100yd zero. 2” low at 50yd and 200yd
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My 308 with Halo LR is set up so I can have a point blank hold to 200 and really easy rough holdovers to 500

300BO with Halo set for a 150 zero and is just used for point blank on anything less than 200 mainly

Lrf on rifle with the Halo LR for covering varied distances. I also pocket a lrf and set myself a "boundary" of 200 when I'm shooting the 300 with the Halo so I know from X to Y but can't shoot over at Z area
.243 Win using 80gr gmx. I am familiar with the terrain and all ballistics involved. Rifle zeroed at 100m.

I have identical Tikka rifles in .243 (ttsx80gr & vmax58gr) and .204 (vmax32gr) that are incredibly flat and accurate.

How repeatable are the QD mounts on these units? Minute of Hog, or Minute of Racoon?
As I have learned over the years from the old wise Master's Kill switch engage & the Wig. Scan with thermal and shoot with NV. Personally, I see no need to video record or share my private time.
Being out there alone in the dark is a personal thing.
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These QDs are accurate enough to hit a fox at 200 m so should be sufficient for hogs ;-). The amazing thing about the FN series is the fact that you use your daylight scope including its magnification as usual as the NV is mounted on the front end of your scope. There are various adapters for all sizes of scopes available, so you can put the NV on every scope you own and usualy no need to rezero.

The FN 455 has all those features for the nintendo generation to play with. I am personally with CBDR and Simon & Garfunkel's sounds of silence when sitting in the woods at night.

Regards Bernhard
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I hunt in the south also (Alabama and Georgia mostly). Thermal is the way to go, as long as you buy quality optics thermal is superior to NOD's both helmet mounted and weapon mounted.
I currently use a DDMK18 (5.56 with a 10.3" barrel) which is great for maneuverability at night, you will be fine with your 11" Grendel or your 5.56.