I'm using my own form of logic here. I know, it's an original concept.
President Trump (I still like saying that) didn't create the debt.
President Trump didn't create the deficit.
President Trump didn't create the expenditures.
President Trump didn't create the infrastructure.
President Trump didn't establish the Federal wage scale.
President Trump didn't establish the Federal benefits packages.
But, now that President Trump's signature is going onto the cheques to pay for all these things that he inherited upon entering office, all the sudden it is "President Trump's Fault"?
Funny, I don't think so. If you buy a used car, are you responsible for any accidents that car was in before you bought it? NO. Sure, you may be on the hook for fixing/repairing any damages that were hidden under a blanket of bondo. But it is only upon actually getting into it, where you find that some snapperhead (previous owner) hacked up the fuel injectors and wedged them into place using drywall screws.
So, who wants to/gets to decide which Federal 'outgo' gets shut off, whilst the continued taxpayers 'in-go' pays for what has already been spent? So essentially, someone needs to decide which/who gets not only 'zero-return' on their tax dollars, but WILL CONTINUE to pay taxes for 'nothing' for the foreseeable future. And possibly their children's foreseeable future.
You can't borrow yourself out of debt. But as far as I'm concerned, the US has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR a number of sandboxes on the other side of the world.
Both in 'billions given to the wind' and in BLOOD AND BODY PARTS. Yeah, in my perspective ya'll own a few sandboxes. I have no problem buying gas from ya'll.