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They will still hate you even if you disarm.

Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member
    Very sobering read by columnist and gun blogger Kurt Schlichter.

    Pull a chair up to the table and grab a drink.

    To any gun owner out there who thinks that if they join the band wagon for an "assault weapons" ban, turn in their firearms and comply with the statists, they will be safe?......... Think again.

    They Will Still Hate You Even If You Disarm
    Kurt Schlichter

    It was quite a surprise to find out that we Trump voters were personally responsible for the savage murder sprees of a creep who dug single-payer and a satanist fan of Big Chief Warren. The El Paso scumbag decided he wanted to murder Hispanics because migration would somehow destroy the environment, which falls right in line with classical progressive eugenics balderdash. The Democrat from Dayton was full-on #Resistance. But apparently we conservatives were to blame for their actions because we refuse to give up our rights.

    Now, those links I just outlined between these idiots’ political beliefs and liberals should not act to place the moral blame for their vile deeds upon liberals, but they must because that’s apparently the new rule. It’s a stupid rule and I think we should go back to the old rule - the person responsible for the crime he commits is the criminal - but since the new rule is in effect then the liberals can enjoy it like a suppository.

    Remember, everything the mainstream media tells you at the behest of the liberal elite is a lie and a scam designed to increase their power and wealth by diminishing your power and wealth. Global warming? It’s such a crisis that they need to fly their private jets to fabulous resorts to discuss how you must trade in your Ford Expedition for a Schwinn and how millions of people like you who support their families in the petroleum industry better learn to code. And now the crisis of two left-friendly mutants out of 335 million people means you need to be disarmed. Oh, and you’re also racists so you should be disenfranchised too.

    Weird how the liberal solution to every problem is always to make you less free. One of their tactics is exhaustion - to exhaust the weak among us and get them to say, “Gosh, if we just give in we can put this unpleasantness behind us.” But you can’t put anything behind you with these people, because there is nothing to put behind you. It’s all a lie. You are not a racist. Your guns won’t hurt anyone but criminals and aspiring tyrants. And the leftists know it. They know they are spewing skeevy slanders, and if you give in on this one - handing over your AR-15 and hanging your head over prejudices you don’t possess - the libs and their newsprint lackeys will just club you with another set of grievances that you can only atone for through further submission.

    It will never end. They will always hate you. Always. Nothing you can do will change that. Nothing. So get used to it and invite them to pound sand.
    It would be nice to have libs and their media goons not sliming us all the time with manifest falsehoods. It would also be nice to have a pet unicorn named Chet always ready to make a run to the liquor store to pick up a sixer of Dos Equis and some Doritos. Neither one is going to happen, and you can’t change that by giving in. No matter how much you abase yourself it will never be enough for them to not hate you.

    Take Mitt Romney, please (back to whatever state he’s from this week). He shamelessly smooches lib rear expecting a pat on the head but the second he deviates from his Never Trump sissydom he gets eviscerated. Bret Stephens of the loathsome NYT is the classic kept conservative, but no matter how much he sucks up, if he offers any hint of #Resistance resistance - no matter how qualified and neutered - they torch him like a witch.

    They are always going to hate you, so get any idea out of your head that if you just surrender then this endless tsunami of lies will finally be over. It won’t, because it has nothing to do with what you actually think or have actually done. Nothing. It’s a means of oppression, a tactic to stop you from exercising your right to be a citizen instead of a serf.

    The libs’ goal in disarming you is not to stop crime. If it were, the blue cities where they rule would not be the urban war zones the media tries to ignore (we are blessed to have an alternative media that outflank the lying mainstream press). Ask a liberal - the problem is police arresting too many criminals. The problem, to them, is mass incarceration, as if the massively incarcerated are all innocent honor students swept up in some sort of malicious dragnet.

    We think criminals ought to be in jail. The Democrats’ goal is to make us into criminals - once we’re criminalized the whole over-incarceration crisis will vanish and they’ll get all Old School Kamala 1.0 vis a vis lockingpeople up. Defenseless, silenced and paying for everyone else’s stuff, all while being abused and disrespected - that’s what the left wants for you.

    Everything the left says or does is designed to make them more powerful by making you less free. You can never give enough of your money or freedom away to make them stop hating you, so don’t try. Get woke to their scam - luckily we have a president who is - and don’t play along. They’ll always hate you, so stop caring about their lies.

    Readers keep telling me that my action-packed yet highly amusing thrillers about the United States’ split into red and blue countries, People's Republic, Indian Country and Wildfire seem to be coming true. These novels have been called “Appalling” by the hapless geebos who sank the Weekly Standard, so you should check them out.

    It truly is a difficult time raising kids in this landscape. I just can't image the hell my kids will deal with in trying to raise their kids in. At lease I remember the good old days and what life was like before cell phones, the internet and being shamed for being a straight white guy. Poor kids don't have any of that to keep them grounded.
    After the National Socialists disarmed their subjects, they often still went around and rounded up previous gun owners who had turned in their guns because... well they may not be total sheep and they only wanted sheep and slaves not people who may have some spark of independence in them.

    And that brings us to the countless gun purchases that had paperwork and/or any background check done. The point is, the statists want nothing but total disarmament. However, instead of going all out and declaring an overnight ban, they chose to boil the frog, because they know that declaring an instant ban will be very hazardous to their health and their wishes of dying peacefully in their sleep in old age.

    So eventually, if they get their way with so-called assault weapons bans and magazine bans, they will start going after traditional hunting and historical weapons too. There are many Fudds out there who still think that no one will go after their bolt action .30-06's, and even if they do, all they have to do is turn them in and take up golfing or woodworking for the rest of their lives. They are gravely mistaken. Once you are on file, you are on that file. There is no such thing as levels on that file. It is like a light switch, either ON or OFF. If you are ON, then you better be prepared to be part of the "deplorables". Personally, I don't give a flying fuck if I am deplorable. As long as my hard earned property, my liberty and safety, and those of the ones I love, are respected.
    Can you say...Hunger Games?


    Their true, real goals are not our disarmament. They want us to be at the very bottom of their new caste system. To be overworked, buggered, violated, led around on leashes, pay for everyone who does not want to work, and have no way to say anything or do anything about it. For those who refuse this agenda, then the other option is surely death or slave labor anyway.

    The only thing that has stopped them from achieving this way so far is that we are armed and willing to use overwhelming force to protect what is ours, and they know it. That is why they have been actively trying to turn the younger generations away from guns and self reliance by feeding them a bullshit cocktail of false utopia stories, social justice for any perceived ills, and worst of all, gender confusion. Keeping them away from the reality of life through distraction.

    Our purpose is not to "teach someone how to shoot" anymore, as opposed to the more calm past. We have to get these younger kids "woke" to the actual realities of their existence and the human condition first. Otherwise we would just be aiding in the creation of an armed leftist cadre who still hates our guts but now have the means to do something about it.

    Their true, real goals are not our disarmament. They want us to be at the very bottom of their new caste system. To be overworked, buggered, violated, led around on leashes, pay for everyone who does not want to work, and have no way to say anything or do anything about it. For those who refuse this agenda, then the other option is surely death or slave labor anyway.

    The only thing that has stopped them from achieving this way so far is that we are armed and willing to use overwhelming force to protect what is ours, and they know it. That is why they have been actively trying to turn the younger generations away from guns and self reliance by feeding them a bullshit cocktail of false utopia stories, social justice for any perceived ills, and worst of all, gender confusion. Keeping them away from the reality of life through distraction.

    Our purpose is not to "teach someone how to shoot" anymore, as opposed to the more calm past. We have to get these younger kids "woke" to the actual realities of their existence and the human condition first. Otherwise we would just be aiding in the creation of an armed leftist cadre who still hates our guts but now have the means to do something about it.

    How exactly do we get them “woke”?
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    Stop talking, stop typing, stop self-isolation, stop threatening reprisal, stop frothing at the mouth while you bloviate and continue to DO NOTHING!! Get off your rear and take advantage of what our system of government was specifically designed. Develop a better platform, garner support, run for office and change the system from within.

    The cyber age really arms the populace...with the undeterred opportrunity to yap yap yap with ZERO impact other than firing up other useless turds.

    If you don’t like it...get off your butt and do something about it...utilizing our glorious system as intended.
    Stop talking, stop typing, stop self-isolation, stop threatening reprisal, stop frothing at the mouth while you bloviate and continue to DO NOTHING!! Get off your rear and take advantage of what our system of government was specifically designed. Develop a better platform, garner support, run for office and change the system from within.

    The cyber age really arms the populace...with the undeterred opportrunity to yap yap yap with ZERO impact other than firing up other useless turds.

    If you don’t like it...get off your butt and do something about it...utilizing our glorious system as intended.

    So, you believe that normal people can run for office and actually get elected? Even if true, many a good men go to DC only to become corrupted in short order. Just saying. I’d like to believe in the system, but based on recent elections, I’d say most have lost faith in a system that clearly seems manipulated. With that said, I don’t think most people have any idea how to run for office. It’s not as if they advertise it on a billboard, at least not to my knowledge I think that is the issue. Yes, I’d take a bunch of regular guys any day. That’s exactly what needs to happen.
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    For most of us owning a gun is part of an ideology, not a fad or just a hobby. That ideology does not change if the guns are taken away, if anything that will make us more determined. The communists know this and that will drive them to round up gun owners after confiscation.
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    Stop talking, stop typing, stop self-isolation, stop threatening reprisal, stop frothing at the mouth while you bloviate and continue to DO NOTHING!! Get off your rear and take advantage of what our system of government was specifically designed. Develop a better platform, garner support, run for office and change the system from within.

    The cyber age really arms the populace...with the undeterred opportrunity to yap yap yap with ZERO impact other than firing up other useless turds.

    If you don’t like it...get off your butt and do something about it...utilizing our glorious system as intended.
    A real hero in our midst, it’s a beautiful thing. Perfect.
    How exactly do we get them “woke”?

    Easy enough. Real life, and all of the troubles that come with it, man made or natural, hits and they hit hard. Some of these folks may be completely caught off guard and overwhelmed when that happens. When it does and we happen to witness it, we just help them get back up and offer some encouraging words and advice. The smart ones will catch on and learn. After all, "burning hot stove", and all that...
    Stop talking, stop typing, stop self-isolation, stop threatening reprisal, stop frothing at the mouth while you bloviate and continue to DO NOTHING!! Get off your rear and take advantage of what our system of government was specifically designed. Develop a better platform, garner support, run for office and change the system from within.

    The cyber age really arms the populace...with the undeterred opportrunity to yap yap yap with ZERO impact other than firing up other useless turds.

    If you don’t like it...get off your butt and do something about it...utilizing our glorious system as intended.

    Not to mention what political office are we talking about here? Let’s say one of us ran for the House of Rep and actually won. We have 434 other people we have to change, in other words, just because one person gets in office doesn’t mean anything changes. We’d need mass replacements and the old guard has it set up so that they ain’t going anywhere with the coffers of money they have to spend to defeat anyone running against them.