Things are going to start moving a lot faster


Just Cruising
Full Member
  • Sep 26, 2013
    I thought only the majority could issue subpoenas.

    660 didn't give them the right, but there is a rule in place that the minority always gets one day for witnesses, and schiff-for-brains forgot to make an exception in 660, so Nunes has every right to call witnesses for at least one day of testimony.
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    I'd love to be excited about this but won't hold my breath. The Republicans have been sitting on all these damning reports for months/years while the Democrats win the media war. Any time now, Republicans, any time now....

    i have no illusions that republicans were not also guilty of this crap as well.
    do you know why a record number of GOP in congress decided to retire after trump got elected?
    i think i know.
    660 didn't give them the right, but there is a rule in place that the minority always gets one day for witnesses, and schiff-for-brains forgot to make an exception in 660, so Nunes has every right to call witnesses for at least one day of testimony.

    Well now.

    This would make things more interesting.
    The current agenda is to continue to drive division. Leadership on all sides are are serving this purpose well.

    Where is the "coup de gras" from either side, hmmm??

    Expect more tit for tat as this current heading can be drawn out for as long as needed until the hatred is nice and ripe. Then pull the plug on the economy. The economy is still functioning in LaLa land for a reason.

    Expect chaos.

    It's where the ship is headed.

    Edit for PS: They ALL just re-upped the "Patriot Act" in unison.
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    All of these jack offs have so much dirt on each other no one is going to squeal, everyone will be covered up by calling in one of their favors for doing someone else a favor. Not one person will ever serve time....we might be lucky to read some verbal tongue lashings.

    Repubs don't have the stomach for this by any stretch.....especially when their own secrets are at risk of being exposed. Dana Perino put it just right a couple of days ago on Horowitz report....get ready for disappointment.
    Republicans might do something in the same time frame as the IG and FISA report took, which so far is still never ending! I think are probably about 6-10 true constitutional patriots in Washington, the rest are too corrupt to do anything to one another and it’s even less likely that anything will happen when they are a Democrat and if it does happen only about 10% will hear of it cause the media refuse to report ANY truth, including Fox!
    Republicans might do something in the same time frame as the IG and FISA report took, which so far is still never ending! I think are probably about 6-10 true constitutional patriots in Washington, the rest are too corrupt to do anything to one another and it’s even less likely that anything will happen when they are a Democrat and if it does happen only about 10% will hear of it cause the media refuse to report ANY truth, including Fox!

    They are all Baird men.

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    I don't want anyone to go to jail for something they didn't do. Here is my problem at this point: the Republicans do not need to see anything else to know crimes were committed with Comey. So, getting conservatives all ginned up with tasty new tweets is a classic Red Herring fallacy to take our eyes off the ball that they are already letting guilty people walk. We don't need anything else to put this ass hole in jail and they are delaying the inevitable price they will pay at the polls when many short sighted people on our side of the fence say 'screw it the 2 tiered system is fixed'. When no one pays for these crimes it's going to backfire on the Republicans next November.

    Hope I'm shocked as hell when it all comes to light. The 2020 election should be a freaking LAY UP, but Republicans like they also do will find creative new ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory....or at least make it way closer than it needs to be.
    It seems that the democrat party has become the party of anti-Americanism and Communism.

    They don’t stand for anything besides hating the US.

    They are bent on destruction.

    They are like rabid dogs.

    They will gladly ruin the economy and welcome foreign invaders.

    Their leaders belong in prison.
    • Like
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    It seems that the democrat party has become the party of anti-Americanism and Communism.

    They don’t stand for anything besides hating the US.

    They are bent on destruction.

    They are like rabid dogs.

    They will gladly ruin the economy and welcome foreign invaders.

    Their leaders belong in prison.

    voting for democrats is also a vote for

    killing babies, even after they are born, and well after they would survive outside the mother.
    open borders
    criminal aliens raping young girls and boys
    criminal aliens assaulting and killing innocent people
    illegal drugs flowing into the country and killing americans
    financing violent cartels
    human trafficking
    sex trafficking, including young girls and children
    higher taxes
    factories closing
    more jobless and increased poverty
    continued failure of public education for poor kids
    increased homelessness, and the suffering and disease that comes with it.
    mass immigration and the replacement of our american culture and diversity
    more useless wars

    but if you're a fake transexual that wants to rape girls in the bathroom, by all means go ahead and vote for democrats.
    It seems that the democrat party has become the party of anti-Americanism and Communism.

    They don’t stand for anything besides hating the US.

    They are bent on destruction.

    They are like rabid dogs.

    They will gladly ruin the economy and welcome foreign invaders.

    Their leaders belong in prison.
    In prison? You are too kind.