Personally, I think that anyone who does those (except for actual pain control) is a moron. Where I see the problem is in what we call over reach. As long as I (or anyone)
1-Is self supporting
2-Takes care of their family
3-Doesnt rob to get their dope
4-Pays their taxes, etc.
Should, by the Declaration or Independence, be free to ursue Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, should be able to do pretty much what ever they want. If you fuck up, and dont do those things above, then you reap the consequences of law.
I've been in serious pain since I was about 5. The one thing that helps is the dilaudid I used to get by prescription. Now I cant even get that so I dont sleep worth a fuck. So basically, a bunch of fucktard morons in DC have taken away my right not to hurt. My neck and shoulder are aching like fire right now.
Well, FUCK THEM. If I could find the stuff on the black market I'd buy it. Why? Not because I want to get fucked up, but because it is, or should b, my God given and Constitutionally protected right to pursue happiness, and if that means not hurting, so be it. Unfortunately, I have no black market contacts, and am too frightened of prison to try to find them
Sic Semper Tyrannis