This reporting is crazy

Dead Eye Dick

Command Spec 4 (formally known as Wiillk)
Full Member
May 18, 2020
North Louisiana
Watching national news, on the networks….

All they talk about is the Blazing blazing, blistering HEAT. I checked the national weather. Some cities are actually having temperatures in the low 90’s but many are below 90 and some in the 70’s.

Its in the south, its in the north, its in the west…..It’s fucking summer. And frankly, it’s just not That Warm. (According to the National Weather Service which obviously has not gotten the memo ordering to report that we’re suffering global warming, democracy destroying heat)

Sounds way too much like climate propaganda. Listening to the news caster (Opinion caster??) say it, temps more than a 110 are being experienced in every city south of Fairbanks, Alaska and if we (implied) don’t start eating bugs and all of us only drive electric cars and everyone turn off their air condition, each and every one of us will be dead by 10:00 PM this evening. (That would be 10:00 PM, June 20, 2024).

Oh a little add on, they are all going absolutly crazy about Louisiana posting the 10 basic rules of justice used around the world, into our classrooms. OMG this is going to destroy our democracy. (Hope it does so we can go back to being a Constitutional Republic).
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No one caught my mistake, which i have since corrected.

Was out today, getting in some shooting. Stout, gusty East wind made hitting the mini silhouette at 200 yards with my Vudoo .22lr tricky. But got it done. Now, the 6GT’s were loving it. Especially the Tiger Rifle. They reveled in it.

It’s not hot, rather pleasant if you ask me. Them boys in New York need to spend some time in North Louisiana and maybe they can cool off from those 135 to 150 degree days they are suffering though in new jerk city.
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Reality takes a back seat to the global 2030 agenda.

This became painfully obvious with covid and now the examples have become even more ridiculous.

The lack of care into what the plebs think could clue one in to how close things are to the next big move.
We used to live in a world in the past 50 years ago where the mantra was "if it bleeds, it leads". That mantra is still alive and well but we now live in the world where 'clicks' on news stories posted online equates to advertising money... so I'll humbly suggest what used to be a one scoop treat of recent media, is now a two scoop treat with all the fixings and upgrade is free of charge.

But to your point- yes it's pretty dang hot and unpleasant. And for me at least, it makes me a bit cranky. But again, it is summer. I actually read a news story in a popular channel that they're now blaming complete disappearances in Greece due to the 'heat wave' as an explanation.

EDIT: found the new article after I mentioned it because it was bothering me...

We used to live in a world in the past 50 years ago where the mantra was "if it bleeds, it leads". That mantra is still alive and well but we now live in the world where 'clicks' on news stories posted online equates to advertising money... so I'll humbly suggest what used to be a one scoop treat of recent media, is now a two scoop treat with all the fixings and upgrade is free of charge.

But to your point- yes it's pretty dang hot and unpleasant. And for me at least, it makes me a bit cranky. But again, it is summer. I actually read a news story in a popular channel that they're now blaming complete disappearances in Greece due to the 'heat wave' as an explanation.

EDIT: found the new article after I mentioned it because it was bothering me...

No wonder the article sounds like bullshit:
Laura Paddison
Laura Paddison is a climate, environment and social inequality journalist. She was previously editor of Guardian Sustainable Business
Climate activists. I think I am becoming a Anti-activists activist

I’ve never met a “Climate Change Denier.”

Everyone I know has experienced a change in climate and doesn’t deny that the climate tomorrow will change from what it was yesterday.

What a bunch of loons.
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Watching national news, on the networks….

All they talk about is the Blazing blazing, blistering HEAT. I checked the national weather. Some cities are actually having temperatures in the low 90’s but many are below 90 and some in the 70’s.

Its in the south, its in the north, its in the west…..It’s fucking summer. And frankly, it’s just not That Warm. (According to the National Weather Service which obviously has not gotten the memo ordering to report that we’re suffering global warming, democracy destroying heat)

Sounds way too much like climate propaganda. Listening to the news caster (Opinion caster??) say it, temps more than a 110 are being experienced in every city south of Fairbanks, Alaska and if we (implied) don’t start eating bugs and all of us only drive electric cars and everyone turn off their air condition, each and every one of us will be dead by 10:00 PM this evening. (That would be 10:00 PM, June 20, 2024).

Oh a little add on, they are all going absolutly crazy about Louisiana posting the 10 basic rules of justice used around the world, into our classrooms. OMG this is going to destroy our democracy. (Hope it does so we can go back to being a Constitutional Republic).

MSM in a nutshell. Their revenue is dependent upon your clicks.

View attachment 8444989

MSM in a nutshell. Their revenue is dependent upon your clicks.

I don't believe I clicked on their clicks. I was watching the local news and WEATHER and inadvertently had not switched the channels when this screaming, tearful snowflake came on telling us we're all gonna die if we don't start eating crickets, immediately sell our cars and start driving electric toys and of course, turn off our air conditioners. Simple as that, read the post.
I noticed a trend last year on my phones weather app. Predicted highs are often much higher than the actual temperature for the day. I see lots of 102 or 105s in out forecasts that tuen out to be 93 or 96.

Also some guys south of us got caught tampering with official rain measuring stations to keep their area in the "extreme drought" category and collect government money for their farms.
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I noticed a trend last year on my phones weather app. Predicted highs are often much higher than the actual temperature for the day. I see lots of 102 or 105s in out forecasts that tuen out to be 93 or 96.

Also some guys south of us got caught tampering with official rain measuring stations to keep their area in the "extreme drought" category and collect government money for their farms.
Yes same here in South TX.

If it is hot for a few weeks “massive heat dome”, if it rains “super hurricanes”.

They have to make it dramatic to keep ppl watching as much as the fucktards on WP, NYT et al…
I noticed a trend last year on my phones weather app. Predicted highs are often much higher than the actual temperature for the day. I see lots of 102 or 105s in out forecasts that tuen out to be 93 or 96.

Also some guys south of us got caught tampering with official rain measuring stations to keep their area in the "extreme drought" category and collect government money for their farms.
Another thing these people are ignoring. When I was a wee lad and people actually listened to radio (for you younger men, its kinda like TV with good sound but the picture no longer working) they would have contests to see who could guess when we were going to have our first 100 degree day. Of course, maybe one in five homes had air conditioning and few cars did. Cars were hot, homes with Attic Fans stayed reasonably cool, regardless of the weather.

As far as the temperature dates. That would be 1957-58. I was in the 4th grade. Seriously remember sitting on the front porch trying to warm up, that darned attic fan really did the job. (and yes it was June and I was ready to hit the bayou.)
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Also, as they have done for the past 15 years or so, "experts" have predicted that we will have a more active and severe hurricane season than before. Including the year where we only had one that came close to landfall.

The dems have a saying for it. Die with the lie.

That is, they will continue the lie no matter how much you rub their faces in it. Why? Because they are still fogging up a mirror and showing a pulse. It's what they, it's all they do. And they will not stop.

If you aren't properly terrified, they will whip out their "heat index" numbers.
Idiot neighbor yesterday,
"Its gon be turple degyts awl week".
"Where TF do you get your weather?"
Then I realized he is listening to the heat index numbers.
"Oh, thats the heat index, those numbers arent..."
"Yeah but dats whut da reel temture is!"
Me: (SMFH)

And the world is full of these retards....and they vote.
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You would think the negro's would be happy with climate change...

Would be more like Gabon and shit.

They loved Gabon.

Just an opinion of course-

I don't think it's been about climate with the 'negros' for at least the past 50 years or so. I also don't think it's an ethnicity (or history thing for that matter) as much as an angle was opened up where the 'government tit' will provide funding to support whatever lifestyle one chooses if they use the "magic phrase" to get it.

Put another way- we've spent decades creating the 'dependence' some might complain about and then in the same breath question why do we see the results/conclusions that are in front of us today. With regards to 'negro problems', I may hold a contrary opinion here but if we're being fair, ever since LBJ's policies were put into place, I struggle to see why the folks that may be upset of the perceived outcome of 50+ years of this being the proverbial 'marching orders' (so only 150 more years to go?) continue to blame the culture that came out of it, argue with the whatever political party enacted it, but still turn a blind eye to the government for perpetuating said policy for all of these decades.

It. Is. By. Design.

Not a flaw- but a feature. Put in place by the folks that coincidently avoid any public blame for doing so.