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This Youtube idiot now calls for Biden to assasinate Trump under the new immunity ruling


Two Star General
Full Member
Jul 20, 2020
This Leftist loon, David Pakman, is now calling for Biden to assassinate DJT under the protection of the SCOTUS to protect America and 'save Democracy.'

This socialist is a transplant from Argentina and I'll let you guess his religion.

Whats disgusting and alarming is he has over 2.2M subscribers, more than CNN.

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Another fag from the liberal fag mold.I bet he did the Hawk Tua with David Hogg.
As pointed out above, he’s actually a nazi fascist hiding under the guise of liberalism.

Not surprising considering where he’s coming from and the large number of nazis that found shelter and flourished there.
I have yet to get an answer out of anyone who claims Biden wants to save the democracy and Trump wants to destroy it as to exactly why they believe that and what they think Trump did to ruin democracy the last time he was in office. Nope, that question is a conversation closer and I never get the chance to remind them that we actually are a constitutional republic, not a democracy, not that they would know or even want to know the difference. If I could ever get to the part where I point out that a democracy is mob rule by the majority and it needs to be destroyed, their heads would explode. Nope, just feed them the talking points of CNN or MSN, that’s all their minds can handle, any truth is preprogrammed to be scrambled.

This guy takes it to another level, can you imagine if a “right wing” person had said all of these things about Biden after the election?? I wish he would say why he thinks Trump is a threat to the security of the nation. Seems to me the world was a much more peaceful place when he was in office.
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