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Gunsmithing Thompson Center Compass 6.5 Creedmoor torque recommendations


Full Member
May 6, 2012
Sanford. FL
Hey guys

Looking for some advice from any gunsmith out there. Barrel action screws and the scope mounts. There are some type of what looks like aluminum spacers in the plastic stock. The scope mounts have two screws per mount.

Nothing in the manual. I also called and they would not give me any numbers.

Hope the photos are clear.



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While I'm no gunsmith, I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. Anyhow, I'd say that scope mounts would be good at about 20 in/lb, and action screws at about 45 in/lb.

On the action screws, it may take some trial and error to get them torqued such that the rifle shoots its best. Start at 45 in/lb or so, see how it shoots, and tweak it if you feel it needs it.
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