OK, don't rape me over this one but I'm out of my league when it comes to this and now that I'm in a CLASS 3 friendly state and I'm getting things together I'm looking for some knowledge.
Please go over with me what I think I know and correct me were I'm wrong.
using the size 1/2 x 28 for these next statements
A) the 1st number, 1/2, represents the MAJOR diameter of the threads. Meaning the absolute top of the threads measured exactly 180 degres from each other ( top and bottom for lack of a better term) in this case the measurment from the top to bottom is .500" or 1/2
B) the second number, 28, represents the actual thread COUNT and not the pitch as commonly said. in this example we would have 28 threads along a 1" run. Obviosly we are talking barrels so 28 threads per inch of barrel.
C) Based on the numbers given the actual thread pitch for a barrel threaded 1/2 x 28 is .0357
D) what thread form is used when threading firearm barrels?
E) The HAND of the thread would be the direction a bolt ( in our cases a flash hider or can) would have to be turned in order to TIGHTEN. generaly speaking this is a RH. Why are there some that use left? Simply to be diffrent? I understand that in some cases you need to use a LH twist because there are rotaional forces acting that would loosen the connection through use, but in suppresor use there are no rotational forces be used, simply linear that could cause the can to loosen, so why not be standardized? damn HK Mark 23
F) Minor diameter would be the actual diameter of the shaft left under the threads?
G) Pitch diameter, do we even need to care?
H) The number of starts, can I assume for what is being talked about here the answer is 1?
I have more questions but I guess we can start here.
as always TIA
Please go over with me what I think I know and correct me were I'm wrong.
using the size 1/2 x 28 for these next statements
A) the 1st number, 1/2, represents the MAJOR diameter of the threads. Meaning the absolute top of the threads measured exactly 180 degres from each other ( top and bottom for lack of a better term) in this case the measurment from the top to bottom is .500" or 1/2
B) the second number, 28, represents the actual thread COUNT and not the pitch as commonly said. in this example we would have 28 threads along a 1" run. Obviosly we are talking barrels so 28 threads per inch of barrel.
C) Based on the numbers given the actual thread pitch for a barrel threaded 1/2 x 28 is .0357
D) what thread form is used when threading firearm barrels?
E) The HAND of the thread would be the direction a bolt ( in our cases a flash hider or can) would have to be turned in order to TIGHTEN. generaly speaking this is a RH. Why are there some that use left? Simply to be diffrent? I understand that in some cases you need to use a LH twist because there are rotaional forces acting that would loosen the connection through use, but in suppresor use there are no rotational forces be used, simply linear that could cause the can to loosen, so why not be standardized? damn HK Mark 23
F) Minor diameter would be the actual diameter of the shaft left under the threads?
G) Pitch diameter, do we even need to care?
H) The number of starts, can I assume for what is being talked about here the answer is 1?
I have more questions but I guess we can start here.
as always TIA