TigIR 6Z+ **12** inbound

This is a pretty good video and explanation of the TigIR 6Z+ albeit my German is a bit rusty :LOL: , thank the Lord for the English subtitles.

All that being said, the unit possesses some really nice features that currently are unobtainium elsewhere.

Excited that you guys are getting some of these in. That speaks pretty high volume for the TigIR 6Z+

sky man whats the recoil rating.

@afv338 Sorry for the late reply my friend.

These are in operation with Zeh Germenz on 5.56 and 7.62 rifles. They have a TigIR sitting on a machine gun that's collected 30k rounds thus far, and everything remains in good standing. They tell me they have been tested against the SCAR 17s which wasn't a problem.
So "officially" they answered .223 ... but when we pressed and pointed to images we've seen of them firing larger calibers it was "oh yeah" ... per what Preston says above. And this is not unusual. Like officially Trijicon Electro Optic thermals have been "308" but when I've called and talked to them they've said they shot it on bigger calibers, just not enough to change the official rating.
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My 6M came with all 4 different mount height risers for the ERA-TAC, so I’m sure the 6Z+ unit will have the same options.

6Z+ is identical to the 6M, just without the cheesy “reticles” that earn the 6M (“Military”) badge. Reticles are generally useless on the unit and I don’t use them.

The TigIR (*not* to be confused with the TiLO) is the penultimate thermal clip-on and is in the same league as the UTM-Xii, but also has some very cool features the UTM lacks.
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My 6M came with all 4 different mount height risers for the ERA-TAC, so I’m sure the 6Z+ unit will have the same options.

6Z+ is identical to the 6M, just without the cheesy “reticles” that earn the 6M (“Military”) badge. Reticles are generally useless on the unit and I don’t use them.

The TigIR (*not* to be confused with the TiLO) is the penultimate thermal clip-on and is in the same league as the UTM-Xii, but also has some very cool features the UTM lacks.

The feature that catches my eye the most is the NUC on objective lens flap closing, and the digital zoom for PID (I would still shoot at 1x native mag on the clip-on). Personally, I love that it mounts to the objective of a 50mm optic - perfect for PCP guns that don't have forward pic rails.

Review is slated for one of the first couple units we receive.
@afv338 Sorry for the late reply my friend.

They have a TigIR sitting on a machine gun that's collected 30k rounds thus far, and everything remains in good standing.
You didnt happen to get their ammo suppliers number did you. That would be real handy to have in the current state of affairs we find ourselves in.
1 being allocated to @wigwamitus ’s lab testing.
If any one can run it through its paces and give a spot on evaluation, it is Wig.

I believe that particular unit is going to be a very stellar performer and excellent value for the money.

Many features on that unit (rechargeable 16650's sealed up in the battery compartment) being one of the huge leaps forward compared to other offerings.
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Many advantages to the Tig clip-on over most others.

As has been mentioned, being able to use rechargeable 16650’s that last a stated 9 hours is huge! NO more external cables and battery packs dangling from your gun!!!

The front flip-cap to turn on instantly is spectacular. It can also be used with a quick 0.5 second flip-down/up for the fastest manual NUC of any LWIR thermal I’ve ever used. But you don’t need it because...

The internal shutter / Auto-NUC is the absolute BEST auto-NUC in the history of Auto-NUCing! It takes about 0.25-0.5 seconds and is completely SILENT! You basically don’t even notice it! It’s an amazing feat of engineering.

The digital zoom is actually better than using optical zoom on a UTC-Xii. The display is higher resolution than the UTC as well. A 10x scope on 2x digital zoom is MUCH better on the Tigger than a 20x optical scope on the UTC. A small, light 1-6x, 1-8x, or 1-10x LPVO is all you need!

The dominant negative is most users will need to collimate their rifle/scope combos (at each digital magnification setting) because the Tigger lacks a Risley Prism. But fear not! You can store six different guns internally and recall them at-will.
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Many advantages to the Tig clip-on over most others.

As has been mentioned, being able to use rechargeable 16650’s that last a stated 9 hours is huge! NO more external cables and battery packs dangling from your gun!!!

The front flip-cap to turn on instantly is spectacular. It can also be used with a quick 0.5 second flip-down/up for the fastest manual NUC of any LWIR thermal I’ve ever used. But you don’t need it because...

The internal shutter / Auto-NUC is the absolute BEST auto-NUC in the history of Auto-NUCing! It take about 0.25-0.5 seconds and is completely SILENT! You basically don’t even notice it! It’s an amazing feat of engineering.

The digital zoom is actually better than using optical zoom on a UTC-Xii. The display is higher resolution than the UTC as well. A 10x scope on 2x digital zoom is MUCH better on the Tigger than a 20x optical scope on the UTC. A small, light 1-6x, 1-8x, or 1-10x LPVO is all you need!

The dominant negative is most users will need to collimate their rifle/scope combos (at each digital magnification setting) because the Tigger lacks a Risley Prism. But fear not! You can store six different guns internally and recall them at-will.
That is some pretty good German engineering there. But hey, they have been very good for many years.
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The “collimation” procedure sucks, but it’s not root canal. It’s a PITA, for sure, but I find the best way is to use a complex reticle, like a T3 or other Christmas tree, pop off a shot, use the thermal impact hole, “measure” the gross X/Y shift, move the screen to approximate the shift, then finish walking it in with another 5-6 rounds. The sucky part is, if you intend to use the digital zoom feature — which I highly recommend — you’ll need to do it for each zoom factor — 1x, 2x, 4x 6x.

Rinse and repeat for each rifle.

It took me >1 hour and ~50-60 rounds to get my first rifle dialed-in (a KAC SR-30 9.5” 300BLK).

I think I can improve on that now that I’ve done it once. I didn’t have to collimate 1x on my LMT AR or on the SCAR-20, but both have monolithic rails, so that could be why.
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The “collimation” procedure sucks, but it’s not root canal. It’s a PITA, for sure, but I find the best way is to use a complex reticle, like a T3 or other Christmas tree, pop off a shot, use the thermal impact hole, “measure” the gross X/Y shift, move the screen to approximate the shift, then finish walking it in with another 5-6 rounds. They sucky part is, if you intend to use the digital zoom feature — which I highly recommend — you’ll need to do it for each zoom factor — 1x, 2x, 4x 6x.

Rinse and repeat for each rifle.

It took me >1 hour and ~50-60 rounds to get my first rifle dialed-in (a KAC SR-30 9.5” 300BLK).

I think I can improve on that now that I’ve done it once. I didn’t have to collimate 1x on my LMT AR or on the SCAR-20, but both have monolithic rails, so that could be why.
So could not you just use the TigIR reticles and sight them in to be on just like a stand alone thermal and then just shift your margins until the TigIR reticles overlaid your day optic.

Then turn off TigIR reticles and do any final margin tweaking as necessary.
So could not you just use the TigIR reticles and sight them in to be on just like a stand alone thermal and then just shift your margins until the TigIR reticles overlaid your day optic.

Then turn off TigIR reticles and do any final margin tweaking as necessary.

Two things:

1) Unfortunately (and STOOPIDLY) the reticle DISAPPEARS in the Collimation menu, so you can't use it.

2) That wouldn't work for the 6Z+ (which is what everyone else is getting) because there are no reticles.
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Two things:

1) Unfortunately (and STOOPIDLY) the reticle DISAPPEARS in the Collimation menu, so you can't use it.

2) That wouldn't work for the 6Z+ (which is what everyone else is getting) because there are no reticles.
Gotcha. I have done that before with Armasight style thermals.

Also, if you have a dialed in Vis Point on an MFAL you can put the Vis Point on a known point and adjust the thermals crosshairs to be on the same point, then overlay the thermal cross hairs on your day reticle by shifting the margins, then cut off thermal cross hairs and tweak the margins if necessary for perfect alignment with your day reticle.

Saves a lot of ammo going this route. :LOL:
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I hope to have the time to do a little follow-up in the main forum with my Tig thoughts/feelings/experiences.

It has some GREAT features, and is really a contender. That said, if you set both a Tig and a UTC-Xii in front of me (completely ignoring the price difference), I'd still pick the UTC -- even though some of the Tig features are REALLY compelling that the UTC lacks entirely.

However, given that you can literally have TWO Tigs for the price of ONE UTC, it's a no-brainer. For the money, the Tig is a slam-dunk and is the absolute-best thermal clip-on available for $10K. It is true "Military Grade." If the UTC didn't exist, there would be no argument as to what is the best thermal clip-on (consumer) money can buy.
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So once you get everything set up and dialed in between a manual collimation Thermal Clip On and your day optic, if you also have a dialed in Vis Point, it is easy to do some quick verification on RTZ when you remount your Thermal Clip On buy checking that the Vis Point and day optic thermal image still all align correctly.

Not exact science but good enough for 100 to 200 yard hog killen. :LOL:
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