Tikka CTR or Lite with Chassis


Dec 20, 2017
Atlanta, GA
I was one click away from purchasing my first Tikka in a CTR 6.5CM, when I stopped and wanted to take a poll of the forum, as they are much more knowledgeable than me on the subject. Basically, if you purchase a Tikka Lite 6.5CM and immediately drop it into a chassis, is that better than buying a CTR that you in all likelyhood will throw into a chassis or stock in a year anyway. As I see it, the CTR is $300-$400 more expensive than the Lite, which gets you.

1) Medium contour barrel that is threaded 2) CTR magazines 3) 0 mil rail 4) cheek riser on stock 5) teflon coated bolt.

Taking those individually:

1) I never plan on running a silencer and with a 6.5CM I doubt that I'll need a brake. The heavier barrel is definitely one of the biggest pluses, but if I'm not firing with even remotely competition speed and its mostly single shots and a few doubles, does it really matter? Additionally the Lite's barrel is 4.3" longer than the CTR's so, it would have some higher MV, though be a little more unweildy than the 20"

2) CTR magazines apparently are incredible, however unless you upgrade the CTR to a McMillan or Manners, its seems like most other stocks/chassis won't accept the CTR mags and bottom metal, forcing you to change to AICS mags or similar anyway. So that is essentially a moot point for most people

3) Most people talk about removing the rail anyway (and all the issues that comes with trying to take it off, especially for the blued barrel). With the lite you could start from scratch and add a 20 mil rail without any issues removing the previous.

4) If you are upgrading the stock,the standard stock attributes don't matter

5) I have no idea how much this makes a difference. I would think its a lot smoother and nicer to have the teflon coated, but I don't know how important that really is.

That $300-$400 would go a long way towards a chassis like the MPA BA Lite, XLR Envy, or KRG X Ray. Since most people complain about the CTR stock and upgrade it anyway, it seems like an inevitability.

Given that I am going to be using this rifle exclusively hunting and long range target shooting, and have zero desire to do matches/competition/etc - is that lack of a medium barrel really needed? I'll likely be shooting singles outside of zeroing. Experienced rifle shooter, just new to the long range bolt gun game and I really respect and value the opinions of those with a lot more experience. Thank you in advance.

I'm not a fan of chassis stocks, so I can't relate to you 100%. But I do have a Tikka CTR 6.5 CM. IMHO, you would be crazy not to get the heavier profile barrel. It's more accurate and can last more shots before losing accuracy to heat. The lite barrel is going to last 3-4 shots, and you'll be stopping to wait for it to cool. Not fun. The CTR barrel is good for 8-10 shots.

The rail saves you $50, and the threading saves you $50 if you put a brake on it. I ended up putting a brake on mine because it was just too jumpy for me to see misses at long range. The Lite will certainly be difficult to see misses at distance without a brake.

You can sell the CTR bottom metal and mag for around $100-$150 as well, so you can recoup some of the increased cost that way if you upgrade stocks and move to AICS mags.
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one thing to point out as well is that you can sell the stock, DBM and magazine that is included with the CTR to gain some of that money back i would think anywhere from $150-200.

i have a CTR and love the magazines but like you said there are only a handful of stocks that can take the CTR dbm and therefore the CTR magazines (Manners T4/6, McMillan tactical stocks) which is a big bummer.

the lite barrel will heat up real quick, the CTR medium control will to a lesser value. if you were going to re-barrel and throw it in a stock/chassis id say lite all the way, but i think the CTR medium control will be better for what you want to do and the lost MV i don't think makes a lick of difference unless you are trying to shoot at ELR ranges.

Why are you going to be so quick about throwing it in a chassis? i have the same plan as you, make a rifle i can run in PRS and hunt with. BUT depending on the hunting you are doing (i live in CO so its steep and rugged to rifle/bow hunt in and i backpack) a chassis may be a bit heavy. the lightest one i think i have seen is the new KRG Bravo and the MPA Lite, if i remember correctly they are around 2.9lbs. if you are going to be hunting from a stand or blind this may not make a difference. also the Factory CTR stock may do just fine for hat you want to do, depending on my rifle weight i may throw mine back in the factory stock for hunting.

i am no expert by any means so take what i say with a grain of salt.
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Interested in buying a new xlr evolution chassis for a Tikka? Just the chassis. It's brand new and has been cerakoted.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Interested in buying a new xlr evolution chassis for a Tikka? Just the chassis. It's brand new and has been cerakoted.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

You can sell the CTR bottom metal and mag for around $100-$150 as well, so you can recoup some of the increased cost that way if you upgrade stocks and move to AICS mags.

Thanks for the reminder about this! Just moved my CTR to a KRG X-Ray chassis and need to get pics so I can list my stock & bottom metal. I'll be keeping the mag for now since I have another CTR that is staying in factory stock as a deer hunting rifle.
Thanks for everyone who has contributed so far. For the record, I am not sold on a chassis vs an upgraded stock like a McMillan, Manners, or even the KRG Bravo (though only the McMillan and Manners at this point would let me use the CTR mags). I just have read far too many posts about people not liking the current stock for me to think it’s staying on there for too long. If i know one thing from my experience with my cars, it’s that aftermarket upgrades is a fun hobby. While I am more doing blinds/stalking for hunting, it’s never too far as it’s primarily in a West Texas ranch. Weight is still a concern as you never know what the future brings but at least all the stocks/chassis that I identified are at or under 3 lbs. Not sure exactly what the existing stock weighs but it has to be at least in that ballpark.

I don’t care about the extra MV, was just pointing that out. I do think the medium barrel is definitely better, I guess the point of it was if you are doing those 1-2 shots instead of competition style shooting does it really matter, and is that alone worth $300-400 that could go toward the chassis/stock? As it’s for hunting I think 20” is probably the better size for me.

I will say I had no idea that the DBM and mags could be sold for $150. That does help bridge the gap and make it more competitive.

thanks again in advance
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Thanks for everyone who has contributed so far. For the record, I am not sold on a chassis vs an upgraded stock like a McMillan, Manners, or even the KRG Bravo (though only the McMillan and Manners at this point would let me use the CTR mags). I just have read far too many posts about people not liking the current stock for me to think it’s staying on there for too long. If i know one thing from my experience with my cars, it’s that aftermarket upgrades is a fun hobby. While I am more doing blinds/stalking for hunting, it’s never too far as it’s primarily in a West Texas ranch. Weight is still a concern as you never know what the future brings but at least all the stocks/chassis that I identified are at or under 3 lbs. Not sure exactly what the existing stock weighs but it has to be at least in that ballpark.

I don’t care about the extra MV, was just pointing that out. I do think the medium barrel is definitely better, I guess the point of it was if you are doing those 1-2 shots instead of competition style shooting does it really matter, and is that alone worth $300-400 that could go toward the chassis/stock? As it’s for hunting I think 20” is probably the better size for me.

I will say I had no idea that the DBM and mags could be sold for $150. That does help bridge the gap and make it more competitive.

thanks again in advance

I bought my CTR as a T3 in 260 as the T3x wasn't out yet and 6.5 Creedmoor was not available yet. I shot some PRS matches and hunted with it in the factory stock for 2 years. It worked great with a Triad stock pack. I picked up 2 T3x CTR mags used for $60 and $70 here on the Hide. They are $75 or so on Euro Optics new.

Look at the German Gun Stock offerings, they have aluminum mini-chassis in them. I went with the Predator and am considering one for my T3 varmint. Also, Konohawk makes a stock that uses the factory mags and Grayboe is talking about a Tikka stock in the future.

If I were going to buy a new Tikka, it would be the T3x 24" 6.5 Creedmoor. You can get different grips and forends for the factory stock.
I put a T3X 24" 6.5 in one of the new B&C stocks and it fit like a glove.
I know it's not a Manners Or McMillan but for the price it's hard to beat.
question for those who've BTDT - what's the benefit of buying a CTR and then putting it in a chassis, rather than just buying TAC A1?..

The TAC A1 Chassis is well made, but very, very heavy (like unnecessarily heavy for a mild caliber like 6.5 CM). The folding stock mechanism is really solid and locks in both open and closed position. If you want a lighter rifle or AICS mags, then get the CTR and your chassis/stock of choice.
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The TAC A1 Chassis is well made, but very, very heavy (like unnecessarily heavy for a mild caliber like 6.5 CM). The folding stock mechanism is really solid and locks in both open and closed position. If you want a lighter rifle or AICS mags, then get the CTR and your chassis/stock of choice.

thanks, that's just the info I was looking for.

the way I was looking at it was the difference in price is basically a wash for the stock but you get an extra mag and 2-stage trigger with the TAC? am I right?..

is the CTR stock that awful?
thanks, that's just the info I was looking for.

the way I was looking at it was the difference in price is basically a wash for the stock but you get an extra mag and 2-stage trigger with the TAC? am I right?..

is the CTR stock that awful?

Probably cheaper depending on what chassis you go with (i.e., the KRG Bravo) and whether you already have AICS mags.
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