Tikka T1x mag release spring

I have one in a KRG and need a replacement. I didn’t see one listed on KRG’s site or Anarchy Outdoors.

Anyone know where to get a couple?

Not seen that listed separately only as an assembly at a ridiculous price:

You can try contacting Beretta USA but good luck with that https://www.beretta.com/en-us/service

Your best bet would be measuring one and seeing what Wolff, Brownells or McMaster-Carr has that can be adapted.
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Not seen that listed separately only as an assembly at a ridiculous price:

You can try contacting Beretta USA but good luck with that https://www.beretta.com/en-us/service

Your best bet would be measuring one and seeing what Wolff, Brownells or McMaster-Carr has that can be adapted.
Unfortunately, it bent into an “L” so I had to clip it.

If anyone knows the length I would really appreciate it.


Spring TypeCompression
System of MeasurementInch
Wire Diameter0.021"
Compressed Length @ Maximum Load0.223"
Maximum Load3.2 lbs.
Spring Rate21 lbs./in.
MaterialZinc-Plated Music-Wire Steel
End TypeClosed

These springs worked great. Here are the spec. in case McMaster changes the P/N.

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