At your next range trip try an get a little F/C involved, using just a 22lr
(1) Learn the art of shot spotting by watching the other shooters targets when they shoot, then study them as they shoot to get a grip on why the target looks like it does.
(2) If all you have is a 100yd range shoot a cold bore then do a 10 minute box test using the knobs. One rd at each between knob turn with the 5 rd back into your zero setting. Do this three times an you should have a X pattern with 3 shoots each POI. Now do the same drill but with the ret only. After you have done both a few times start timing yourself.
(3) With many shooters on the line, try to ID which shooter is leaving what tracks an start relating the stride length to their height weight an/or if they are wearing/carrying anything when looking at the targets. See what you learn very quickly if you pay attention.
(4) Go shooting in the worst weather your A/O has to offer, an keep the targets with the recorded WX info on them.
(5) If/Once you think you have a perfect zero, draw a horizontal line only on your target the same withe as your rets subtention on the power you zero at. Fire 5 shots along that line it matters little were. Then do the same with nothing but a vertical line. Now is your zero really your zero?
(6) Take 5 sheets of blank paper an shoot one shot at each into what you perceive as the center, then over lay the papers an check the group size.
(7) Take 5 more sheets of blank paper an shoot one shot eack into the upper right/left corners then over lay those papers to see group size.
If you do the above more than a few times you will learn things about yourself, your shooting ability, as well as applying different logic to solve a problem/issue.
After you think you have become proficient at the above step up, to a center fire, an start learning more about yourself an your gear. A 22 lr will teach you many things that you can expound on down the line.
(1) Learn the art of shot spotting by watching the other shooters targets when they shoot, then study them as they shoot to get a grip on why the target looks like it does.
(2) If all you have is a 100yd range shoot a cold bore then do a 10 minute box test using the knobs. One rd at each between knob turn with the 5 rd back into your zero setting. Do this three times an you should have a X pattern with 3 shoots each POI. Now do the same drill but with the ret only. After you have done both a few times start timing yourself.
(3) With many shooters on the line, try to ID which shooter is leaving what tracks an start relating the stride length to their height weight an/or if they are wearing/carrying anything when looking at the targets. See what you learn very quickly if you pay attention.
(4) Go shooting in the worst weather your A/O has to offer, an keep the targets with the recorded WX info on them.
(5) If/Once you think you have a perfect zero, draw a horizontal line only on your target the same withe as your rets subtention on the power you zero at. Fire 5 shots along that line it matters little were. Then do the same with nothing but a vertical line. Now is your zero really your zero?
(6) Take 5 sheets of blank paper an shoot one shot at each into what you perceive as the center, then over lay the papers an check the group size.
(7) Take 5 more sheets of blank paper an shoot one shot eack into the upper right/left corners then over lay those papers to see group size.
If you do the above more than a few times you will learn things about yourself, your shooting ability, as well as applying different logic to solve a problem/issue.
After you think you have become proficient at the above step up, to a center fire, an start learning more about yourself an your gear. A 22 lr will teach you many things that you can expound on down the line.