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Range Report TMOA zero question

If Zerod at 100 yards 1.047 low and ran with it like it was nuts on at 100 yards and dialed my dope at 1000 yards would i be 1.047" low or does it mutiply at 1000 and become 10.47 " low same at 500 is it 1.047 or 5.23" low?

Re: TMOA zero question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rafael</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This get's alot easier when you stop thinking in inches and start thinking in angles, MOA or Mil.
1MOA at 100 is still 1MOA at 500, or 1000. </div></div>
Understand that,But what i am asking is if i zero my scope at 100 yards and then dial 1MOA low then zero the knob then dial to yardage like it has a true 100 yard zero am i 1MOA off at all ranges and still mutiply X yardage for the untrue zero.

I used the above as an example to explain what i want to know..

Re: TMOA zero question

Didn't mean any slight towards you, ASM1.
Mitch answered your question, for sure.

1MOA low at 100 translates to 1MOA low at any distance, with your normal range correction dialed-on.
As he said, this would translate to 10.47" low at 1000, or take the 1.047" and multiply it by the (range to target/100) for other yardages.
Re: TMOA zero question

Nun taken Raf,just makin sure you new what page i was on.

I have a verticle shift of 1moa at 100 yards from 30 to 85 degrees and its messin with my atrage as it has no place to store such a change and I know whats going down now ,dont know what to do about it exept record and subtract it at temps.
Re: TMOA zero question

Glad to hear that.

Given your situation, your method of dealing with it seems wise to this semi-novice.

So, ATRAG doesn't store the conditions for your zero?
NO need to bother answering, just thinking.
Re: TMOA zero question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rafael</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Glad to hear that.

Given your situation, your method of dealing with it seems wise to this semi-novice.

So, ATRAG doesn't store the conditions for your zero?
NO need to bother answering, just thinking.

My typeing and spelling are grade school level or lower my IQ is High even thow i am a retard

IT does store the range I zero at,But not the shifts that can happen when the temp changes the verticle 100 yard zero.
It does have 7 spots to store difrrent MV at diffrent temps,But it does not help at 100 yards zero,I have tricked the atrag with false velocity to fix the problem that I just found out I have and understand why my recorded MV are funky as i use field data and back track the MOA vs MV no chronys ..I have a true tracking scope at the moment anyway...

Re: TMOA zero question

Thanks for the info on the issue, wish I could be of more help but I don't run ATRAG.
Still, it seems to me that a change based on temp will probably not result in a POI change that remains the same across different yardages. If it's dropping that much at 100 it may be alot more than 1MOA farther out....unless its a rifle issue that is changing POI.
Re: TMOA zero question

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> have a verticle shift of 1moa at 100 yards from 30 to 85 degrees and its messin with my atrage as it has no place to store such a change and I know whats going down now ,dont know what to do about it exept record and subtract it at temps.</div></div>

I have never seen a shift that big of 100 yard zeros as a result of the temperature change. If you were shooting a 175 SMK at 2600 fps at 85 degrees, to get an additional inch of drop at 100 yards, your muzzle velocity would have to drop to 2200 feet per second at 35 degrees.

I suspect that didn't happen, as I've never seen temperature sensitivity that extreme. If I were you, I'd arrange access to a chronograph.

If it did happen, you'd be a lot more than just a minute low at all other ranges.

Re: TMOA zero question

If you are seeing 1" of POI with 55* of temp change your "accuracy load" is sitting dead square in the middle of a vibration node. Either speed it up or slow it down but get away from that velocity. The method to find an OCW load is to look for a load "range" that has the same POI, NOT the most accurate load on a given day.

Cheers, Doc
Re: TMOA zero question

I have two rifles both easy on group's size and both have changed zero at 100 yards here where the conditions I logged and 100y zero.

The first gun is a PSS 7mm RM.
the second gun is a sendero 300wm
both hand loads useing the same lot of RL22
Both do well all the way to 1033 yards.

51 TMP
29.52 BP
44.4 RH

Rechecked at.
36 TMP
29.66 BP
89.7 RH
100 YARD ZERO was 1moa low.7MM RM
100 YARD ZERO was 3/4moa low. 300wm

Rechecked at
56.5 TMP
29.59 BP
42.9 RH
100 yard zero still on.7mm RM
100 yard zero still on 300 WM

There was only 1/2 MOA diffrence at 563 yards with the above low 100 yard zero and colder temps that caused the lower moa 100 yard zero's or vise versa.

I have about the same loged data,But with molly coated bullits I cleaned each gun and shot fowlers and the zero was there on both within a couple of rounds and i didnt ajust anything.I then went back and loged the above data with CB included 100 yard zero's @ groups where on the tight side on both rifles enough to easly see the issue is there with both @ 100 yard zero.

I don't see a full 3/4 MOA or 1MOA at 563 as i do at 100 yards with the 7mm RM OR THE 300WM.
This 100 yard zero has only come about when the season started to change with the colder temps dipping down ..

your zero is off at every distance by 1moa plus any and all other unaccounted for variances like conholius and eotvos. did i mention density altitude or spindrift? hell now that the earth is wobbling us into a polar shift we may all need to recalculate our dope? thanks obama
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